Why Are They Pushing, Pushing, Pushing the Jab So Hard?
Posted by Socrates in coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines at 1:11 pm | 
A good product sells itself. Pizza, for example. No arm-twisting is required to sell pizza. Ditto ice cream and tacos. The public likes those things for a reason. Ditto Honda cars. They’re great, and many Hondas are made in America. No arm-twisting is needed to sell them.
Why are the U.S. government and Big Tech companies trying so very hard to “sell” the Covid-19 vaccine to the public? Most people won’t even need it: 99% of them — if they get Covid — will be asymptomatic and will never even know that they had Covid. Only the elderly and the already-sick might need “the jab.” But the vaccine was rushed to market as “an emergency”, so it may not be safe, as two vaccine experts admitted in November. Only time will tell [1].
(But already, we have seen the government officials lie numerous times about Covid-19, e.g., first they said that they weren’t counting “heart-attack and stroke deaths as Covid deaths” but then later they admitted that, yes, they were indeed doing that! The lies about Covid have been bold and frequent).
[1] Two Israeli scientists admitted that the world will not know immediately if Covid-19 vaccines are safe. Given this fact, how can the government insist that getting “the jab” is safe? Re: the Covid-19 vaccines:
“We will have a safety profile for only a certain number of months, so if there is a long-term effect after two years, we cannot know,” Dr. Tal Brosh said. And Dr. Michal Linial said: “Classical vaccines were designed to take 10 years to develop. I don’t think the world can wait for a classical vaccine.” — from a news article titled “Could mRNA COVID-19 vaccines be dangerous in the long-term?” by Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman, The Jerusalem Post, November 17, 2020.