Toxin vs. Toxin
Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, neuropathy at 7:09 pm | 
The most common adverse symptoms/effects after getting the Covid-19 vaccines are:
— “pins and needles” prickly feelings in the feet and hands
— feeling tired all of the time
— the arms or legs suddenly “jerk” or “twitch” for no reason
— difficulty opening and closing the hands normally
— the legs feel weak and sometimes buckle without warning
(these are the same symptoms as alcoholic neuropathy, i.e., nerve degeneration from chronic alcohol abuse; alcohol is a neurotoxin; this would suggest that the Covid vaccines are also toxic to the nerves)