U.S. Senators Are Serving Everyone Except the American People
Posted by Socrates in Congress, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, Senators, Socrates, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 5:46 pm | Permanent Link
Reporter: “Senator Bigbucks, you support an American air strike on Syria. Tell me, Senator, who do you really serve: the American people, or Israel?”
Senator Bigbucks: “Oh, that’s an outrageous question! How dare you suggest that I only serve Israel. I also serve defense contractors!”
(Notice the “regime change” amendment adopted in this Senate committee vote on Syria): [Article].
6 September, 2013 at 1:03 am
Will any of those Senators send their own rotten kids to fight this upcoming Jew war against Syria? No, those kids are too busy with their frat parties and Skull and Bones initiations at Yale to be bothered. ZOG will just have to rely on the usual working-class White boys from the South to do all the fighting and dying for Israel. How dare I even ask such a question!
When was the last time the Senate ever passed any law or resolution that served the interests of the American people, especially White Americans? Putting a stop to non-White immigration? Imposing tariffs to protect domestic manufacturers? Condemning Zionist aggression? Ending foreign aid to corrupt dictatorships? Cutting “defense” spending in half? Enacting strict regulations against the banking industry? Imposing age and term limits for politicians and judges? Never. Absolutely never.
Someday the floor of the US Senate is going to resemble an abattoir. We’ll just leave it at that for now.
6 September, 2013 at 7:18 pm
Be careful what questions you ask, Tim. Asking what grade of society fights the Jews wars could motivate the Senate chamber people to send Federal agents to your door.
I still laugh when I think about Preston Brooks thrashing Charles Sumner with a cane in the Senate chamber. Sumner should have realized that when you insult another person in a speech that the results might be strong retaliation
7 September, 2013 at 12:47 am
My intuition is that we are not going into Syria. We may be winning this one. Obama comes across as a teenage hipster throwing a spoiled-brat tantrum. Obama can never regain the respect of his main support, the young White college liberals.
One reason Obama won was that he stepped into a pre-established cultural archetype created by Bill Cosby, the calm, paternal, upper-middle class Black, who is so witty and good-natured that he is liked by everyone.
In fact, Obama is the opposite: whiny, immature, boyish, irresponsible & resentful of Whites.
Obama is also attacking our neighborhoods: his HUD initiatives will fill our streets with machine gun-toting thugs. Because our economy is so weak, the young Obama supporters are now moving back in with their parents, into a house on those very same streets.
Obama is making a complete mess of our healthcare system, literally forcing people to buy insurance; including his underemployed young followers who honestly can’t afford $100/week for coverage they are too young and healthy to need.
He has lost the public respect, and may as well resign.
7 September, 2013 at 12:47 am
My intuition is that we are not going into Syria. We may be winning this one. Obama comes across as a teenage hipster throwing a spoiled-brat tantrum. Obama can never regain the respect of his main support, the young White college liberals.
One reason Obama won was that he stepped into a pre-established cultural archetype created by Bill Cosby, the calm, paternal, upper-middle class Black, who is so witty and good-natured that he is liked by everyone.
In fact, Obama is the opposite: whiny, immature, boyish, irresponsible & resentful of Whites.
Obama is also attacking our neighborhoods: his HUD initiatives will fill our streets with machine gun-toting thugs. Because our economy is so weak, the young Obama supporters are now moving back in with their parents, into a house on those very same streets.
Obama is making a complete mess of our healthcare system, literally forcing people to buy insurance; including his underemployed young followers who honestly can’t afford $100/week for coverage they are too young and healthy to need.
He has lost the public respect, and may as well resign.
7 September, 2013 at 8:34 am
If the US Congress votes no to intervention in Syria it will be a clear indication of waning jew power and the beneficial influence of the internet. People are becoming jew-wise. But don’t expect a single vote to stop the self chosen, their dream of dipping their toes in the Euphrates is at stake.
Expect them to manufacture a screening international crisis similar to the way they did in 1956 when they got Britain and France to invade Egypt on the flimsy pretext that they were separating warring factions and were “protecting” the Suez Canal.
7 September, 2013 at 9:57 am
Who is we? Why would a peaceful solution be preferable for Whites, heh maybe the Shitty will get nuked? Maybe the Kwa will get nuked. If the White race is going to end, wouldn’t a quick and decisive end be preferrable, to quote Patrick Henry ” Is life so dear, and peace so sweet, as to be purchased with the bonds of slavery”
7 September, 2013 at 10:00 am
Mistake that was chains, not bonds. Well paperdebts worked just as effectively even more so than rusty iron chains.
7 September, 2013 at 10:12 am
The Kwa has always been far enough away to feel any pain from the wars instigated by the kikes. Europe was bombed to smithereens, millions died in attacks like Dresden and Hamburg which made Syrian gas attack look like amercy killing. The Yankees in the North carried on with Yachting competition as if nothing ever happened as WT Sherman burned and looted, and raped and murdered Georgia. No, the Puritan-Jew nexus of Anglo dom won’t give a shit until those bombs come home to roost in jew dork shitty or Boston.
7 September, 2013 at 10:15 am
I don’t believe the jew neo-kahn hawks are suicidal, I do believe, the G-d damn Yankee puritan elitists are
7 September, 2013 at 10:27 am
The South has been a sucker for the Jew England”patriots”, when the English attacked Boston, the South should have stood back and allowed it. Why didn’t the English put the torch to Boston in the war of 1812? Instead of DC, or New Orleans. Back in those days of wooden ships, Europe was too far away to prey on, so the Yankees had to look closer to home.
7 September, 2013 at 10:28 am
Who is heavily invested in the armaments business? Is it the kikes or maybe alot of the jew england anglos.
7 September, 2013 at 10:44 am
The Northern soldiers went home to their manicured towns, villages and cities that were untouched by the horrors and ravages of war. A massive international army can absorb heavy losses and war expenses, especially when it has the luxury of hirelings who die for others. No criticism just harsh reality.
It’s also true that Confederate soldiers gave the White House an empty victory:
7 September, 2013 at 12:29 pm
Sometimes you get a hint of the truth from unlikely sources, like a cartoon, possibly Jap produced. Here is an example: the end of the Revolutionary War, a young man goes to visit Gen’l Washinton in Newburgh New York, stumbles upon a meeting of Gen’l Washingtons staff, disgruntled by lack of pay they are plotting a mutiny against the “Congress” in Philadelphia… He presents this info to Gen’l Washington, who laments it, but offers up the suggestion that what we need is a “strong central government”! Hee Haw
7 September, 2013 at 12:34 pm
Juan la loco maverick Mcaniac is now openly saying that Bongo bungled the Syrian attack, and he forecast that if Bongo puts kwan troops on the ground in Syria he will be impeached.
7 September, 2013 at 2:24 pm
I like this picture of John McCain, that senile old prick: http://www.dvdtalk.com/reviews/images/reviews/190/1181360874_3.jpg
7 September, 2013 at 3:37 pm
Mary O Says:
7 September, 2013 at 12:47 am
My intuition is that we are not going into Syria. We may be winning this one. Obama comes across as a teenage hipster throwing a spoiled-brat tantrum. Obama can never regain the respect of his main support, the young White college liberals.
One reason Obama won was that he stepped into a pre-established cultural archetype created by Bill Cosby, the calm, paternal, upper-middle class Black, who is so witty and good-natured that he is liked by everyone.
In fact, Obama is the opposite: whiny, immature, boyish, irresponsible & resentful of Whites.
Obama is also attacking our neighborhoods: his HUD initiatives will fill our streets with machine gun-toting thugs. Because our economy is so weak, the young Obama supporters are now moving back in with their parents, into a house on those very same streets.
Obama is making a complete mess of our healthcare system, literally forcing people to buy insurance; including his underemployed young followers who honestly can’t afford $100/week for coverage they are too young and healthy to need.
He has lost the public respect, and may as well resign.
7 September, 2013 at 6:25 pm
But Good Golly Miss Mary O, we don’t have any “health care system” for that foreign-born, homosexual communist nigger to mess up. Would to God we did! All we’ve got is a mish-mash of corporate, for-profit disease care systems that leave 50 million Kwans completely uninsured. The rest pay through the nose for a lot of tests and procedures they don’t even fucking need.
7 September, 2013 at 7:14 pm
The medical industry is so criminal that Obama couldn’t put a dent in it if he wanted to. Cancer, heart disease and everything else is treated as maintenance. It’s not about curing the patient; it’s about bilking the patient. If doctors were trained to learn their job properly, the majority would leave the medical field.
7 September, 2013 at 7:40 pm
Why would Loco Juan Mcmaniac make such a asinine statement, that Obongo would be impeached if he put Kwan mercs in harms way in Syria? Do you really think the gutless wonders of the Senate and House of Stooges would impeach the nigger in DC surrounded by all those coons, it would be an abbatoir on the senate floor and in all the shittys niggers would take vengeance, along with their wigger allies.
7 September, 2013 at 7:47 pm
Perhaps they are pondering impeachment by other means? Which means Whites on the steets will be a buffer and have to suffer.
7 September, 2013 at 10:34 pm
Went to antiwar protest in NYC today. Started at Times Square and marched to Union Square (roughly 1.5 miles). Crowd was very enthusiastic, and amazingly diverse. Koreans participated, Venezuelans, Syrians, Armenians and many Blacks. The tone was strongly anti-Obama.
No one offered any disagreement with our protest, except one apparently Arab woman, who yelled at us as we were marching by a store.
No one defended Obama at all.
This crowd of people probably voted for Obama in both 2008 & 2012.
The media is not reporting the size of the turn-out correctly; my estimate would be about 300 to 400 over the course of the afternoon. The demonstration lasted from 1pm until about 4pm.
My sign said “Obama, stop funding al-Qaida.” Some reporters from Fox appeared right near me as the demonstration was wrapping up. A newscaster started criticizing us for not caring about the people who were gassed; “Because we don’t believe it,” was my response. They took a close-up of my sign.
Walking back to the train station, with my sign, many New Yorkers stopped to agree with me. However, a large number also didn’t seem to understand that Obama is in fact supporting al-Quaida, even though it has been reported by the mainstream media, including Bloomberg News. Also, many members of the general public seem unaware that the Syrian rebels are mostly not even Syrian.
Many people are worried that another 9-11 might happen ahead of Obama’s speech planned for 9/10/13. And, also asking if members of our top government support al-Quaida now, were they not also supporting al-Quaida then?
Obama could easily be impeached. His former supporters are enraged that he lied to them.
8 September, 2013 at 12:49 am
http://www.paulcraigroberts.org these last two posts of his are historic mile stones for all of US.
Say good night
8 September, 2013 at 1:11 am
I find it quite amusing how the Regime in Washingcoon says one week that, thanks to America’s $4 trillion War of Terror, Al Qaeda™ no longer poses a threat to world peace, but then the next week says that Al Qaeda™ remains a serious threat to world peace. I also find it hilarious that, according to ZOG’s Ministry of Lies, Al Qaeda’s “Number Two Man”® keeps getting killed every week, like that little kid in the orange snow suit from the Comedy Central cartoon “South Park”. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/6f/KennyMcCormick.png
So, Al Qaeda™ can be used as an excuse or justification for anything ZOG feels like doing to anyone at any time. Al Qaeda™ is on the run, but at the same time it’s a serious threat. Al Qaeda™ has lost two-thirds of its power since 9/11, but it’s also gaining strength. Al Qaeda Leader Osama Bin laden® was killed in the caves of Afghanistan in 2001 but he was killed again in Pakistan in 2011.
Al Qaeda™ is a sworn enemy of Freedom and Democracy, except when ZOG wants to overthrow the Assad government in Syria. Then Al Qaeda™ becomes part of Syria’s Freedom and Democracy movement, something that we are sworn to defend.
Now does everyone understand why I spend most of the day hiding in the trees?
8 September, 2013 at 11:06 am
yeah, Osammy was kilt in de Tora Bora mountains, and dat bees somwheres in de Sow pissific ocean. Now I undermstands why Prez Obongo wants to kill dat debil agin an agin,, he be de prinz ub peace til jebooze cum back, an ifin he elected fo bein de prinz peace, he still know he’s vader in hebben is a joo and he gotsa protect dem holy folks from ebil debbils .
8 September, 2013 at 11:10 am
I heard a nigger congress coon on a Sunday morning Jews scientists forum go summithing like dis” Ya knows Ise be thinkin’ dat if’n a prez be lected fo being for peace, en now he be wanted to take military action, deh jes gotsa to be summin deh.
8 September, 2013 at 1:25 pm
With supremacist joos holding the levers of control on the regime they care not whit about about Congoids placed in ever agency of law enforcement.
Even the Coast Guard Academy which was based on math science scores and community recommendations as when you graduated you were an electrical engineer, mechanical engineer etc. Naturally the USCG academy was WHITE. Then the jooos along with their pet Frankenstein’s from African started yelling racism and suddenly Football players show up White women show up, and then they have RAPE show up.
IMO jooos could not stand the USCG academy being an all White enclave.
If what I have read the USCG has paid out plenty of money for injuries to women physical and mental.
With messycans mystery meats, women, and not dung miners itz fubar all the way, bet on it.
In the 70’s the USCG was 98% Whites or close to it.
8 September, 2013 at 5:12 pm
The once highly respectable US Navy is now infested with little brown squaws (who seem to be constantly pregnant) and faggots. On TV the other day I saw a faggot disembark from his submarine at the Navy Base in Groton, CT and immediately “propose” to his faggot boyfriend waiting for him on shore. And they’re both in uniform! Would you want any son of yours to serve on board a Navy ship full of queers and perpetually knocked-up squaws? Disgusting. What would the ghost of Admiral Nimitz say about all of this? Is there not a single Navy officer anywhere who’s willing to speak up and condemn this madness?
8 September, 2013 at 9:04 pm
Worse than that weird navy Tim, was Johnny Kerry the other night at the PR blitz…errr….. “press conference” worried that American inaction in Syria means we don’t care. Why we should. Bash Assed is backed by Russia and Chink, so those fuckin hypocrites should remove him if so concerned for human rights. Then Piers Morgan had some Syrian “Americans” among his audience rooting for the gasser. Please.
The chimp just wants his version of Iran Contra. Slight problem is ZOG has full control over him unlike Reagan.
9 September, 2013 at 6:16 am
Why the Constitution ever wrote that ridiculous amendment of “freedom of the press” still amazes me, and the one about unreasonable searches, tell that to anybody goin through airport security, unless you’re a mossad agent, you’re going to be subjected to body cavity searches performed by Tashika, and Demetrius.
16 September, 2013 at 11:27 pm
The house committee on un-american activities, which investigated potential communist spies, was started by a communist
Dickstein was born into a Jewish family living near Vilnius in present-day Lithuania. He emigrated to the United States in 1887 with his parents, who settled in New York City.
During his tenure as Chairman of the Committee on Naturalization and Immigration, Dickstein became aware of the substantial number of foreigners legally and illegally entering and residing in the US, and the growing Anti-Semitism along with vast amounts of anti-Semitic literature being distributed in the country. This led him to investigate independently the activities of Nazi and other fascist groups in the U.S. This investigation proved to be of such significance that on January 3, 1934, the opening day of the second session of the 73rd Congress, Dickstein introduced a resolution calling for the formation of a special committee to probe un-American activities in the United States. The “Dickstein Resolution” (H.R. #198) was passed in March 1934, with John William McCormack named Chairman and Samuel Dickstein Vice-Chairman. Dickstein had refused the chairmanship of the Committee, feeling that his Jewish ancestry might have an adverse effect on the proceedings.
He was instrumental in establishing the temporary Select Committee on Un-American Activities (the ‘Dies Committee’) with Martin Dies, Jr. as chairman, in 1938 to investigate fascist and Communist groups in the United States.
Later the same committee was renamed the House Committee on Un-American Activities when it shifted attention to Communist organizations and was made a standing committee in 1945.
Throughout the rest of 1934, the Special Committee on Un-American Activities conducted hearings, bringing before it most of the major figures in the U.S. fascist movement. Dickstein, who proclaimed as his aim the eradication of all traces of Nazism in the U.S.,[7] personally questioned each witness. His flair for dramatics and sensationalism, along with his sometimes exaggerated claims, continually captured headlines across the nation and won him much public recognition.
Authors Allen Weinstein, and Alexander Vassiliev said in 1999 that Soviet files indicate he was a paid agent of the NKVD.[1][2][3] The Boston Globe stated: “Dickstein ran a lucrative trade in illegal visas for Soviet operatives before brashly offering to spy for the NKVD, the KGB’s precursor, in return for cash.”[4] Sam Roberts in The Brother: The Untold Story of the Rosenberg Case stated “Not even Julius Rosenberg knew that Samuel Dickstein had been on the NKGB’s payroll.” [5] Kurt Stone wrote “he was, for many years, a ‘devoted and reliable’ Soviet agent whom his handlers nicknamed ‘Crook.’ ” [6]
In his 2000 book The Haunted Wood, writer Allen Weinstein claimed that documents discovered in 1990s in the Moscow archives showed Dickstein was paid $1250 a month from 1937 to early 1940 by the NKVD, the Soviet spy agency, which hoped to get secret Congressional information on anti-Communist and pro-fascist forces. According to Weinstein, whether Dickstein provided any intelligence is not certain; when he left the Committee the Soviets dropped him from the payroll.[8]
Joseph Raymond “Joe” McCarthy (November 14, 1908 – May 2, 1957) was an American politician who served as a Republican U.S. Senator from the state of Wisconsin from 1947 until his death in 1957. Beginning in 1950, McCarthy became the most visible public face of a period in which Cold War tensions fueled fears of widespread Communist subversion.[1] He was noted for making claims that there were large numbers of Communists and Soviet spies and sympathizers inside the United States federal government and elsewhere. Ultimately, his tactics and inability to substantiate his claims led him to be censured by the United States Senate.
His mother, Bridget Tierney, was from County Tipperary, Ireland. His father, Timothy McCarthy, was born in the United States, the son of an Irish father and a German mother.
McCarthy’s hearings are often incorrectly conflated with the hearings of the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC). HUAC is best known for the investigation of Alger Hiss and for its investigation of the Hollywood film industry, which led to the blacklisting of hundreds of actors, writers, and directors. HUAC was a House committee, and as such had no formal connection with McCarthy, who served in the Senate
As his fame grew, McCarthy increasingly became the target of ridicule and parody. He was impersonated by nightclub and radio impressionists and was satirized in Mad magazine, on The Red Skelton Show, and elsewhere. Several comedy songs lampooning the senator were released in 1954, including “Point of Order” by Stan Freberg and Daws Butler, “Senator McCarthy Blues” by Hal Block, and unionist folk singer Joe Glazer’s “Joe McCarthy’s Band”, sung to the tune of “McNamara’s Band”. Also in 1954, the radio comedy team Bob and Ray parodied McCarthy with the character “Commissioner Carstairs” in their soap opera spoof “Mary Backstayge, Noble Wife”. That same year, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation radio network broadcast a satire, The Investigator, whose title character was a clear imitation of McCarthy. A recording of the show became popular in the United States, and was reportedly played by President Eisenhower at cabinet meetings.[126]
History has a sense of humor, folks.
The point of this profile comparison was to indicate that
1)HUAC was essentially started by a Soviet spy (Jewish Congressman) to stomp “Nazi” immigrants
2)HUAC is re-purposed after Dickstein to go after Soviet spies
3)It goes after entertainment figures rather than government
4)A goy Senator (not a Congressman) goes after Soviet spies in the government unrelated to HUAC
5)Gets falsely associated with and mocked for HUAC, which he wasn’t connected to, but which was started by government spies, which was McCarthy was all about
It’s the irony of the decade
17 September, 2013 at 1:13 am
Tim McGreen Says:
8 September, 2013 at 5:12 pm
The once highly respectable US Navy is now infested with little brown squaws (who seem to be constantly pregnant) and faggots.
Timmy do you ever hear about Mark Essex of 1973 at a Howard Johnson’s Hotel in N.O. LA. ?
The media buried it as soon as it was over. Media incited this hate type of violence against Whites. Shortly after this happened Hollywood gave US ” MANDINGO” with niggers HOWLING IN THE THEATER ! Screaming Izm going kill me MF ing White devils, in Feb. 1974 haa.
21 September, 2013 at 12:09 pm
In Pierce’s famous book, the System battled the Organization. Right now, the System has allied itself with al-Quaida, and is battling several organizations.
The Organization had many victories, both great and small, in its long battle against the System; but none of these victories would ever appear in the media, which was controlled by the System. Therefore, even Organization members were unaware of major achievements from which they may have taken courage.
Not sure if this topic has been discussed before, but is Soros dead?
Reuters reported his death & submitted an obit on April 18; but it was quickly pulled. The explanation was that the journos are so careless, and premature obits supposedly happen all the time. The fact that his age & other details read “XXX …” is supposedly the proof. Could it be that all obits initially get sent out as drafts to be corrected & completed by junior staffers?