White People Must Establish a New Religion of Their Very Own, One That Rejects Christianity, Champions White Western Culture and Isn’t Ridiculous
Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, Christianity, Christians, David Duke, egalitarianism, Nazi era, Nazis, religion, Revilo P. Oliver, Socrates, supercapitalism, Western civilization, Western culture, Western preservation ideas, White philosophy, White thought, William Pierce at 12:14 pm | 
Alex was just talking about Christianity and White people at Kirksville Today.com yesterday.
White people sorely need a new religion, one that isn’t ridiculous (e.g., think “Whites are really Israelites” or other similar nonsense).
Okay, here’s an idea for one. Here are 14 logical ideas/tenets for it:
— rejects Christianity because it’s an anti-White, Jewish-founded religion
— rejects Marxism and leftist socialism
— rejects Zionism
— rejects non-White cultures and peoples
— rejects egalitarianism/human equality
— rejects one-size-fits-all democracy
— believes that White people and White culture are superior to the peoples and cultures of the other races; it champions Western culture
— rejects feminism
— rejects globalism/internationalism, and embraces isolationism
— rejects corporatism/supercapitalism, but supports small capitalism
— rejects materialism and greed
— respects and reveres nature, but rejects “climate change”/”global warming” baloney
— respects and reveres the traditional family unit
— has or worships no god, i.e., is a nontheistic religion (because White people must see themselves as “mankind’s masters”; they must “worship themselves” in a general sense; our White skin is our uniform and our race is our nation; our religion must be merely an extension of those things; we don’t need strange, otherworldly gods; we should, however, adopt some sort of a deity, icon, symbol, figurehead, etc.) [1].
As for a name for this new religion, it must be a good one. Sadly, I don’t have any good names in mind. Maybe keep it simple and easy, such as, perhaps: “Eurmancraft” (“Eur” = European; “man” = male; “craft” = a practice or a craft that you work at and improve. Another possible name: Lindercraft, as opposed to Dukecraft which of course couldn’t work since Duke is a Christian; or maybe Linderism, which sounds much better than Pierceism or Oliverism).
Readers, feel free to add your own ideas below.
[1] some people will argue that a true religion requires the worshipping of a god. Not true. Nontheistic religions, such as Buddhism, don’t have gods. Some people have said that Nazism and communism were actually nontheistic religions
8 January, 2020 at 7:45 pm
Eugenics! The advancement of more superior European genetics. Name the religion after the program and may we PRACTICE what we preach.
Just like the World Jewish Congress, we need our own World White Council.
We need our own Congressional White Caucus.