16 August, 2014


Posted by Socrates in dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, housing, HUD, multiculturalism, race, racial differences, racial integration, racial preferences, Socrates at 6:06 pm | Permanent Link

Definition of racial integration: the time between when the first Black moves into a neighborhood and the last White moves out.

  • 3 Responses to “Definitions”

    1. Sean Gruber Says:

      Like all jew terms, “racial integration” is the reverse of the truth. It really means DISintegration, of good White societies.

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      “Definition of racial integration: the time between when the first Black moves into a neighborhood and the last White moves out.”

      I take your point but I think that’s actually called White Flight. Strange how all those White WWII and Korean War vets were so tough fighting the enemy over in Europe and Asia, yet they ran away like frightened cats when the niggers starting moving into their neighborhoods! I really don’t get that.

    3. fd Says:

      Good point, Tim. The WW2 generation gave the country away.

      Integration is promoted by the forces of disintegration.