Online Book
Posted by Socrates in communism, David Duke, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Marxism, Soviet states, Soviet Union at 11:47 pm | 
“The Secret Behind Communism” by Dr. David Duke [1].
“Despite Solzhenitsyn’s efforts – and those of many others, including Frank Britton (some of his excellent work and research is included in this volume) – the truth about the Jewish supremacist role in the creation, execution and maintenance of world Communism, and the “Russian” Revolution in particular, remains little-known. The reason for this is simple: The Jewish supremacist tribalists who influence major media in the West make sure that almost nothing is said about the fact that Jews, along with organized Jewish support worldwide, not only created Communism, but were the leaders who brought it into such grim reality.”
[1] Duke has a Ph.D. in history from MAUP, the largest university system in Ukraine.