Two White Guys, Caldwell and Jorgeson, Conquer El Capitan
Posted by Socrates in Kevin MacDonald, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White heroism, White philosophy, White thought, White-culture-as-superior at 4:42 pm | 
by Dr. Kevin MacDonald.
“Unfortunately, the spirit seen in these men is all too rare among us now — destroyed by affluence and overindulgence in food and drink, and seduced by the mind-numbing pleasures of a life squandered in front of television. The corruption of the culture of the West has many effects, but one of the most important is that it’s so easy to give into the life of passive consumption. Passive consumers will not make a revolution.”
16 January, 2015 at 6:17 pm
The dare devils certainly accomplished an arduous task. A great fete by the rock climbers, but not a noble work except for those who readily succumb to excitement, sensation and magnitude.
Racists offshore pioneers who cut their teeth in the Gulf of Mexico building offshore oilfields and then burned up 100s of jet airplanes flying to the North Sea, Persian Gulf, South Chine Sea, Java Sea and off the coast of Africa and South America received no honorable mention for a noble work, dangerously lacking in security and stability. Every offshore oilfield worker today is standing on the shoulders of White Southern geniuses who worked in small groups–homogenous in blood, color and culture. The hyper-aggressive news studios in New York remain silent.
16 January, 2015 at 6:59 pm
Why bust our asses bringing off-shore oil into production (other than to support our families) when the fruits of our labor go to breeding legions of non-whites.
Mid-west farmers take note.
16 January, 2015 at 7:58 pm
Only Whites have that sense of adventure which makes them want to climb mountains, explore the depths of the ocean and walk on the moon. No other race has any true sense of curiosity about the world around them or about any worlds beyond. And yet Whitee is the bad guy, the exploiter, the oppressor, the slave-driver. Bullshit. Without the White Man the rest of the world would still be banging rocks together and living in trees.
19 January, 2015 at 10:19 am
I don’t see extreme sports as being the face of noble pursuits. I don’t recall reading ‘Noble’ obituaries over such ‘Nobles’ that die and become maimed in pursuit of their ‘Noble’ passions….and they do die and get maimed.
We are missing what truly defines nobility among us, we few: ‘Do they recognize the life-obligation to support folk and race?’
If not, are they truly noble?