This Memorial Day Weekend…
Posted by Socrates in jewed foreign policy, Memorial Day, Office of Special Plans, Socrates, Vietnam War, Walt Rostow, war, war as a racket, war as unnecessary, War On Israel's Enemies at 12:00 pm | 
…let’s remember all of the American men who died fighting in unnecessary wars in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. All of those wars were pointless. Take, for example, Vietnam: why were we fighting there? Just because a Jew named Rostow wanted us to? Was that a good enough reason?[1]. What about the Iraq War? Why were we fighting there? A handful of Jews in the Pentagon’s Office of Special Plans wanted America to invade Iraq, so we did? Was that a good enough reason? Here’s an idea: let the Jews fight their own wars and leave us out of them.
[1] Walt Rostow
25 May, 2015 at 12:49 pm
As Tim McGreen posted last year, it was originally Confederate Memorial Day (1866) as a day of honor for those who died fighting for the CSA. 2 years after, the Federals seized control of the holiday renaming it National Memorial Day. The federals have no tolerance for those who operate outside national authority, national domain.
Gen Smedley Butler said war is a racket. He believed that the people should only fight to maintain the Bill of Rights and the soil of their states.
25 May, 2015 at 8:26 pm
This is supposed to be a day to honor our Confederate war dead and to decorate their graves. Instead it is a day off with pay for the servants of ZOG, as a well as an excuse to put Hyundais and lawn furniture on sale. Shameful.
26 May, 2015 at 7:37 am
Like a roach, the parasitic Jew is perfectly formed as formulated. His station on the on the evolutionary ladder is finished. On a sliding scale, the parasite moves up and down according to the strength of its host.
26 May, 2015 at 9:22 am
typo city–wrong draft
Like a roach, the parasitic Jew is perfectly formed as formulated. His station on the evolutionary ladder is finished. On a sliding scale, the parasite moves up and down in accordance to the strength of its host.
27 May, 2015 at 9:35 am
I can here the bull frog callin’ me.
Wonder if [Leo Frank] still hangin’ to the tree.
. . . come on home to Green River.
31 May, 2015 at 1:27 pm
Wooden headed fool Wilson broke the back the USA with his crimes of 1913, and then mobilizing millions of White men and put niggers in uniforms with guns and incited them too, along with billions to send White men to kill and USE poison gas our brothers in the trenches.
Almost 3 million White English Whites from NZ. to Ireland died for the London bankers their Parastained bandit state of murderers and thieves.
The 3 million were 98 percent under age 32, and the cream of our race was murdered and corruption for the living with the joo taken over media after the war, with the porn and corruption of culture willfully and knowingly done.
FDR, Gulf Of Tonkin/openborders anti White laws POS LBJ and today were made possible by Woody Wilson and his scum years in office with a bunch of SOB kikes from NYC too. FDR during the war was an ASST SEC. OF THE NAVY and this history of the Senate to a man voting to censure him is hidden. FDR was so stressed at the thought of his going to jail that came down with polio the day the senate voted on FDR. NYC was nest of anti White fifth columnists since 1880.
31 May, 2015 at 6:41 pm
But NYC was known for its pro-confederate sympathies during the War between the States.
All those criminal wars in the 20th century killed off or psychologically emasculated the best young men of our race. That’s why today we have so many “metrosexuals” and Bruce Jenner ladyboys.
31 May, 2015 at 9:55 pm
Tim McGreen Says:
31 May, 2015 at 6:41 pm
But NYC was known for its pro-confederate sympathies during the War between the States.
All those criminal wars in the 20th century killed off or psychologically emasculated the best young men of our race. That’s why today we have so many “metrosexuals” and Bruce Jenner ladyboys.
Exactly correct !
1 June, 2015 at 5:31 am
During the 4 years war, the mayor of New York wanted the city to secede from the entire state and trade with Europe free of tariffs. The Irish and Germans marched thru the city tearing down everything that represented black republican rule, but they paid a heavy price for it.
1 June, 2015 at 2:39 pm
Over a 104,000 HEALTHY WHITE MEN WITH good genes though duped lost their lives flying over Europe murdering over 95% civilian’s by burning, with second raids in a few hours, like with drones today hitting the wounded, women, children elderly, cows, dogs and even in the most rural out reaches or Germany by strafing tiny farms with one or two cows and children with women.
England and our regime both lost over 50,000 White men each, a tremendous hit to the gene pool considering the Civil war in totality, with the corruption of WW 1 to our culture helped a powerful medium called Hollywood that was taken over completely by kikes with war booty and the looting Russia, after murdering the Czar and his entire family. See Armand Hammer about the looting.
These people are ruthless and they have not let up on us since Western man defeat in 1945. The job of keeping the truth from Whites are giving them breathing room to figure what and how they have been used and brain rinsed will make you crazy paranoid and ruthless. Ask JFK, Patton, Huey P. Long, or George Rockwell doing his laundry on a Saturday night.
Eugene Rostow of NYC too. Not one in 1000 vets understand or know, and I say with thousands of private mercenary security White man not counted this is a loss, as they are brain washed for a high pay check, with their spirits corrupted and they birth rates with family I will guess is low and when they come back they are serving the regime in police capacity.
1 June, 2015 at 2:44 pm
This is forty years too late, but beside trying to buy peace with the lunatic’s in the M.E. with Billions of borrowed money IMO that and the Iran baloney hostage precipitated/set up scheme what really pissed off the war monger thug ant White Civilization and this Jimmy Carter would be forgiven for, was his allowing Lt.Commander Ennis XO of the USS Liberty to release his book.
Yes, I do believe this the number reason that Hollywood media started insulting him in on their TV comedy crap in 1977