More Insanity: Austria Imposes Covid Restrictions for the Next Two Years
Posted by Socrates in Austria, Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, covid as a psyop, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, domestic terrorism, The Covid Terror as terrorism at 3:35 pm | 
This has zero to do with health. This is all about control and fear.
Newbies, here below is a great lesson for you.
The definition of terrorism includes: “The act of terrorizing, or state of being terrorized; a mode of government by terror or intimidation.” — from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English [Here].
Remember that: “a mode of government by terror or intimidation.”
An old but true saying: “Whatever the leftists accuse you of, they are doing themselves.” Here is a great example: the leftists love to accuse right-wingers of “domestic terrorism” (e.g., Jan. 6, 2021). But this endless Covid-19 crap is most certainly domestic terrorism. Indeed, for the past 2 years, leftists have been terrorizing the Western world with Covid-related baloney: lockdowns, medical isolations, vaccine mandates, supply-chain problems, financial turmoil, etc. — and they aren’t done with the terror yet!
Every top Covidian in the Western world needs to be arrested, charged with domestic terrorism and thrown into prison for at least 20 years. The Covid Terror is domestic terrorism as defined by a dictionary. It couldn’t be more clear. I can read English and so can you: “a mode of government by terror or intimidation.”
Citizen: “But, everyone will have natural immunity within 6 months!”
Austrian official: “What’s your point?”
“Austrian Government Authorizes Dystopian Vaccine Registry and Imposes Covid Restrictions Through January 2024”