Those Horrible Straight Men!, or, Brainwashing Teenagers
Posted by Socrates in Cultural Marxism, feminism, Feminists, feminization of the West, jewed culture, jewed education system, racism, racism accusations, social justice, Social Justice Jihad, Social Justice Warriors (SJWs), Socrates at 11:05 am | 
Here’s a new-to-me word: “heteropatriarchy” (from Feminist Theory 101): apparently that means “the people who created the Western world are actually running the Western world — how dare they!”) [1].
“California has struggled for five years to create a politically palatable “ethnic studies” curriculum that would teach high schoolers how systemic racism, predatory capitalism, heteropatriarchy and other “structures of oppression” are foundational to American society.”
[1] “heteropatriarchy” was coined in 1982 by Julia Penelope Stanley (1941-2013), a butch, lesbian feminist. Of course! These are the people who create our language today: angry freaks