Date Rape
Posted by Socrates in America, America-the-sitcom, American cities, college, Cultural Marxism, feminism, Feminists, feminization of the West, rape, Socrates, universities, women, women and 'equality', women and emoting, women and rape, women-as-children at 3:38 pm | 
I’ve read many accounts of “date rape” over the years. Most are surprisingly similar, and they usually involve alcohol. Most also involve college girls. Here is nearly every account of date rape in the past 40 years, condensed into one sad account:
Cathy College Chick, 19 years old and White, goes into the local college bar, near the Marxist university, in some big, congested city Back East. Cathy is sitting in the bar with her best friend forever (BFF), Lisa. Cathy then meets Super Cute College Guy at the bar; OMG, he’s SOOOO cute! OMG! Cathy then downs 17 fruity drinks (or was it 23 fruity drinks? Who can remember??) and tells Lisa to shove off: Cathy has decided to go back to Cute’s dorm room/apartment, with him, alone. Even though Cathy’s drunk and she barely knows Cute, she nonetheless knows that she’s gonna be all alone with him within 10 minutes, and she also knows that guys can be very ass-grabby and tit-squeezy (Mom told her), but still she’s not worried. He’s such a hunk! Next morning, Cathy wakes up and feels “funny” in her “vag area.” She “thinks” that “something sexual” happened with Cute last night (she vaguely, kinda-sorta remembers him being on top of her at some point) but she can’t really recall what happened, since she was plastered out of her skull last night. She nonetheless decides, two weeks later, that Cute “must have” raped her and she calls the fuzz. They come over and arrest Cute and now he’s living in the Big House upstate — yup, the greybar hotel — doing 6 years for rape. Did Cute really rape Cathy? It’s impossible to say if the sex was consensual or not, since there’s no one more perpetually confused than an American college chick.