Today’s White People: Wimpy, Gutless
Posted by Socrates in Britain, England, General Decline, Golden Dawn, gypsies, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 3:03 pm | 
Forty years ago, the gypsy trespassers would have been physically removed from the parking lot within an hour. But not today. (Thankfully, Golden Dawn isn’t afraid to stand up to the gypsies).
22 October, 2013 at 4:08 pm
This happened in Wales, Celtic Wales??!
A true Celt would have taken a sledgehammer to the Gypsy mercedes cars and their new trailers.
22 October, 2013 at 6:11 pm
It’s bizarre how male and female have switched roles. The best place to witness the perverted display is colleges. The prissy White male sits at a table with a good looking White girl who is dominate in posture and conversation. Along comes an African, Indian, Spanish, Moorish type who sits down with confidence causing the White kid to shrink in his chair. The dusky two legged beast has designs to f**k the pale female. And oftentimes he does.
Southerners were still hanging Negroes in the 1970s for such outrage and aggression. A lot has changed in the last 40 years.
Racism is latent. It could burst on the scene at any given time.
23 October, 2013 at 1:38 am
23 October, 2013 at 7:34 am
Ant, the only part of ‘Celtic Wales’ remaining is North Wales. Here the Welsh language is in everyday use, so if you venture into a local shop you will be addressed in Welsh. I used to be annoyed by that, but on reflection it is the only safeguard White people in the region have. The use of the Welsh language by the native people must be encouraged, especially now the hostile elite of London are stuffing mud ‘refugees’ into the disused hotels on the coast of North Wales.
There is only one job for race traitor politicians, stretching a rope.
23 October, 2013 at 8:01 am
Xianity is the real culprit that destroyed Whites, Take the word as it written, to turn parents against children, brother against brother etc. We’re led to believe that this semitic creed brought to you by the prince of peace will make the world a better place, well look at what it did. The Scandinavians weren’t induced to raid outside Scandinavia, until Charlemagne had destroyed the Saxons with his bloody religion, and the Norseman knew who would be next on the list. Toleration for all these Shitmites and uprooted bandits from India, such as those caravans of Gypsies, is just what the jews intended to use xianity for, break the White mans will to survive.
Look what all those massacres by Catholics against other denominations did to Europe after the fall of Rome, it was just a welcome mat for what followed the Mudslim invasion into Europes heartland, gave us 700 years of mudslim occupied Spain, Greece and the Balkans, and now a mudslim Europe in every niche and cranny.
What did all those Xian Lords and Grandees of the Church do to prevent this shit? Nada! they were in on the looting, or out to fulfill some sort of drug enhanced crusade to find the holy grail.
23 October, 2013 at 8:44 am
I watched “The Salem Witch Trials,” with Kirstie Alley and Shirley McClaine, last night. An excellent film, but probably with a little unhistorical stuff added for artistry’s sake.
But these Puritan lunatics, to me, exemplified Christianity–the public humiliations, the spying on each other, the passive-aggressive hatred shrouded in religious terminology.
I thought, It is all here–the smug liberal conviction of righteousness in social causes for the “good of us all,” and the conservative lack of individuality.
23 October, 2013 at 10:08 am
The English have really lost their balls. I think the establishment of the British Empire, followed by its total collapse, is one of the main reasons for this.
Empires make formerly strong, healthy nations become decadent and dependent on their colonies. Then come all the inevitable wars to hold on to the Empire. Those wars kill off the Empire’s best and bravest young men. They plunge the Empire into debt and ruin.
The last stage of destruction comes when those who were colonized emigrate to the imperial capital and begin race-mixing with the fair daughters of the former rulers. Since there are no longer enough healthy, brave young men around to defend their country or their women-folk the invaders are free to do as they please.
This has happened over and over again through the centuries, even before the Jews and their Christian front-men showed up. But the presence of Jews and Christianity have accelerated the process of imperial/racial decline and fall, they have made the devastation more complete.
23 October, 2013 at 1:03 pm
Yes, England fell apart at the end of WW2 and faded into irrelevance. The army was too weak to take part in Operation Plunder. The British empire collapsed. An empire that did nothing for English workers. The tremendous wealth of land and resources was exclusive to the wealthy elite.
The English oligarchs chose race mixing and cheap labor to maintain power.
24 October, 2013 at 1:30 am
fd Says:
23 October, 2013 at 1:03 pm
Yes, England fell apart at the end of WW2 and faded into irrelevance. The army was too weak to take part in Operation Plunder. The British empire collapsed. An empire that did nothing for English workers. The tremendous wealth of land and resources was exclusive to the wealthy elite.
The English oligarchs chose race mixing and cheap labor to maintain power.
Neville Chamberlain was the very last chance for the White English to save themselves, and they should have shove pitch forks right through the thugs of London and every idiot near Churchill.
Churchill was a mad whore drunk, who should have been dumped at in a life raft with one bottle of Russian Vodka, as he was a drunk bastard nothing more.
13 November, 2013 at 12:52 am
IamTheSeventhAngel3 days ago
Family Did You all hear the Minister Break Down How the Chinese and Other Nationalities Live in America Separate Yet Equal ? Listen To me Brothers and Sisters. When You Hear How Plain, yet Profoundly Brother Farrakhan Broke that Issue Down to a Fraction,You and Me should Get Up Off of our Backside ( NOT Tomorrow,But Yesterday) and be about the astute Business of pooling our Resources and going for self. And if We Don’t! We deserve to HELP FLOWERS GROW ! I’ve Never in My Life heard a Man Speak Like THIS Before. Allah U akbar ! Open Your Mouth and SAY the Same Praise I just Said…