Life in the Big Bagel: Auntie Cementism is Out of Control! Oy Veh!
Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', Auntie Cementism, Auntie Semantics, Jewish complaining/whining/kvetching, New York, New York Shitty, Socrates, The Big Bagel at 3:07 pm | 
“Oy Vehhh! Auntie Cementism! Vhy, vhy do they hate us, Moshe!???” Some people hate concrete and attack it. Me, I love it. Nice and strong. Cheap. Lasts forever. You can even get colored (dyed) concrete now: red, green, and so forth…cool.
News headline: “NYPD Investigating 9th Anti-Semitic Attack Reported This Week”