Quick Movie Review
Posted by Socrates in movie reviews, movies, Socrates at 4:59 pm | 
(Above: Cyd Charisse, left, and Gene Kelly)
Brigadoon (a musical, starring Gene Kelly and Cyd Charisse, 1954; on DVD).
Brigadoon is a normally-invisible Scottish village that appears once every 100 years. An American hunter (Kelly) falls in love with a Brigadoon girl (Charisse), unaware of the town’s unusual circumstances. This is an entertaining movie which seems to be free of any harmful propaganda. In fact, this movie seems to be anti-modern.
12 December, 2013 at 5:33 pm
I don’t like musicals although I remember watching Brigadoon as a kid. I hate musicals. The singing is really irritating. Bye Bye Birdie is the worst.
12 December, 2013 at 5:48 pm
Brigadoon and similar films used to be tv family fare at Christmas time, at least in early 70’s Britain. Musicals of this type seem to be innocent and harmless, but are they? Perhaps there is some subtle conditioning going on?
13 December, 2013 at 4:25 pm
Movie Musicals were popular from the Depression to the end of the 1960s. Remember Doctor Doolittle and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? Very corny. Then all of a sudden the trend in films changed dramatically….Easy Rider, Midnight Cowboy, The French Connection, Taxi Driver…..I must say it was a change for the better. But then films got stupid again, thanks to the success of blockbusters like Star Wars and Jaws. With the notable exception of Sling Blade and a few other remarkable “small” films like that movies have remained stuck in the stupid zone ever since. I mean really, Fast and Furious 7 ??????
13 December, 2013 at 5:03 pm
Brigadoon was probably a product of the era it came out of. The early 50s were a pretty tame, conservative time, what with Truman and Eisenhower in the White House and media personalities like Steve Allen, Red Skelton and Lucille Ball. So it would hardly be to Hollywood’s advantage to put out controversial films or TV shows that were going to upset White, Conservative, Christian, post WWII America. Hollywood was subversive as hell but they knew better than to reveal that fact to the public. They decided to wait until the postwar generation came of age. Then they could go ape-shit.
13 December, 2013 at 5:13 pm
Try watching “It’s a Wonderful Life” with Jimmy Stuart. No songs. Staying true to the cause and personal sacrifice is a subtext. It can be an uplifting film for downhearted dissidents.
13 December, 2013 at 11:56 pm
Sling Blade was a great film. But even better is the soundtrack. It’s totally awesome. I listen to it all the time. I even played a few cuts back in the day when I ran VNN Radio. Good stuff.
14 December, 2013 at 4:23 pm
Very haunting and mesmerizing music from an unforgettable film. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktnGpR_KMzw
20 December, 2013 at 8:42 pm
That slingblade thing with that James Taylor guy was ok , Tim. But I almost fell asleep. Was that your intint?
The “Legend” soundtrack by Tangerine Dream is top-notch.
Watch the trailer, Tim McGreen.. There is no nudity, or air-brushed naked women to offend your sense of high morels. Carrie and I act out the film, as it plays. Tangerine Dream is a German band. I think they are in touch with a higher power. The world should be like this. The photography \\\\\s riminiscent of the
20 December, 2013 at 8:54 pm
Ha, ha, Thom!
Next time you had better check that I am not perusing the topics, while you attempt to imitate me!
You cannot imitate me the way you imitate Tim McGreen. But I enjoy a challenge.
And, I agree with you: “Legend” was a good film, although Tom Cruise won’t even mention it. And Tangerine Dream, from what I have heard of them, makes some good music.
By the way, my wife’s name is not “Carrie.” But you are close. I won’t tell her that you forgot her name, you moron. After all, we have gone to about four full-body air-brushing events together.
21 December, 2013 at 7:05 pm
Sorry Ant. Couldn’t resist. Sleep in heavenly peace.