Transsexual Baloney to be Taught in UK Schools; Opting Out is Forbidden
Posted by Socrates in 'sex-change', 'transgender', America, brainwashing, brainwashing of children, Britain, communism, communism-as-Jewish, Cultural Marxism, education, England, Frankfurt School, Freudianism, jewed education system, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Marxism, Socrates, Vietnam War, White philosophy, White thought at 3:13 pm | 
Reminder to newbies: Cultural Marxism (CM) is much more dangerous than regular Marxism. It covers more social and political territory because anybody can practice it (even cops, priests and bishops! Your grandmother may be pushing CM! Yeah!), and it seems less totalitarian and more gentle than regular Marxism. CM is a mixture of Marxism and Freudianism; CM must be fought by all means available, using federal government resources whenever possible [1].
[1] consider the case of America: we fought Marxism in Korea and Vietnam with Army soldiers toting machine guns; yet, we allow Cultural Marxism to thrive in America, completely unchecked. Why?
25 February, 2019 at 11:42 pm
Some Americans may have felt uneasy 35 years ago when DUI laws, DWI checkpoints, seatbelt laws, and car liability insurance laws were started, but most people felt that the experts must be right.
Pro-police state shows like “COPS” and “America’s Most Wanted” were then aired, neighborhood watch groups were formed, “get tough on crime” candidates were elected, and laws allowing mandatory minimums, IMBRA, 3 strikes laws, curfews, police militarization, teen boot camps, school metal detectors, private prisons, and chain gangs were enacted.
Nanny state smoking laws then started appearing.
When 9/11 happened, the Patriot Act was passed, NSA wiretapping, no knock raids, take down notices, no fly lists, terror watch lists, Constitution free zones, stop and frisk, kill switches, National Security Letters, DNA databases, kill lists, FBAR, FATCA, Operation Chokepoint, TSA groping, civil forfeiture, CIA torture, NDAA indefinite detention, secret FISA courts, FEMA camps, laws requiring passports for domestic travel, IRS laws denying passports for tax debts, gun and ammo stockpiles, laws outlawing protesting, Jade Helm, sneak and peek warrants, policing for profit, no refusal blood checkpoints, license plate readers, redlight cameras, speed cameras, FBI facial and voice recognition, tattoo databases, gun bans, the end to the right to silence, free speech bans, searches without warrants, CISPA, SOPA, private prison quotas, supermax prisons, FOSTA, sex offender registration laws, and sex offender restriction laws were allowed.
Now that the USA is a total police state, Americans are finding out that changing anything is impossible and that freedom is lost forever.