27 February, 2015

The Jewish Chief of the Federal Reserve Rejects the Idea of Auditing It

Posted by Socrates in Federal Reserve Notes, Federal Reserve system, jewed economics, jewed finance, Socrates at 2:30 pm | Permanent Link

What’s wrong with an audit of America’s money system? Is someone hiding something? How come a Jewish-created, Jewish-managed system can’t be audited?


  • 5 Responses to “The Jewish Chief of the Federal Reserve Rejects the Idea of Auditing It”

    1. Maynard Says:

      This is not associated with this article but it is important. The FCC has enacted “Net Neutrality” which is government control of the Internet. It includes 322 pages of regulations! The jews will pass “hate speech” laws and the government will outlaw web sites such as this as “hate speech”! I will no longer go on the Internet when that happens! I guess all we will have then is direct communication and short wave. Short Wave radio is already regulated by FEDZOG!

    2. Big Man Says:

      If the jew says so it goes. Because no one gives sh*t but does notice how flakey they are. They have been doing this a long time, and the Republicans do not do anything about it, because everyone is holding their breath waiting for a fake Republican Revolution as they have been doing since 94.

      So no one will call a jew a jew, because the freaks just call themself “half conservative” and everyone lets it slide.

    3. Joe Says:

      The brazen chutzpah is absolutely breathtaking. Our elected representatives sit on their hands while this horrid Jewess troll says that the audit measure would –
      “…allow politicians to second-guess the Fed’s decisions, which, in turn, would weaken the central bank. And the ultimate victim of that process would be the U.S. economy.”
      You’re goddamned right! The jewish fleas have to keep their dog just healthy enough so that they can continue to suck its blood ad infinitum. When this one dries up and dies, they move on to the next as they have done since the dawn of history. The reason Hitler was so successful so quickly is because he immediately released Germany from the fangs of these usurious vampires. We must do the same – everywhere in the world.

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      Imagine the arrogance of that evil old Jewess. The “Fed” is the most powerful financial institution in the world but it should be accountable to no one. We are not supposed to know anything about it, not even how the Fed came into existence. Yet that Jewish super-bank literally has the power of life and death over us.

      I think it’s safe to say the Republican controlled congress will do absolutely nothing to bring the Fed under any kind of control or supervision whatsoever. Nor will they do anything to stop Bath-house Barry from granting amnesty to millions of colored invaders. Yet millions of White conservatives will continue to vote for those worthless, spineless bastards anyway, because the Democrats are supposedly even worse.

      America has become a giant with feet of clay.

    5. Kevin Says:

      They started the propaganda at an early age when your mother told you money doesn’t grow on trees.