Archive for the 'White campaigns' Category

19 April, 2017

Posted by Socrates in alt-Right, Socrates, White activism, White campaigns, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White thought at 5:40 pm | Permanent Link

Video of his speech at Auburn [Here]. Note Spencer’s speaking style: calm, friendly, easy-going — a style that, in my opinion, should be adopted by WNs. Shouting and arguing won’t win people over to our side. But some may disagree with that opinion…to each his own. The Q & A session [Here]. About Spencer’s speech, […]

28 July, 2013

Posted by Socrates in far-right, far-right politics, Golden Dawn, Greece, nationalism, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, White campaigns, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White solutions at 9:28 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: the Golden Dawn insignia) What’s wrong with Greeks handing out free food to other Greeks?? This incident shows how morally bankrupt Western leaders like Mayor Kaminis are. In fact, you could say that people like Kaminis are the reason why Golden Dawn exists in the first place. [Article]. A Golden Dawn website: [Here].

24 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Israel, jewed culture, jewed finance, July 4th, Socrates, White campaigns, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White thought at 7:19 pm | Permanent Link

Now, who would have thought that White nationalists might mingle with the crowds at these “tea parties” in order to talk to people about things like Jews, Israel, our corrupt money system, etc. Really, who would have thought? [Article].

23 February, 2009

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', jewed culture, race, racism accusations, Socrates, White campaigns, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy at 5:35 pm | Permanent Link

How is “love your race” racist? [Article].

31 October, 2008

Posted by Socrates in free speech, Klan, Socrates, White campaigns, white nationalism at 4:06 pm | Permanent Link

The Klan fliers are legal, but police are investigating anyway: [Article].

3 May, 2008

Posted by Socrates in inventions, politics, Socrates, Western culture, White campaigns, White inventions, White Nationalists, White solutions, White-culture-as-superior at 2:49 pm | Permanent Link

A curious term, “White supremacist.” After all, if Whites aren’t supreme, who is? [Article].

28 January, 2008

Posted by Stan in activism, America, audio, politics, race, VNNB, VNNB-Monday, White campaigns, White leaders, White solutions at 10:19 am | Permanent Link

Please join Stan Sikorski for FTL Monday in support of Arthur Jones who is a White Man’s candidate to represent Illinois’ congressional district 3 in the U.S. Congress. Arthur Jones is an upstanding White Man with views every White Man can understand. Information will be available throughout the broadcast directing listeners on how they can […]

10 October, 2006

Posted by alex in media criticism, White campaigns, White solutions at 3:36 am | Permanent Link
15 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, White campaigns at 11:25 am | Permanent Link

In 2003 Roy Blunt, Rounder’s opponent in Missouri’s 7th Congressional district, divorced his wife of 31 years to marry one Abigail Perlman. Not surprisingly, Blunt, who chairs the House Republican Israel caucus, is a rabid Israel-firster. Here: here: and here: