Covid-19 Hysteria Causes Lumber Prices to Soar
Posted by Socrates in coronavirus, Coronavirus media hysteria, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covidians at 12:36 pm | 
Prices for lumber today are double or even triple what they were before, thanks to media-induced Covid hysteria (that’s been the media’s favorite topic since early 2020. Covid! Covid! Covid! 24/7). Now your new home (or patio or guest room) will cost much more. One guy on the internet could not finish part of his house because his budget didn’t allow for the extra costs of the new, higher-priced lumber. This will have a ripple effect and lots of people will lose their jobs over it: carpenters, construction-material suppliers, etc. Media-induced Covid hysteria has cost the American economy many billions of dollars. When is the media going to pay for that? When will the media bosses start getting bills for that? Next week? Next month? Hmmmm?
News quote: “The pandemic-induced lumber shortage has driven up the price of the building material. According to the National Association of Home Builders, the spike has caused the average price of a new single-family home to increase by more than $24,000 since this time last year.”