Book: “A Europe of Nations”
Posted by Socrates in book reviews, books, EU, Europe, global government, globalization, immigration, international socialism, internationalism, Lisbon Treaty, nation-building/nation-wrecking, nation-states, Socrates at 4:14 pm | 
“The Eurocrats are very fond of the word ‘democracy,’ but they consistently oppose democratic procedures when these would present an obstacle to their plans: ‘With the Lisbon Treaty, you didn’t let a single nation other than the Irish vote, and when the Irish said no, you bribed them into compliance.’ If Willinger were a little older, he would remember a similar technique applied to Denmark in 1992 when it failed to ratify the Maastricht treaty. Where possible, the EU leadership prefers to avoid referenda altogether…”
23 August, 2014 at 10:12 pm
The Lisbon Treaty fraud reminds me of the 14th amendment. Ohio, New Jersey and all of the South under occupation except Tennessee voted against the 14th amendment. A furious Black Republican administration waited until the time was ripe to muscle the amendment though illegally. West Virginia is an illegal state accomplished by democratic fraud also.
23 August, 2014 at 10:49 pm
You’re right about West Virginia, fd, it should have remained loyal to the Confederacy like the rest of the Old Dominion. Did that Harper’s Ferry incident in 1859 have something to do with West Virginia becoming a so-called border state? The Union has never treated the good White folks of West Virginia very well, even though the Union needs their coal.
If you look at the political map of Europe it changes radically every few decades, so I expect this EUSSR nonsense is just another aberration that will soon be corrected and eliminated. The author of the book under review “gets it”, but naturally the vital issue of Race is never overtly discussed.
24 August, 2014 at 7:07 am
The majority of fighters that came out of West Virginia during the 4 years war were confederates (Stonewall). But that’s not the point. West Virginia was lawlessly annexed to the federal union. It should have been done in a lawful, traditional manner. Under heavy occupation, I’m sure the White House edited the new West Virginia constitution to their liking. The author of the Book Review would probably agree.