Archive for the 'Birdman Bryant' Category

8 December, 2010

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', Birdman Bryant, postjudice, race, racial differences, racial fitness, racial preferences, racism accusations, Socrates at 3:51 am | Permanent Link

Here’s something to ponder: why is the judging of the races commonly called “prejudice” (prejudgment/previous judgment)? If anything, it’s “postjudice,” since most people know about Black/Brown behavior before they make their judgment. (Hat tip to the late John ‘Birdman’ Bryant for that idea): [Article].

7 August, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Birdman Bryant, Fred Reed, Israel - the facts, jew appeasers at 7:12 pm | Permanent Link

This week’s Hell’s Lettres: Letter to Fred ReedTo: Fred Reed From: John ‘Birdman’ Bryant ( Date: 31 July 2007   Dear Fred:   In response to your 30 July 2007 column on ‘The Crimes of Jews’ at   I have just one basic thing to say: You are as DISHONEST AS HELL. While I […]

29 August, 2006

Posted by alex in Birdman Bryant,, libertarians at 3:14 pm | Permanent Link

Good stuff, worth a rehash every now and then in underlining our mutual point that the “freedom” lovers are the last people in the world to defend real, actual freedom where it meets the censors – in 2006 that means men speaking the truth to Holocaust powers, and men speaking the truth about race.