29 January, 2016

The Murderous Jew Karl Marx is Top Economist at U.S. Colleges

Posted by Socrates in college, communism, communism-as-a-Jewish-scam, communism-as-Jewish, economics, economy, education, jewed culture, jewed economics, jewed politics, Marx, Marx and England, Marxism, Socrates, universities at 12:41 pm | Permanent Link

Never mind the fact that communism wasn’t an economic system per se, and that it never worked as Marx said it would. According to Marx, true communism would only occur after the state had “withered away.” But states don’t wither away. Name one state that has ever withered away. (States may change leaders, but they don’t wither away as Marx suggested). Communism was a racial (i.e., Jewish) attack on the White world. It merely posed as an economic system. It wasn’t supposed to work. It was supposed to destroy, like a deadly virus, which in many ways it was. It was just Marx’s bad luck that communism didn’t take root in the West but instead in the East. Also of interest is that most of the other economists listed in this article are Jews as well:


  • 9 Responses to “The Murderous Jew Karl Marx is Top Economist at U.S. Colleges”

    1. Mark Says:

      “It was just Marx’s bad luck that communism didn’t take root in the West but instead in the East.”

      Better look again Socrates. As Putin builds Christian churches and bans the promulgation of homosexual propaganda to minors in the East, cultural Marxism takes root in the West and spreads its poisonous tentacles of socially accepted perversion.

    2. Socrates Says:

      Mark, yes, that is basically true, however, I was referring to communist-led countries, e.g., the Soviet Union, China, etc.

    3. fd Says:

      Communism took hold in the Northeast in the 20th century. From that stepping-stone, the Federals allied with communist Russia in WW2. America has done more to protect and preserve communism than any country in the world. Washington city is also the international stronghold for Zionism.

    4. George Lenz Says:

      In fact, states indeed wither away: Roman empire is gone, as many other states, including the Assyrian empire. And communist is an economic system that works: it is enough to observe communist China and North Korea.

    5. Socrates Says:

      George Lenz Says: “And communist is an economic system that works: it is enough to observe communist China and North Korea.”

      Actually, China isn’t really communist anymore, it’s communist/capitalist. Both. As for North Korea, it has gotten lots of aid from China over the years. Could it survive by itself, without Chinese aid? I doubt it.

    6. fd Says:

      Marketing is buying and selling. Since when did Private ownership need to be promoted as ‘capitalism’? What’s in a name? The economic commissars in the West would have you believe that ‘capitalism’ is a great invention—a privilege. Nothing is further from the truth. ‘Free speech’ is another example. I never thought I needed permission from government to express my will.

    7. George Lenz Says:

      In fact, communism works as intended wherever it was adapted to local circumstances: all communist nations without exception were able to develop collective agriculture, industry, technical sciences, educational system, medical system and culture that are not inferior and often superior to capitalist analogues. Communism is inferior to capitalism in production of wealth and production of consumer goods, but communism was never intended to achieve these purposes: communist seeks to achieve collective goals and not individual goals. Thus, aversion to communism of some westerners is based on their individualist philosophy of life.

    8. Gordon Bakken Says:

      What are you saying? It seems you are running on three cylinders (at most).
      True, it is not easy to judge the success of anything, because first one must define the standard it is judged by. However, if the goal of a government is a good life for its citizens, Communist nations did not generally do well.
      That may not have been their goal. In fact I think it wasn’t. It was to conquer and enslave the Gentile world. In that, they did quite well.

    9. arkhangelsk Says:

      “However, if the goal of a government is a good life for its citizens, Communist nations did not generally do well.”

      Except that the majority Russian citizens believe their living standards were better under communism than under “free market” Russia. The only people who have benefitted from the fall of the curtain have been the oligarchs, the mafia, and the politicians.