More About Claude Levi-Strauss: Why the Intellectuals Loved Him
Posted by Socrates in anthropology, Claude Levi-Strauss, France, intellectuals, jewed culture, Jewed science, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Socrates at 1:39 pm | 
Here’s why: nobody could pack more baloney into one paragraph than Levi-Strauss could. Here’s an example (FYI, he’s talking about Western language vs. primitive language. Levi-Strauss loved primitive people and he started the movement that insisted that no culture was better than another. Interestingly, in the later years of his life, Levi-Strauss sometimes questioned his own anti-racist ideology, as if it might somehow backfire on his people – which it did when the UN labeled Zionism as “racism” in 1975! The UN later withdrew that label):
“Words like ‘oak’, ‘beech’, ‘birch’, etc., are no less entitled to be considered as abstract words than the word ‘tree’; and a language possessing only the word ‘tree’ would be, from this point of view less rich in concepts than one which lacked this term but contained dozens or hundreds for the individual species and varieties. The proliferation of concept as in the case of technical languages, goes with more constant attention to properties of the world, with an interest that is more alert to possible distinctions which can be introduced between them. This thirst for objective knowledge is one of the most neglected aspects of the thought of people we call ‘primitive’. Even if it is rarely directed towards facts of the same level as those with which modern science is concerned, it implies comparable intellectual application and methods of observation. In both cases the universe is an object of thought at least as much as it is a means of satisfying needs.” — from the book “The Savage Mind” by Claude Levi-Strauss, 1962.
Wow, did you get all of that? Your brain hurts, doesn’t it? Even better for the intellectuals, Levi-Strauss was “French” (actually, he wasn’t, he was a Jew who grew up in [but was not born in] France. Not the same thing as being French!). Anyway, nothing excites an intellectual more than something, or someone, French. (Right, “anti”?)
16 October, 2013 at 2:17 pm
Jews have a tendency to lecture the reader. Levi-Strauss and Ayn Rand are prime examples.
16 October, 2013 at 2:38 pm
“Words like but contained dozens from this point of view would be, less rich in words than the word, etc., are no less entitled to be considered as possessing only the word can be introduced between them. The proliferation of as in the case of concepts than one which lacked this term that is more alert to implies comparable hundreds for the application and methods of observation.
This thirst for objective is one of the most constant attention to properties of an interest, with the universe an object of thought at least as much as it is a neglected aspects of the thought of satisfying needs. Even if it is rarely directed towards facts of the same modern…………”
Be quiet, Jew, and get back to work shoveling that latrine ditch if you want to eat tonight. Lazy, good-for-nothing Kikes….They hate doing any kind of real work! -Przemyslaw the Pollack, guard at the Arbeit Macht Frei Holiday Resort Spa No. 7 for Compulsory Jewish Labor
16 October, 2013 at 3:04 pm
This does show that primitive minds do have primitive languages.
Imagine trying to speak intelligently about the various forms of wood from trees, what the are good for and the like. However, you cannot say things like “Oak is good for cabinets and vanities. The hardness and durability of teakwood means it makes for excellent ship bottoms. Ash and alder and maple and mahogany all have excellent properties for the making of musical instruments, but chiefly guitars.”
And yet you don’t have “Oak tree” and “oak wood” as words for the existence of those objects they represent. All you have is tree.
“Tree makes wood suitable for guitars.” No it doesn’t. A maple tree does. A teak or an oak tree doesn’t. See how primitive that is?
Some languages come from people so primitive, so mentally low, that they don’t have numbers or concepts of things between high and low. Like in African native languages, sometimes they are so primitive you cannot even say things like “The boat was halfway across the river” or “The banana was halfway up the tree.” It is either ALL THE WAY UP the tree or ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE RIVER or it is “down” on the tree or “on the other side” of the river banks.
Completely primitive, unclear, nuance-free language and Levi-Strauss can spend 50,000 words with the best of ’em blowing off at the mouth in Jewspeak about how no, that language isn’t primitive!
16 October, 2013 at 8:31 pm One Aussie race-mixer dead as he followed his wife to Laos; the lure of the exotic is sometimes a deadly one!
16 October, 2013 at 8:36 pm Check out the smile on the race traitor; a strong white man bites the dust because he allowed himself to be jewed!
17 October, 2013 at 6:07 am
Wow, that guy Levi-Strauss deserves a posthumous Nobel Prize in shit-talk!
In fact he talked more crap than the present occupant of the Vatican.