11 April, 2014

White Architecture

Posted by Socrates in architecture, art, Socrates, White art/architecture at 7:08 pm | Permanent Link

The Glensheen Mansion, Duluth, Minnesota, has 38 rooms and was built in 1905.

  • 6 Responses to “White Architecture”

    1. Stronza Says:

      This is just speechless. Would love to go there in person. I’m so glad it is being maintained.

    2. Jürgen Says:


      And to think millions of niggers in Africa, in stark contrast, STILL live in huts made of dung, sticks, and mud.

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      Those mansions were a symbol of the 19th century robber barons’ penchant for wretched excess. I think most of those mansions were tacky, derivative and in poor taste. They also turned out to be very expensive to maintain and prone to destruction by fire. That’s why most of them are now long gone.

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      The money spent on those monstrosities would have been better spent on establishing schools, hospitals, libraries and parks for the enjoyment of ALL decent White folks, regardless of their income.

    5. Stronza Says:

      Tim, all rich people love to build huge, opulent houses & grounds. It’s just the way they think. I too wish they would show some modesty. Indeed, I’d even vote for a very rich person who lives in a modest little bungalow, because that might be a sign of good character and honesty.

    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      Well said, Stronza. Many self-made White zillionaires prefer to live modestly and frugally, unlike those rich nigger ball-players and rap “stars”, who clownishly and stupidly flaunt their wealth in everyone’s face. Then you have the Jews, who use their obscene, ill-gottent wealth to force their way into Aryan high-society. Only Whites and Orientals make their fortunes through legitimate means, such as hard work and wise investments. And maybe some Arabs. Maybe.