Negroes and Aviation: Not a Good Mix
Posted by Socrates in Africa, airplanes, aviation, black behavior, black culture, black rule, blacks, EU, Europe, Socrates at 6:21 pm | 
Hmmm, when I read this article, I didn’t see “Black incompetence” listed as a reason for Africa’s tiny share of the global air-travel market – maybe they forgot to mention it? European countries have banned African planes from landing at their airports. (In March 2006, the EU banned dozens of African airlines from landing in Europe, citing safety concerns).
16 June, 2013 at 9:30 pm
I’d love to see the liberals’ sense of “fairness” in action if they suddenly needed emergency surgery and the only choice was between an ooga-booga witch doctor and a White doctor. What if their child needed emergency surgery? Would they sacrifice their kid’s life in the name of political correctness by letting a colored operate on him when a competent White doctor is available?
If the liberal needed to get out of a dangerous situation in a foreign country who would he rely on to safely get him out, a Western airline or some Nigerian airline?
If the liberal is being followed by a group of young Negro toughs on the street does he try to alert a cop or does he just try and ignore them, hoping the Negroes will go away? Would he feel safer if it was a group of Chinese engineering students walking behind him instead?
Liberals are so dishonest with themselves. The biggest hypocrites who ever lived. But then again those right-wingers are a bunch of cowardly homos.
17 June, 2013 at 4:37 am
That CNN article is a typical bunch of liberal crap. Notice how they try to blame evil YT for preventing Captain Jamal of Air Bongo from landing his clapped-out 1959 Boeing707 at any European airport.
Look, as Dr Pierce stated repeatedly, we are in a planet-wide race war. It is raging right outside our front doors. Aiding our hostile competitors and enemies is sheer madness. Most of these African and Asian shitholes wouldn’t last 5 minutes without the constant input of skilled White engineers, doctors, spare parts, and direct gifts of food and financial support.
Isn’t it about time we pulled the plug on foreign ‘aid’ and started thinking on how we can help our own struggling White families.
17 June, 2013 at 9:49 pm
It seemed CNN was baffled as to why the state of African aerospace is severely lagging behind the rest of the world. What else should we expect from the racial egalitarians of left wing CNN?
African niggers are simply the lowest on the evolutionary ladder. Incidents like those described in the article are what happens when you put apes in the cockpit of sophisticated machinery like jet aircraft.
18 June, 2013 at 4:25 am
What’s happened to our regular contributors? I know it’s the vacation season but are you guys in Cancun or somewhere? Hope you didn’t fly Aero Mexcremo!
18 June, 2013 at 6:40 am
Hopefully the regular contributors are with their White families having a good time vacationing in some place where there are no wog hotel managers or Somalian busboys.
18 June, 2013 at 7:38 am
My friend Antagonistes took a vow to not post on heere until Samhain.
But where is New America, whose time has come? And Sri Sreggin Das. Donald Pauly.
18 June, 2013 at 3:41 pm
Speaking of Congoids who are forever OPPRESSED by Whites in WHITE NATION’S per being incited by joo media to hate YT here’s the latest on this.
GMC send mailed out some glossy catalog for SUV’s for you to buy !
The GM pamphlet’s text and photography is second to none, just a perfect piece of art work IMO.
Then in the middle of it, is a pretty, slightly chubby, blue eyed, blond White women, and her man in the photo is one ugly Congoid arrogant looking with a slight smile for you.
Gee, I just want to run right down the dealer and purchase SUB ASAP !
Thank you GM and the joo marketing department too.
Oh, Happy Day Are Here Again.
ASS HOLES with legs
18 June, 2013 at 8:23 pm
Howdy, Chevrolet is on my shit list. That once great American brand of cars and trucks is now openly promoting race-mixing in their ads. And to think the White goy taxpayer bailed out GM. This is the thanks Whitey gets. Screw Chevrolet, buy a Jap car instead.
18 June, 2013 at 8:25 pm
Actually, Toyota is currently running a very nice TV ad that features a White blond-haired family in a Toyota showroom. Not a spook in sight. Buy the Jap car, not the Chevy.
18 June, 2013 at 10:00 pm
Tim, you are sadly correct, speaking correct I went over my rushed note below.
Speaking of Congoids who are forever OPPRESSED by Whites in WHITE NATIONS per being incited by joo media to hate YT heres the latest on this.
GMC send mailed out some glossy catalog for SUV’s for you to buy !
The latest GM ad pamphlet has perfect text and photography that is second to none, just a perfect piece of ad work IMO.
Then in the middle of it this GM SUV promotion there is a pretty, slightly chubby, blue eyed, blond White women, and her man in the photo is one ugly Congoid arrogant looking with a slight smile for you.
Gee, that GM mailed ad pamphlet just made want to run right down the dealer and purchase their GB SUV ASAP !
The photo has big letter’s “THE PERFECT MATCH” oh happy days.
Thank you GM and the joo marketing department too.
Oh, Happy Days Are Here Again.
18 June, 2013 at 11:30 pm
Critters pooping on the forum again
Can’t something be done with these vermin?
19 June, 2013 at 4:28 am
Until mud huts fly, niggers will never successfully get off the ground without a White’s tech and at the wheel.
19 June, 2013 at 8:17 am
Better yet buy a used Toyota. I use Toyota trucks and get good mileage and dependability. My wife drives an older Mitsubishi which we love. No problems and good mileage. Oh, and they are better built as well,ie: body panel fit etc.
19 June, 2013 at 12:03 pm
That GMC mailed glossy pamphlet ad mailed to me is 100% in your face. If you can find it on line post it, the Red kike Guards are truly in our face now.
Once again this is the price for giving them victory over our blood in 1945.
19 June, 2013 at 1:24 pm
VW are well designed but in the jewK the company produces lots or irritating race-mixing ads so on principle I won’t buy even a secondhand VW. High mileage BMW 3-series are cheap and real mile-eaters for those long journeys. I can also vouch for high mileage Mitsubishi, really reliable, light and agile.
19 June, 2013 at 9:51 pm
The e30 BMW 3 series are excellent cars and will go for many miles. The 325 with the inline 6 gets excellent mileage! Seemed to get better mileage than other similar sized 6’s. Then there is the 318. They are also a pleasure to drive. Handle great too!
If you are ever in the market for one,the “325 is” is the one to get if you are performance minded,the 325e is for those who are strictly into economy. Down side is here in the U.S parts are expensive. Compare routine maintenance parts to that of similarly available Japanese cars and it becomes obvious which wins,here,in the U.S as far as cost/performance/to reliability ratios are concerned.
Forgive my haphazzard wording.
22 June, 2013 at 3:22 am
That GMC SUV brochure must caused a real upset in the regime. I can’t find it on any search engine.
I just got in the mail this week.
If any views this thing in the the mail SAVE IT !
Open it up and look at it !