Canada: Does Anybody Know What Western Culture Is?
Posted by Socrates in Canada, Cultural Marxism, culture, culture of critique, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 1:25 pm | 
The average Canadian citizen: “Western culture? You mean, John Wayne movies? Cowboys and stuff?”
Imagine: White people dominating White music in the White countries! How shocking! How dare they!
“Even before the global Black Lives Matter protests, a 2018 report written for the non-profit Orchestras Canada by writer and arts consultant Soraya Peerbaye and violinist and ethnomusicologist Parmela Attariwala documents “systemic inequity and coloniality in Canadian orchestras,” ranging from orchestras’ leadership and governance structures to their repertoire and working methods.” Coloniality! OMG! Note: Canada was founded by British and French men. Not Blacks, not Browns, not queers, not Asian midgets, not trannies.