China will surpass us, not just on account of jew-assisted tech transfers, but because they are free of the heavy burden and leaden weight of the Negro.
First of all,White people should avoid cities altogether. Cities are for niggers and Jews, not civilized humans.
I like how this Jewspaper has mug shots of niggers under Today’s Top News on AJC…….”Man (spade) charged with abandoning toddler while he sold drugs”……”Man (darky) convicted of murdering Clayton County woman wants retrial”….typical jigaboos. They’ll never change.
You gotta hand it to those niggers. They are the only race who can lower and artificially increase home prices at the same time.
Once a hand full of nog families move into a white neighborhood the sell off is on, but black faces means one cannot charge market rates for the house and must take a loss. In all white or virtually all white neighborhoods and towns, home prices must be kept artificially high to keep “those people” out.
The low rent mexrement are giving the nogs a run for their money in this department. If Obongo gets his way there will no more whitopias.
Virgil, that list of shit-cities should have included East St. Louis, Ill, Bridgeport, CT and Camden, NJ. Andrew Breitbart is a right-wing Jew, so everything he says should be taken with a milligram of salt.
” He was raised Jewish (his adoptive mother had converted to Judaism when marrying his adoptive father). He had explained that his birth certificate indicated his biological father was a folk singer. He was ethnically Irish by birth, and his adopted sister is Hispanic.” A quasi-kike I guess!
“Moorish-Americans claim that they don’t have to obey American laws because they are the members of their own country.” ://
20 February, 2013 at 5:23 pm
China will surpass us, not just on account of jew-assisted tech transfers, but because they are free of the heavy burden and leaden weight of the Negro.
20 February, 2013 at 6:20 pm
First of all,White people should avoid cities altogether. Cities are for niggers and Jews, not civilized humans.
I like how this Jewspaper has mug shots of niggers under Today’s Top News on AJC…….”Man (spade) charged with abandoning toddler while he sold drugs”……”Man (darky) convicted of murdering Clayton County woman wants retrial”….typical jigaboos. They’ll never change.
21 February, 2013 at 6:34 pm
You gotta hand it to those niggers. They are the only race who can lower and artificially increase home prices at the same time.
Once a hand full of nog families move into a white neighborhood the sell off is on, but black faces means one cannot charge market rates for the house and must take a loss. In all white or virtually all white neighborhoods and towns, home prices must be kept artificially high to keep “those people” out.
The low rent mexrement are giving the nogs a run for their money in this department. If Obongo gets his way there will no more whitopias.
21 February, 2013 at 9:43 pm
Detroit: The Zimbabwe / Iraq of AmeriKwa.
22 February, 2013 at 2:38 am
LONDON AND NYC smashed S.A. and Rhodesia
Now CHICOM’s are there and running the mines.
Oh the Congoids are not being treated nicely, but the joo press and Cooliege campuses are SILENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22 February, 2013 at 2:39 am
LONDON AND NYC smashed S.A. and Rhodesia
Now CHICOM’s are there and running the mines.
Oh the Congoids are not being treated nicely, but the joo press and Cooliege campuses are SILENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22 February, 2013 at 11:24 pm
Detroit- Most Miserable City in the US
23 February, 2013 at 4:12 pm
Virgil, that list of shit-cities should have included East St. Louis, Ill, Bridgeport, CT and Camden, NJ. Andrew Breitbart is a right-wing Jew, so everything he says should be taken with a milligram of salt.
23 February, 2013 at 5:10 pm
” He was raised Jewish (his adoptive mother had converted to Judaism when marrying his adoptive father). He had explained that his birth certificate indicated his biological father was a folk singer. He was ethnically Irish by birth, and his adopted sister is Hispanic.” A quasi-kike I guess!
23 February, 2013 at 5:58 pm
You have to realize that Jews are always playing that “I had a grandparent who was half-Jewish” game. If it quacks like a Jew, it’s a Jew.
28 February, 2013 at 11:15 pm
Miami is having a curfew for subhumans 16 and younger.
2 March, 2013 at 11:04 pm
Around blacks, never relax! Police arrest suspect after innocent bystander randomly stabbed in neck on Toronto subway.
9 March, 2013 at 3:32 pm
Steven Johnson — an AIDS-infected, unemployed Brooklyn barber — had burst into Bar Veloce on Second Avenue just before closing time on a June night in 2002, dousing everyone with kerosene and shouting, “White people are going to burn tonight!”
10 March, 2013 at 4:56 pm
“Moorish-Americans claim that they don’t have to obey American laws because they are the members of their own country.” ://
10 March, 2013 at 4:57 pm