“The Rise and Demise of the EU: A Short History of A Big Failure”
Posted by Socrates in banking, central banking, EU, Europe, global government, globalization, international Jewry, international socialism, internationalism, nation-building/nation-wrecking, Socrates, sovereignty at 2:55 pm | 
I wouldn’t call the EU “dead.” Wounded maybe, but not deceased. As long as the Jews and internationalists have their way, global government will continue, even if under new names or re-invented frameworks, in order to fool the people. Notice the mention of the European central bank:
“The single European currency imposed a single interest rate on the 17 member states and the remaining 11 states which do not use the Euro, but whose own local currency is pegged to the Euro. The European Central Bank in Frankfurt, similar to the Federal Reserve in the U.S., is a true political sovereign in Europe; it has more clout in foreign and domestic policy than any member state or any local government in the EU.”
12 August, 2014 at 7:10 pm
This is an excellent analysis of the EUSSR’s inherent flaws. Professor Sunic also explains just how serious the non-White invasion of Europe is and the frame of mind that allowed it to happen. That “Common Market” business of the 1960s and 70s was a warning of what the plutocrats had in mind for the future of the Continent. Then came the “European Community” after the fall of the Iron Curtain, a curtain that was torn down by the plutocrats and their money so they could replace it with an even worse tyranny.
There are very few published articles I know of that are critical of the EUSSR and none that are as well-written as Professor Sunic’s. Read it!