When the Third World Comes to the First World, Nifty Diseases Will Follow, or, Thanks, Globalism!
Posted by Socrates in food, free trade, globalization, internationalism, NAFTA, Socrates, Third World, Third World diseases at 6:49 pm | 
As I was eating out of a can of some American cashews, I happened to look at the back of the can. It said that the cashews may come from India, Africa or Vietnam. Why don’t I just go lick a toilet bowl at a fast-food restaurant instead? The result would be almost the same. “Third-World food” at U.S. grocery stores is a trend that is growing quickly. (Yes, you can microwave certain foods before eating them for safety, but I didn’t read the label until after I ate the food).
4 June, 2016 at 8:16 pm
What about nigger toes? That’s what we call Brazil nuts in the South :) I like ’em.
5 June, 2016 at 5:52 am
It’s the same in the jewK. We can steer clear of suspect tropical fruit and produce but now even produce we instinctively think of as being wholesome fruit from the temperate regions of the world, such as blackberries and raspberries, is sourced from shitholes like Guatemala, Mexico and Morocco.
Of course I don’t touch anything from yidsrael.