Archive for the 'advertising' Category

25 November, 2016

Posted by Socrates in advertising, Cultural Marxism, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, Madison Avenue, propaganda, race, race-mixing, Socrates, Trump, Trump's policies, Trump-as-a-fascist, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 12:38 pm | Permanent Link

Now that the election is over and Trump has won it, are we going to see less mixed-race couples in pizza and cola ads on the TV? (Those ads usually contain the following: 1 White wife, 1 husband of questionable ethnicity and 2 kids of nearly the same questionable ethnicity). Don’t count on seeing less […]

1 April, 2008

Posted by Stan in 9/11, advertising, Alex Linder, America, AmeriKwa, Big Lie, conformity, dispossession & destruction, eye reprocessing, fake opposition, false flags, false-flag operations, Fox News for Children, fraud, frauds, General Decline, genocide by jew, genocide of White culture, good for jews, health, jew, jew frauds, jew mentality, Jew World Order, jewed culture, jews in America, Jews in government, jews jewing jewily, media, media control, media criticism, medicine, multiculturalism, New World Order, news, politics, tools, traitors, treason, tv, tv analysis, USA PATRIOT Act, Viacom, war, war as a racket, war crimes, War On Israel's Enemies, WTC demolition at 6:20 pm | Permanent Link

WHY AMERICANS WILL BELIEVE ALMOST ANYTHING – by Tim O’Shea It is an exhausting and endless task to keep explaining to people how most issues of conventional wisdom are scientifically implanted in the public consciousness by a thousand media clips per day. In an effort to save time, I would like to provide just a […]

3 October, 2006

Posted by alex in advertising, Alex Linder, Hiph-op at 3:19 pm | Permanent Link

Few television ads today are NOT influenced by the Hiph-Op, a decades-long campaign to turn Whites to mud. More and more ads dispense with Whites and pitch mestizos and ‘groids directly. The following PSP ad from Sony, discussed in Goyfire #41 below, is a perfect example. The ad features a Greaseball talking to a goose […]

3 October, 2006

Posted by alex in advertising, loxism, tv analysis at 1:23 pm | Permanent Link

Question: What does Holiday Inn think will get people to “look again” at its brand? Answer: A bunch of white men acting faggoty. [Campaign’s home, where you can see all eight spots in this June-November ’06 series:]

15 September, 2006

Posted by alex in advertising, White solutions at 6:26 pm | Permanent Link

If nobody has their own sign like this guy, do you own a home or a business near an elevated railway?  What about a sign on the roof in big letters that just says “GOVNN.COM”?  Thousands of commuters will see it every week. —————————- Anti-immigration billboard stirs emotions, debate

7 September, 2006

Posted by alex in advertising, loxism, tv, tv analysis at 6:04 pm | Permanent Link

Niggers are the victims of whites stealing I.D. Yeah. It happens one out of every 500,000 cases or so. FUCK THE LOXIST LIARS AT CITIBANK. Where’s the ad mocking the mexishit who steals the white woman’s ID? Or the online “Russian” jew stealing the white man’s ID? Or the nigger postal worker stealing grandma’s credit […]

21 April, 2006

Posted by alex in advertising, graphics/toons at 10:39 pm | Permanent Link

[No smoking outside, thanks, but feel free to bring your nigger!] A community as diverse as its landscape, Sonoma Country is located less than 30 miles north of San Francisco.

26 March, 2006

Posted by alex in advertising, Alex Linder at 8:04 am | Permanent Link

Leo Burnett, whose agency is responsible for the loxist Washington Mutual campaign described in a post below, is credited with revolutionizing American advertising. We don’t know if he’s a jew but we’re just going to guess that he just might be, as he married a girl named Naomi Geddes. If he’s not, he’s pretty much […]

26 March, 2006

Posted by alex in advertising, loxism at 5:34 am | Permanent Link

To boost its new checking account, Washington Mutual has kicked off a national ad campaign created by Leo Burnett. Showing a clever negro bossing around a pen full of sixtysomething white bankster dinosaurs, the ads set a new standard in loxist obnoxiousness.

20 March, 2006

Posted by alex in advertising, Alex Linder, AmeriKwa, language, Things I Hate at 3:26 pm | Permanent Link

Something I saw made me see red, I think it was ‘Activia.’ When will the Age of Rounding come to an end? It seems that everything these days has a computer-created moniker, which always begins and ends in a comfort vowel. I don’t like it. Just like their names, every car out there refuses to […]