Media Shocked As Young Actress Doesn’t Follow the Usual Feminist Script
Posted by Socrates in feminism, Feminists, Hollywood, Socrates, War On White Males, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White philosophy, White thought, women, women and 'equality', women and femininity at 3:29 pm | 
Oh, the controversy. Unfortunately, in many households today, women wear the man-pants, which is why the West isn’t western anymore.
12 January, 2014 at 3:43 pm
Females who reject their natural station while participating in cohabitation don’t have to ask why the divorce rate is 80% in America, unless they are brain dead.
12 January, 2014 at 5:08 pm
I’m glad that woman has a happy marriage…..It seems the overwhelming majority of married couples are not happy. Most of the unhappiness comes from arguments about money, which as we all know is nothing but a Jewish con, a scheme that’s made out of nothing and based on nothing. But isn’t this actress a rather obscure, minor celebrity figure? I mean, she was a cast member in Full House, for crying out loud. Not exactly Elizabeth Taylor or Jackie Onassis.
Well, well…..look at Coonie Woods’ latest White trophy girlfriend. And we just put up with it, over and over again. Whachu’ gonna do ’bout it, Honky? Dat’s right, you ain’t gonna do shit.
12 January, 2014 at 5:36 pm
Now this young lady is a Christian.
So she says, “I am submissive, because I am a Christian, and my husband is a Christ.”
Her husband is White. That is good.
But it would be even better if she had said, “I am submissive to my husband, and I also married one of my own race, because I am a Christian.”
12 January, 2014 at 6:07 pm
Tim McGreen, the White trophy wife of Woods may develop a death warmed over look as time goes by. I have noticed that White girls who live with Negroes and other swirls come into a strange sickly look as time goes by. It’s as though the White genes become perverted from psychologocal stress. Heidi Klum is deteriorating in spite of Negro separation. She stayed too long.
12 January, 2014 at 6:14 pm
Interesting observation, fd. I hadn’t thought of that, but it makes sense that White girls who suffer from prolonged contact with Negro males are not going to look any better for it, nor will they become healthier. Such is the judgement of Nature for the crime of race-mixing.
12 January, 2014 at 6:15 pm
“The actress defended her views…”
What is there to defend? That a woman submits to her lover. husband? She normally does (she takes even his name!), if she has not been brain-washed.
Note: Jewish thinking, and thus Jewish propaganda comes out of a perverted mind, is directed against the biological intentions of nature. We call this society SICK, and indeed it is, literally.
It’s right to take a stand, not merely to defend.
12 January, 2014 at 6:22 pm
Arminius, you need to post here more often. And good job defeating the Roman Legion in the Teutoburg Forest. You need to come back to life so you can defeat the Islamic and African hoardes that are taking over Europe now.
12 January, 2014 at 7:31 pm
Tim McGreen woke up thinking of the wonderful young woman he met in the hot tub.
“I feel good!” he thought. “I actually wake up feeling good! The first time in about thirty years!” He felt so good he thought he would go work out at the Oxford U. weight room. “I will work out, and then go see Antagonistes,” he thought. “Just a quick cup of coffee is all I need. This wonderful new life is INCREDIBLE!”
When he walked in the door of the work-out room, he saw her: She was naked, except for her foot-gear, doing pullups.,3&utm_source=Xhamster&utm_medium=popunder&utm_campaign=Xhamster%20Popunder
He stood silently, watching as her lithe back muscles moved like twin panthers under her tanned flesh, as her powerful buttocks flexed with each repitition. She was enveloped by the silence; the silence was the background for her exquisite form. All he heard was her quick and powerful exhalations. He thought of the fresh air going into her lungs; her proud bosoms expanding as she breathed in. He silently left.
He did not know what to do. He decided to go talk to Antagonistes.
Luckily, Antagonistes was in his study.
“Ant,” Tim said, “I . . . I . . . what is the name of that rugby player I talked to last night? The one who smokes?”
“Tim, that would be Maryse Manios. She is French, and wants to become a bodybuilder after her rugby career.”
“Well, I want to drill her.”
Antagonistes reached into the drawer of his desk. Tim thought that Ant was going to show him something. Instead:
BRRRZZZTTTTFLLLLLLTTTTTTT . . .”ARRRRrrrrrggghhhhhhhh!” Tim did not know what hit him. He felt like he had been stung by a swarm of wasps.
“What . . . what . . . ???” Tim said, lying on the carpet.
“I just tazed you,” said Antagonistes. “Maryse is a virgin, and I will not have anyone talking about her like that.”
“I apologize, Ant. I did not know she was a Christian.”
“I did not say she was a Christian, Tim” said Antagonistes, as he helped Tim up. “She is coming from an economic viewpoint—that which is scarce is therefore more valuable. She is an economics major.”
“Forgive me, Ant. Forgive me. I think it was my testosterone speaking. But she was working out naked.”
“Yes, Tim. She is proud of her body. Like I said, she wants to be a bodybuilder. She sees nothing wrong with the human body. She sees herself as a living sculpture. She has posed for my artistic projects many times. She is exquisite.”
“Now I begin to see,” said Tim. “Where I once was blind, now I see.”
Later, Maryse would indeed become known THROUGHOUT THE WORLD for her bodybuilding prowess:
12 January, 2014 at 9:21 pm
fd & TMcG
The late Robert Frenz of F.A.E.M. fame wrote an interesting article on Telegony in 2002, part of which is as follows:
‘I bring to your attention that all dispute over telegony deals entirely with the offspring and not one thing is mentioned of any possible effect upon the female. I find it very hard to believe that a White female’s delicate sexual apparatus, complete with glands, ova, and other vitals, could remain unaffected by continual bombardment of the biological discharges of Black men which, incidentally, are chemically distinct from those of a White man. There is a whole lot more to the differences of blood, and semen, than mere DNA. We need no DNA to tell one blood from another, or one ejaculate from another.’
Full article here:
12 January, 2014 at 10:08 pm
Antagonistes, I knew you were a great artist. but you are a great writer, my frined.
12 January, 2014 at 10:15 pm
“An admixture of two unequal races is therefore a cancer, an unpardonable sin against mankind and against nature, which has launched an ever flaming curse on all such connections; inasmuch as she lets the mongrels invariably inherit all the vices and evil traits of both races and rarely, or never, any of the good. Nature absolutely disallows the adulteration of blood; and herein she shows herself to be an aristocrat of the purest water. Every violation of these laws she visits in the most condign and pitiless manner.”
15 January, 2014 at 6:43 pm
Great article, Bangkav. There is definitely a case to answer, but the possible mechanism of telegony is ridiculed by current scientists. As were geologists who pointed out the remarkable matching between the coastlines of Africa and South America. There was no way to explain it, until the theory of continental drift was proposed and proved to be correct.
Fragments of Negro DNA seem to be incorporated into the White female ova genome probably by the action of viruses contained in the Negro seminal fluid. Perhaps similar to the way AIDS virus targets specific immune cells.
11 February, 2014 at 11:39 pm
bangkav Says:
12 January, 2014 at 9:21 pm
fd & TMcG
The late Robert Frenz of F.A.E.M. fame wrote an interesting article on Telegony in 2002, part of which is as follows:
‘I bring to your attention that all dispute over telegony deals entirely with the offspring and not one thing is mentioned of any possible effect upon the female. I find it very hard to believe that a White female’s delicate sexual apparatus, complete with glands, ova, and other vitals, could remain unaffected by continual bombardment of the biological discharges of Black men which, incidentally, are chemically distinct from those of a White man. There is a whole lot more to the differences of blood, and semen, than mere DNA. We need no DNA to tell one blood from another, or one ejaculate from another.’
Full article here:
Can not be posted enough, for our young women to FIND over the joo media/school prisons.