23 April, 2018

Boo-hoo, it’s Not Fair!

Posted by Socrates in anti-fascists/antifas, left-wing violence, leftism, leftists, liberalism, liberals, rallies, Socrates at 12:41 pm | Permanent Link

Cops force leftist protesters to remove their masks at the Newnan, Georgia rally last Saturday. Oh, my god, everyone could see them! The horror! (Contrast that to the National Socialists, who don’t need to wear masks).


  • 2 Responses to “Boo-hoo, it’s Not Fair!”

    1. Jürgen Says:


      Chalk up yet another win for Whites.

      Our race keeps kicking ass.

    2. The Red Skull Says:

      Mom told me when i was strapping young Goose-Stepper that
      “Life ain’t gonna always be fair son”

      Wonder what their moms told them _?
      Now honey
      Your Entitled Cause your So Special! That you can wear a mask
      In public while your trying to Overthrow White Western Civilization!
      Dont forget. Your jacket and call mommy for a ride when your
      Parade is over! Organic salad and yogurt are in your lunch i packed
      for you.”
      Thanks Mom!