15 January, 2017

White Art

Posted by Socrates in art, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, White art/architecture, White beauty at 4:43 pm | Permanent Link

Various artists, from a gallery in Spain: [Here].

  • One Response to “White Art”

    1. Emily Henderson Says:

      The Titan painting of Philip II is very intriguing-He is supposed to be, in some way, related to Sam Houston of Texas. They were supposedly ‘Alumbrados’ of Spain.

      I’ve read that the reason Sam Houston made the mistake of not killing Santa Ana was because he had the ‘Alumbrado’ ring on with the double Phoenix. Not sure if this is pseudo-history or not. But interesting nonetheless.

      It’s also funny to me that people don’t realize-Spain is not Mexico, lol. They somehow mix that up. Spain certainly endured a racial rape-ing, with the Moor invasion and the Jewish invasion, etc. but they also have more bagpipe players in Galicia than in Scotland (or so I’ve read). The Galicians are somewhat resistant to becoming involved with the rest of Spain-they have their own variation of Spanish, and a lot of Celtic cultural customs.