22 June, 2016

Liberals: They’re 50-Year-Old Teenagers

Posted by Socrates in guns & goy controllers, guns and gun issues, leftism, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, Socrates at 3:52 pm | Permanent Link

Tolerant Liberal Congressman #1: “You know what’s great about being a tolerant liberal?”

Tolerant Liberal Congressman #2: “What’s that?”

Tolerant Liberal Congressman #1: “We never try to force people to bend to our demands. We always let people decide for themselves what course of action is best.”

Tolerant Liberal Congressman #2: “Right! By the way, how long are we going to sit here on the floor?”

Tolerant Liberal Congressman #1: “We’re going to sit here until those Republicans do what we want them to do!”


  • 18 Responses to “Liberals: They’re 50-Year-Old Teenagers”

    1. Antagonistes Says:

      One poster said:

      Tim McGreen Says:
      4 February, 2015 at 3:00 pm
      Liberals are such hypocrites that I doubt any of them would actually pass up an opportunity to have their taxes reduced. It’s OK if YOU pay a lot more in taxes, but don’t ask the liberals to contribute any more than they absolutely have to.

      End of quote.

      The recently-deceased Mr. McGreen was right.

      But I would expand on what he said—the liberals in academia, especially the profs at the colleges, WOULD NOT ENTERTAIN FOR A MOMENT THAT THEY NOT RECEIVE HEFTY YEARLY RAISES IN ORDER TO PUT A CAP ON EDUCATION EXPENSES.

      But, as liberals, they want to control how much everyone else makes.

    2. Mark Says:

      First, to refer to these Cultural Marxists as “liberals” rather than aliberals (without liberalism) is to lose the war of semantics and propaganda. John Locke they are not.

      Second, are not these aliberals the same people who questioned Trump’s ability to respect the so-called “separation of powers” doctrine when he criticized a Mexican judge, as they hold sit-ins and issue executive orders, if things do not go their way?

      Aliberal hypocrites they be!

    3. Antagonistes Says:

      Looks like Tim McGreen called it right, during the seance.

      Britain will remain in the EU.

      McGreen also said, through the medium, that Hillary would be president.

      I take no pleasure in this.

      Tim doesn’t , either. He is being essentially raped (3 times a day) by a wild, naked German woman who says she is his wife.

      The “Summerland” should be a place of enchanting beauty, but for Tim it is an absolute hell.

      Can someone explain this?

    4. CW-2 Says:

      Despite media control and vote rigging the UK votes to leave the jewU.
      Ant, ‘Tim’, the former esteemed contributor to this site ain’t in Valhalla!

    5. Sri Sreggin Das, Mystic Yogi of the Kali Yuga Says:

      Tim McGreen has attracted a fully-manifested vampiric succubus.

      Just as a vampire feeds on blood by sucking it from the victim’s neck into his mouth, so is Tim McGreen being sucked into the womb of the succubus, in a version of reverse-birth.

      Tim McGreen is being unmade. Just as babies are made in the womb, and then expelled, Tim McGreen is being re-absorbed into the womb of the succubus, where he will be, and is being, unmade.

      He has lost much weight—this is because he is being unmade. He will eventually be completely absorbed.

      The moral code of the universe is just as strict as the moral code of nature.
      Indeed, they are one and the same. McGreen attracted this vampiric succubus by his action of killing all those people in the theater.

      The chain of causality is formed of iron links and who knows where it may lead. So be it.

      My advice is to let nature take its course.

    6. Thom McQueen Says:

      Holy One, a pleasure to hear from you again! But if this minx is absorbing McGreen by sexing him, won’t his twanger be absorbed first? And then she can’t sex him anymore, so she can’t absorb any more of him?

      But let that waster’s twanger fall off. I am bailing on him.

      HE WAS WRONG ABOUT THE BREXIT. He still doesn’t know Christmas from Bourke Street.

    7. fd Says:

      I’m not worried about McGreen. The German whore might bite off more than she can chew.

    8. fd Says:

      Is Scotland falling a part? First they vote against their sovereignty. And now they’re all aglow about staying with the EU.

    9. Antagonistes Says:

      So Tim is being sucked out of his own tallywhacker, just as a person sucks a milkshake into his mouth, through a straw?

      But he is being sucked into the twat of a “fully-manifested vampiric succubus”? In which twat he will be “unmade”?

      My god, this is worse than any semitic scare-mongering tales of gehenna, hades, sheol, etc. !!!!!!!!!!!!

      Can’t say he doesn’t deserve it, though.

      But I am going to try to set up a tele-sceance with McGreen, Thom and myself. And the medium, of course. I hope she doesn’t try to make Tim go into her own twat.

    10. Antagonistes Says:

      At least the Scots are consistent about being good serfs, fd.

    11. fd Says:

      If the German girl absorbs McGreen, she might get really sick . And McGreen will have the last laugh.

      Yes, the Scots are consistent with their reckless adventure of serfdom.

    12. Thom McQueen Says:

      Don’t care to talk to him anymore, Ant.

      And I thought being pussy-whipped was bad! McGreen is being pussy-eaten!

      Bon appetit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    13. Spahnranch69 Says:

      I can assure all of you Mr. McGreen is still alive and doing quite well. He was spotted in a trendy Soho nightclub last night, celebrating the Brexit vote along with fellow online firebrands Milo Yiannoupolis, Tila Tequila and Queen Ann Coulter. Although disguised in an Andy Warhol wig and Ralph Lauren sunglasses it was definitely him. Asked about his former association with vanguardnewsnetwork McGreen said “I have no message for the fans” and resumed trying to put a move on Miss Tequila.

    14. Spahnranch69 Says:

      I can assure all of you Mr. McGreen is still alive and doing quite well. He was spotted in a trendy Soho nightclub last night, celebrating the Brexit vote along with fellow online firebrands Milo Yiannoupolis, Tila Tequila and Ann Coulter. Although disguised in an Andy Warhol wig and Ralph Lauren sunglasses it was definitely him. Asked about his former association with vanguardnewsnetwork McGreen said “I have no message for the fans” and resumed trying to put a move on Miss Tequila.

    15. Spahnranch69 Says:

      Mr. McGreen felt this latest information regarding his whereabouts was so important that he requested it be posted twice.

    16. CW-2 Says:

      At least Mr-I-have-no-message-for-the-fans-McGreen wasn’t in the company of Bonehead-Bono.

    17. Antagonistes Says:

      I can assure you all that McGreen would give almost anything to be back on the earth-plane.

      In our three-way seance, he became quite emotional about his failed prediction on the Brexit.

      Then, when we told him about how he is being absorbed, in a kind of reverse-birth, he started panicking:

      Tim McGreen: “What can I do? Ant, Thom, don’t leave me!”

      Thom McQueen: “Take yer medicine. Ya got it comin, ya liar. And ya
      shouldn’t have wasted the people in the theater.”

      Tim McGreen: “Thom, I’m sorry. I swear! I didn’t think that the Brits would
      leave the EU! And I thought that the people in the theater
      were Jews! I don’t want to be absorbed! Not like that!!”

      Thom McQueen: “Well, mate, ya got any hot peppers on your farm?”

      Tim McGreen: ” Why, yes, I do!”

      Thom McQueen: “Well, then, make a polstice of them, and rub it on your
      tallywhacker. That way, you will burn the German chick’s
      arse. She won’t come back.”

      Tim McGreen: “Why didn’t I think of that! You are a genius, Thom!”

      We told McGreen that we might check back on him around Halloween. We might. He is costing us a lot a money with the medium’s fees. $10 a minute is not cheap.

    18. fd Says:

      The animus mundi (mind of the universe) and the eternal laws of nature will acquit McGreen of excessive punishment. When it happens, McGreen will carry out strong retaliation against his enemies. The German whore becomes weaker every day. Her plot to destroy McGreen is a failure.

      I’ve had esp since I was a kid. The information above came to me pure and natural. That is how esp works.