8 June, 2014

Britain: the Ongoing Persecution of Simon Sheppard

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' crimes, 'hate' laws, 'Heretical Two', Britain, England, jewed culture, jewed law, nation-building/nation-wrecking, Simon Sheppard, Socrates, War On White Males, War On White People, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 1:54 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Simon Sheppard)

The British government won’t leave Simon Sheppard alone. This White nationalist has been jailed, imprisoned, fined, harassed and surveilled for years — all because he wants to preserve Western culture. That’s his “crime.” Of course, if you’ve studied “White-nation-wrecking,” then you know who created/sponsored/instigated the British hate-crime laws which are used to persecute Sheppard. That’s right: those laws came from Jewish politicians, e.g., Frank Soskice, Harry Cohen, Leon Brittan, Malcolm Rifkind, Anthony Lester, Jack Straw, and the Board of Deputies of British Jews.

See top of page [Here].

More about Simon Sheppard [Here] and [Here].

  • 2 Responses to “Britain: the Ongoing Persecution of Simon Sheppard”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      After reading Mr. Sheppard’s account of life in the California penal system I think it’s safe to say that America is doomed. And rightfully so. He’s a damn good man and a prisoner of conscience. So where the fuck is Amnesty International? Or the ACLU? The UN Commission for Human Rights?

      Damn those good-for-nothing liberals and their good-for-nothing “civil rights”. And damn those asshole right-wing law-and-order types who make jails and prisons a nightmare for the incarcerated victim. They all deserve to be shot.

    2. Howdy Doody Says:

      So where the fuck is Amnesty International? Or the ACLU? The UN Commission for Human Rights?


      They are busy helping turd vorld savages get an ignoble rear end prize for writing about how demented rear ending disease spreaders are pussycuted, same goes for NPR which is enough to vomit hearing once a year.