They Still Don’t Know the History of the 14th Amendment
Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", constitution, Fourteenth Amendment, Socrates at 1:04 pm | 
Or, maybe they do know the history of it, but won’t say so due to the fact that all civil-rights laws are based on the 14th Amendment [1]. Anyway, this article is just a bunch of empty words, since the 14th Amendment wasn’t properly ratified by Congress. Only 21 states ratified it; that wasn’t enough to make it an amendment. In other words, all of the civil-rights laws (and related court rulings) are null and void.
[1] I’m sure that no modern journalist or writer wants to state publicly that America’s civil-rights laws don’t legally exist
23 August, 2015 at 1:32 pm
Back in 2000 my traitorous marxist rep from foggy bottom told that the 14th was perfectly legal and any opposition to it was right wing nutty bs, he and his aide were smug about telling me this.
Paul Craig Roberts wrote an article about Bloomrosen I think was the name, but he as a LBJ fifth column anti White operater who IMPOSED on his own with out authority or any legal standing whats so ever several anti White pro nigger hiring laws by bureaucratic pencil pushing completely !
Nixon’s team came in and was concluded that all this rules were imposed ILLEGALLY ! The filthy coward and traitors in Foggy Bottom told Nixon and his legal people yeah you can rescind these bogus enacted law’s but the NIGGERS and LEFTIST will Riot’s the beginning of the end of NIXON and any chance of the rule of law that day.
Nixon had over 540,000 White men in LBJ/Eugene Rostow’s war on US going on, and so let this crime go and Blumroosen or Bloomrosen was never prosecuted for his illegal tactics and the media was 1000% against Nixon and his people, they had the Fat K man embedded with Nixon, and so he had traitors and scum from day one like John Dean from day one.
The media in unison drove Nixon mad at that time, it was get NIXON around the clock. This was his reward for giving them everything including the kitchen sink in 1973 and more. Plus the fifth columnist got US 300,000 slopes and Hmong bastard criminals to deal with back in 1974 and 75. 3/4’s are on aid and the rest likely work for the regime phucking over YTs at every chance they get.
23 August, 2015 at 1:50 pm
Abolishing America (contd.): Do Whites Have Rights?
Paul Craig Roberts August 6, 2002, 9:00 am
Does anyone remember what the civil rights movement
was about?
Not today. Four decades later, it is “controversial”
if not “racist” to recall that the civil rights movement
was about equal opportunity.
People were to be hired on the basis of merit and
ability alone–“the best person for the job”. No other
factor was to play a role.
The ink was hardly dry on the 1964 Civil Rights Act
before an EEOC bureaucrat,
Alfred W. Blumrosen,
illegally and unconstitutionally
subverted the statutory purpose of the law. Judicial
complicity and congressional distraction enabled
Blumrosen to redefine discrimination from a purposeful
action against an individual to the absence of
proportional representation regardless of discriminatory
Thus did Blumrosen originate the system of race and
gender privileges known as quotas that are thoroughly
institutionalized throughout the government,
private industry, and
Racial quotas are so firmly entrenched that quotas
prevail even in states where federal district courts
have ruled against them and referendums have made them
The 1964 Civil Rights Act has been illegally enforced
for 37 years. The result is a massive system of race and
gender discrimination against white males in order to
achieve proportional representation of racial minorities
and women.
Now comes an astonishing report from the U.S. Office
of Personnel Management: “Annual Report to Congress,
Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program, Fiscal
Year 2000,” released in April 2002.
[You can read it
on, an
organization that fights for victims of reverse
discrimination, with analysis and comment. The original
government version may be found
This report to Congress makes brutally clear that
despite the “equal opportunity” name of the program,
the purpose of the federal program is to make certain
there is no equal opportunity for whites in federal
The report uses tables and bar charts to make
unmistakably clear that federal discrimination against
whites goes far beyond merely achieving proportional
representation for blacks. In all 22 independent
federal agencies and in 16 of 17 federal executive
departments, blacks are massively overrepresented.
In the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (sic)
blacks comprise 46.4 percent of the employees. The
“affirmative action” or racial quota target for
proportional representation (percent in Relevant
Civilian Labor Force) for the EEOC is 6.4 percent black
Blacks are thus overrepresented in EEOC employment
by 625 percent!
And the EEOC is the federal agency that is supposed
to enforce equal employment opportunity.
Blacks are overrepresented in the National Science
Foundation by 504.7 %; in the Pension Benefit Guaranty
Corp. by 538.7 %; in the Securities and Exchange
Commission by 452.1%; in the Smithsonian Institution by
452.1%, in the Federal Communications Commission by
370.1%; in the Social Security Administration by 263.5%;
in the Commodity Futures Trading Commission by 375%; in
the Office of Personnel Management by 286.7%; and so on.
In cabinet departments, blacks are overrepresented
in Department of Education employment by 464.7%; in
Department of Labor by 254%; in HUD by 383%; in Treasury
by 176%; in Department of Justice by 106%; in Department
of State by 165%; and so on.
The push is now on in the federal government to
achieve comparable overrepresentation for Hispanics and
If these two “minorities” achieve similar
overrepresentation, there will be no room for white
males in the federal government.
Did you know that the federal government pays its
managers “superbonuses”
for hiring, training, and promoting nonwhites? According
to a
lawsuit filed against the Secretary of Energy by DOE
employees, a DOE boss, Anibal Taboas, staffed the
Argonne National Laboratory with minorities, while
reassigning white males to dead end jobs where they
could be terminated under reduction in force polices.
For this achievement, the lawsuit says Mr. Taboas
received thousands of dollars in bonuses.
Note that no one in the government intervenes in
behalf of white males who suffer discrimination, not
President Bush, no
congressional committee chairman, certainly not the
Justice Department or the EEOC.
Today in the United States white people have no
political representation. Whites have to struggle in the
courts against government opposition to claim any
resemblance to equal rights.
Explicit government policies have made whites second
class citizens. Whites are a dispossessed majority in
their own country.
Why did the white majority allow themselves to be
stripped of the equal protection clause of the
Constitution? Why do whites remain loyal to the
political parties that took away their rights?
What is the future for whites in a political system
both political parties
pander to third world immigrants and support racial
privileges for minorities? Having lost
equal protection of law, what will whites lose next?
23 August, 2015 at 1:52 pm…on-figure.html
Patrick Chavis, 50, Affirmative Action Figure
23 August, 2015 at 4:04 pm
The lawless 14th amendment is a Black Republican Reconstruction amendment. An enormous Federal power grab. Before the war, everybody was a citizen of their state.
Every Southern state except Tennessee voted against the 14th amendment. The furious black republican party pushed it through illegally. Common citizenship is the law of the land.