The New Trump Tranny Ban
Posted by Socrates in "gay", "gender theory", "gender", 'sex-change', chromosomes, Cultural Marxism, homosexual themes, homosexuals, military, Socrates, trannies, Trump, Trump's policies, Trumpphobia at 6:29 pm | 
The usual idiots (queers, Jews, leftists) are hysterical as Donald Trump bans freaks from the U.S. military who never should have been allowed into the military in the first place. (Newbies, there is no such thing as a “transsexual” or a “transgender person”).
26 July, 2017 at 6:52 pm
“In the beginning, He created them male and female . . .”
That says it all!
26 July, 2017 at 7:16 pm
What’s interesting is that allowing them in was only done by Obama in 2016, and it was still under review.
They made it sound like he was overturning a decades old rule and trans after trans would be losing their long-held jobs. Dishonest of course.
*Also want to note: in the beginning there was the singularity, and all existed within it. Then there was the Big Bang. The earth was totally different than today, with no humans. There have been 5 mass extinctions on earth, as it is 4.5 billion years old. Humans eventually evolved from bacteria. 8th Grade science lesion complete. :)
Even more remarkable is the real way we really got to be ‘male’ and ‘female’.
**Also want to note: I hope White boys stop joining the military to fight Judeo oil whore wars. It is possibly more nig and mexi than White right now, and any poor dumb kid who thinks they can go to college from joining should see how many never do so.
26 July, 2017 at 8:31 pm
No White man worth his salt would sign on to the Federal military to fight for the billionaire elite / world conquerors.
Ghosts of the dead Confederate soldiers to the Grand Republic Army — why are you in Asia?
Don’t touch me. I’m not finished:
26 July, 2017 at 9:07 pm
Just watched how schools in Sweden are becoming genderless and calling boys and girls hens. It’s not genderless its about feminising male kids. How on earth do parents allow this to go on! I mean how bad will things have to get before people say black is black and white is white. It’s all being pushed by creepy Jews, they really have no shame.
26 July, 2017 at 9:09 pm
yeah it’s also to allow the muslims and blacks to come in and breed out the White Anglos. These jews are so smug now in their scheming. One day the herd will turn because we are still animals.
27 July, 2017 at 5:24 am
**Also want to note: I hope White boys stop joining the military to fight Judeo oil whore wars. It is possibly more nig and mexi than White right now, and any poor dumb kid who thinks they can go to college from joining should see how many never do so.”
I am a vet, coming from a career military family where just about every male member, cousins included – all served at least 1 hitch in some branch of the military – and I would wholeheartedly agree that White men need to STOP joining the military. However, it still might be a good idea for White men to join a state level National Guard Unit – providing that they remember how the loathsome Bush neocons twisted the arms of the state governors and let the neocons scoop up National Guard units and send them over to Iraq so they could get them doused with Depleted Uranium in order to guarantee them a future death sentence from cancer.
I do not know the specifics on this Bush era neocon policy and whether or not it is still in force, so I would advise looking into it before joining a National Guard unit. But, if it isn’t – a couple of years in a National Guard unit could help a White guy get some training with weapons and military tactics training – which I am convinced Whites are going to need when CW2 kicks off.
27 July, 2017 at 5:57 am
The Federal assassin team that murdered at least 6 or 7 of the 9 bikers killed at Waco about 3 years ago used military hardware. Several of the wounded and dead were hit with shrapnel. That outfit on the Potomac is a military government. And they will gleefully slaughter the citizenry at each and every given opportunity.
27 July, 2017 at 5:51 pm
Yeah there will always be assassins – paid mercenaries with no conscience. Take a look at the boys flogging EOS it’s a cryptocurrency. Something about them.. they just seem strange in a way. Reminds me of a bitcoin guy meeting with InQutel (CIA) in 2013 (see youtube). Something about the guy – this generic hair and expression. These people are recruited because to them there is no black or white. Some believe the CIA is behind not only Bitcoin (Satoshi Nakamoto – can be translated as “central Intelligence” but also google and Facebook and Amazon of course. Jews and their monopolies. There could be money to be made in bitcoin still – I haven’t made any but all currencies will by crypto soon and cash will be removed. Every transaction will have a permanent record. Something to keep an eye on.
27 July, 2017 at 6:03 pm
If you want to believe that your ancestor is a bacterium, I pity you.
My ancestors were glorious human beings; whom, if you saw them, you would fall at their feet in awe.
Their names were Adam and Eve.
Your attempts to energize race-realism by using evolutionary propaganda always fall flat. The evolutionists are not on your side. Quite the contrary.
We are praying for the blinders to be removed from your eyes.
27 July, 2017 at 6:06 pm
So long ago, the Garden!
So long ago, the Flood!
It was after the flood that the races were formed. Japheth— the Asians and Caucasians, Shem—the semitic races, Ham—-the Negro races.
That is the bare truth in a nutshell. Of course the playing-out of it all was more complicated, with all the overlaps at the edges.
27 July, 2017 at 7:44 pm
Bitcoin. Why should I switch one fiat currency for another.
When the Federals come calling, make a break for it:$pdtl610$
28 July, 2017 at 4:48 am
Nice headlight, nice bike.
Jim and Jill, regarding Jesus… Yeah you know “Jesus” is Jewish. So knowing that you should do some research. Be smart about it guys. I considered myself a Christian for many years until I chucked out my bible vowing never to follow any Jew. Next thing I find all this info on how the Jews plagiarised it all from the Egyptians. It’s well documented. Below is video on it – the ending professes the solution is love though lol. However nature always has how should you say cruel methods. Don’t be a cuckooed bird :)
28 July, 2017 at 10:09 am
Explaining science to the very blasphemously named Jim ‘jesus’ (no such thing as goddamn blasphemy tho haha) is like explaining to a 2 year old why 15 cupcakes is not a good dinner option. A waste of time-but if someone who wants to learn reads these threads they will benefit, because they’ll follow up what they read with looking into it themselves. Research.
No evidence for Ham, but plenty the Hebrews were not White (duh), and for evolution(duh).
28 July, 2017 at 10:39 am
Jill Mustang: Thanks for the video, Wolf. We will watch it, when we have spare 2 hours.
Big Jim Jesus: Emily, evolution is not hard science. It is theoretical science. Science depends on observation, forming a theory, and then TESTING THAT THEORY IN CONTROLLED EXPERIMENTS.
Obviously, no “experiments” can be performed on any evolutionary hypothesis. It is all just speculation. Soft “science” . . . very soft . . . science falsely so-called.
Once again, we urge you to look around at whom you have fallen in with. Name me one current evolutionary scientist who believes that race is “real.”
You have taken your stand, not only among race-mixers, but among anti-nationalists. This is one of the oddest things I have ever encountered.
As far as Jesus: He was, at the most, only HALF Jewish. His mother was not even fully Jewish, and God Himself , Jesus’ Father, is certainly not Jewish.
28 July, 2017 at 11:10 am
Jill Mustang and Big Jim Jesus, this is not a Christian website. You can consort with people of your persuasion at other places. Bible thumpers and their quotes have nothing behind them air. The Jew god has a Jew name.
29 July, 2017 at 5:17 am
Hi Jill and Jim,
Half jewish :) ……….. Well I hope you do watch the film, you sound really busy. It is hard to pay the bills these days with inflation in the real cost of living thanks to the Jewish debt money system we have.
I do wish for you to think outside the box. You know, accusing Emily of hanging with race mixers and anti nationalists does not really help, and quite frankly it’s something a Jew would say to rabble raise and cause discord and infighting.
I’m not accusing you of being Jewish of course, however those are the tactics they continuously use and most people seem to fall for it. That’s why you have the usual politicians rabble raising on some subjects like trump and the wall and obama care. Now look, Nothing ! So they use these tactics again and again. There really is no middle ground, I trust you have a discerning mind and if you watch the Zeitgeist movie you hopefully will see. Of course there is still something – god – oneness, but is sure as heck beyond jewish copies of everything. They were a small wandering tribe who plagiarised the whole thing from the Egyptians and of course made it a Jewish story – Jews like to have the monopoly on everything even God
29 July, 2017 at 8:35 am
We will try to watch it this weekend!
29 July, 2017 at 8:43 am
PS–We associate with people of color, but, no matter how Christian or Spirit-led they are, we do not allow them into our “Back to Eden” au naturelle activities.
This is an intimate and trusting experience for Sons and Daughters of the First Couple. The first couple was called “Red Earth.” This referred to their ability to blush. Only white people can do this.
Blacks split off much later, and only after Ham had sexually humiliated his father, Noah. Blacks still have the sexual things going today. It is amazing how the different nations take after their fathers.
29 July, 2017 at 5:39 pm
fd, we have the TRUTH behind us—-the TRUTH about salvation, the TRUTH about the true Israel, the TRUTH about creation, the TRUTH about the true origins of the Anglo-Saxon/Celtic people.
We will burn you with the truth, or the truth will burn us!
All the best, fd.
29 July, 2017 at 7:22 pm
I’m not interested in the truth. The truth is philosophical. I subscribe to the facts. The facts are incorrigible.
29 July, 2017 at 7:24 pm
Truth comes from facts, fd, and facts can only point to truth.
29 July, 2017 at 8:12 pm
Jill Mustang and Big Jim Jesus,
Facts are what have happened and is proven. Your Semitic religion promotes hogwash. It’s in the wind.
This is not a Christian website.
29 July, 2017 at 9:39 pm
Facts are indeed what has happened, because truth can broker no outliers!
Truth is not true because Christianity says so, fd, truth is true because it is true!
You are bearing witness to the Apostle Paul, who said that God hath even engraven the truth upon pagan hearts!
You cannot know facts unless you have a knowledge of the truth!
Therefore, according to Augustine, God is truly God!
29 July, 2017 at 10:00 pm
Bible thumpers always get the last word. One quote after another.