Media Myths
Posted by Socrates in William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts, World War II at 5:39 pm | 
by Dr. William Pierce.
(Myth: Hitler declared war on America in December 1941. Fact: that’s only partly true. President Roosevelt declared (de facto) war on Germany 3 months before Hitler declared war on America in response to that. Roosevelt’s insane September 11, 1941 “shoot on sight” order against German ships was a declaration of war, because sooner or later, America was going to “see” a German vessel and shoot at it — Ed.).
“These lies are that the Second World War was a “necessary” war — that
is, that there was no way we could have avoided it — and that it was a
“good” war — that is, a morally justified war. We were forced to fight
Germany in order to protect America. We could not have stayed out of the
war or fought on the other side, because that would have been immoral.
The other side was evil. We fought against evil. By destroying Germany
and Hitler we saved the world, Hollywood tells us. We saved freedom. We
saved the world from slavery and tyranny. Hitler was an evil man, the
most evil man who has ever lived, and with his evil SS troops he
intended to enslave the world and destroy everything beautiful and good.
But we stopped him. We saved America. We saved the world.
That’s Hollywood’s unvarying story, and it’s a lie: an extremely
dangerous and destructive lie. But unfortunately, it is a lie which is
accepted unquestioningly, uncritically, by almost everyone, and not just
by the lemmings.”