A Covid Vaccine Seduction
Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 9:30 pm | 
The scene: midnight, in a secluded area, inside a van. The moon is full, an owl hoots, and all is still outside the van:
CDC: “Come on, honey! There’s nothing to be afraid of! Just relax and hold still! You need this! I’ll be very gentle!”
The public: “Well, but, it just keeps getting bigger and bigger! First, you wanted to jab me once with that…horrible thing. Now, you want to jab me four times! I’m scared!”
CDC: “Honey, four jabs is no big deal! It’s nothing at all! Heck, I gave Linda four jabs just the other night! It was all over in one minute! She loved it! She was moaning in ecstasy! And she was walking again three days later!”
The public: “Well, what if it hurts?”
CDC: “Look, it won’t hurt, sweetheart. I’ll just stick it in, nice and slow, just a little bit, four little times, and you won’t even hardly feel it! Okay, you might, well, die, but, hey, it’s no big deal!”
The public: “What if my dad finds out??”
CDC: “Daddy?? Hah!! I’ll deny I ever met you! No worries! Now, hold still…”
The public: “You’re a sadistic freak! Let me out of this van, right now!”
CDC: “But-but-but, honey bunch, what about the jabs??? You need them!!!”