Why Do Black People Exist?
Posted by Socrates in black crime, black culture, black health vs. white health, Black IQ, black thugs matter, blacks, Blacks abusing White technology, Blacks as a failed race, Blacks as child-like, Blacks as worthless, Blacks in America at 7:04 pm | 
Seriously. No fooling. Why? They contribute…uhhh…what to the world? Burglary? Rape? Pimping? Crack cocaine? Street gangs? Decaying cities? “Muh dick” culture? What do they contribute to mankind? As near as I can tell, nothing. As near as I can tell, Black people are a waste of space, a waste of money, a huge burden on humanity. (A friend of mine said: “God doesn’t exist, because if He did, he wouldn’t have made Black people.” Indeed).
Tell ya what: name one great thing Blacks have given the world, and I’ll erase this post.
3 October, 2021 at 8:56 pm
Don’t forget twerking and the Great Society!
As LBJ said I’ll have those joggers voting CPUSA for 200 hundred years.
I actually saw a Rastus at the Pik-N-Pak with a glown1gg3rs shirt on the other day in a WTF moment!
The Kwan is in the process of self-immolation, salvage whatever you can.