20 May, 2014

WN Graphics

Posted by Socrates in cartoons, graphics/toons, Socrates at 3:44 pm | Permanent Link

  • 2 Responses to “WN Graphics”

    1. .308 Says:

      illegal latrine? Woman paid $15M over bus bump injury. all the sludge thievery amounts to zog keeping the brown grenades well fed in time for wAR. http://mynorthwest.com/76/2525804/Tax-dollars-at-work-Woman-paid-15M-over-bus-bump-injury and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eQZoXAU7X0

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      Cartoons like this tell it like it is, they expose the evil Culture Commies and their anti-White agenda without having to resort to long, complicated arguments or Jewish/homosexual type nastiness. Let the other side become paranoid and defensive for a change. Let’s show everyone that we have a sense of humor when dealing with our enemies.