Good Quote About the Tranny Craze
Posted by Socrates in "gender theory", "gender", 'gender identity', 'sex-change', 'transgender', jewed culture, jewed media, jewed politics, trannies at 11:21 am | 
Seen on the web (and absolutely true):
“every media outlet on the planet telling you to accept trannies. every politician telling you to accept trannies. every school telling you to accept trannies. every megacorp signaling their love of trannies. every social media site banning people who question trannies or use their correct biological pronouns. laws in Canada and England flat-out criminalizing the act of disagreeing with trannies. tranny billionaires dumping gigantic amounts of money to get you to accept trannies. promotion of celebrities who ruin themselves with surgeries and hormones. promotion of transgenderism on children, the people who need this shit the least.
all this since around 2013, and never before. if you can’t see a worldwide collusion to push this evil shit, you are completely and absolutely blind.”
(How many Jewish billionaires did it take to create and popularize the tranny craze in the West? I’m guessing about 3 or 4 strategically-placed billionaires did the job — most of them being in the media)