24 August, 2014

Expert: Transsexuals Suffer From a Mental Disorder

Posted by Socrates in "gay", "gender", Cultural Marxism, homosexual themes, homosexuals, jewed culture, jewed media, Jewish Tyranny, nation-building/nation-wrecking, Socrates, trannies at 3:07 pm | Permanent Link

Jewish homosexual activist: “Hey! He can’t say that! We’ve already declared that transsexuals are completely normal!”

Jewish media boss #1: “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure that my magazines and newspapers portray him as a lone wacko with nutty ideas.”

Jewish media boss #2: “And I’ll make sure that my TV shows smear him as a right-wing homophobe.”


  • 6 Responses to “Expert: Transsexuals Suffer From a Mental Disorder”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      After the insanity of queer marriages is over with the Culture Commies will focus their efforts on “Transgender rights”. Where are all these crazy-ass “rights” coming from??? Why is it that everyone these days has unlimited “rights” EXCEPT White heterosexual men? I totally despise Cultural Marxism but I must grudgingly admire their organization and determination.

    2. fd Says:

      Transsexuals don’t live very long. It’s all the chemicals they consume to remain a freak.

    3. Sean Gruber Says:

      I blame the whole thing on Klinger from TV’s “M*A*S*H.” That faggot swished his way through who knows how many seasons in front of a generation of children. Remember how everyone treated him as if he were normal? He wore a dress and women’s makeup in every episode. As if to say, “No big deal. You’re not getting out of the Army that way. No one cares–dress in a skirt. We will treat you like a normal human anyway, instead of like a court-martial-worthy freak.” Klinger even sported a five-o’clock shadow and never shaved his gams. That show was rotten with jews in front of and behind the camera. But everyone embraced it as normal, even Ronald Reagan.

    4. CW-2 Says:

      I’ve seen the re-runs of MASH. How the hell did jews get away with it! Some episodes were funny, but in reality “Hawkeye”, doctor or not would have had his ass kicked into the stockade for the duration.

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      Ironically, Jamie Farr, the Lebanese who played Klinger, was the only member of the cast who actually served in Korea. M*A*S*H is definitely one of the Jewiest TV shows ever. There was one episode where “Hawkeye” Pierce, a captain, actually strikes his superior officer Major Frank Burns and gets away with it. In reality he would have been shot for that. But Frank “deserved” to get hit for being a pro-White and patriotic American character, you see. Subversive Hollywood Kike bastids.

      There are a lot of “trannies” in Brazil, for some reason. That is one strange, decadent Catholic nation.

    6. Sean Gruber Says:

      Frank (and later the character played by David Ogden Stiers) was obviously a jewish caricature of a “gentile” (who came from a rich gentile-y family) while Hawkeye and his buddy were the warm, wisecracking, smart jews. Hot Lips was supposed to be a dumb blonde shiksa. The show was as kikey as lox on a bagel.