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Posted by Socrates in open threads, Socrates at 12:34 am | 
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13 June, 2012 at 11:10 am
To all the uneducated who want to know—The House of Hohenzollern was the ruling German Family Dynasty based in Prussia,which contended for Decades with the other ruling German Family Dynasty–The Hapsburgs—based in Austria who struggled between themselves for the leadership of “Germany”.
The rule of both houses over their respective states ended in WWI with the abdication of The Kaiser–in Germany -and the abdication of The Emperor of Austria -Hungary.
If you(all) do not understand some of these basic facts of our history,then please go read a non-leftist History book.
13 June, 2012 at 12:06 pm
04-26-2011, 12:30 PM
Dave this is one is for you !
13 June, 2012 at 12:08 pm
The blog masters have messed with the Thumbs up and down crap.
Dave this is for you too, 100 thumbs down.
13 June, 2012 at 12:39 pm
The blog masters have messed with the Thumbs up and down crap.
Dave this is for you too, 100 thumbs down.
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Well said, Herr Doody. What’s going on with the thumbs up/down function? I hope it’s not that Zionist Jew computer virus Stuxnet at work? And yes, 100 thumbs down would be a well-deserved punishment for Dave. Tsk-tsk, Dave. How you disappoint me!
Red, as usual your understanding of history is clear and well-grasped; Would that all White men had such an understanding! Then maybe our Race wouldn’t fall for the same Jewish tricks over and over again.
13 June, 2012 at 2:52 pm
Treats are for jews, everybody except their favo-O-rite pets gets the shaft.
Get ready for Cookie Kike monsters to line up at Ben Bernankes discount window around Oct. 31st for another dose of their favorite treats fiat money.
Oh vey so miserable itz, 4 years and we have to live ya know? Times are hard I had to sell the yacht in the Bahamas, and I can’t afford the tuition to send Murray to law school at Harvard, and make his payments on his Lamborghini, Mein 150 y/o aunt Sarah ,a holocaust survivah, is in the hospital for a face lift, and tummy tuck in Switzerland and asked me to take care of her poodles for a mth or so , and the cost of caviar and champagne for pooches his astronomical.
13 June, 2012 at 6:15 pm
Wasn’t me Tim. Do you suffer from schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder?
13 June, 2012 at 6:28 pm
And Howdy Doody. I have asked you before,what country are you from? There are some strange people here. What forms of activism have you Tim,ever taken other than typing as multiple people here? And you Howdy Doody the foreigner(I hope) what have you ever done?
At times I do enjoy your insight Tim. At other times I really wonder if you are a mentally ill jew. Or do you just have a very funny sense of humor?
Perhaps you could both elaborate on the 100 thumbs down for me as well. What in particular did I say that offended you both so?
Boy,I sure would love to have you both over for a visit. Let me know if either of you ever make it to Montana. I have had many people over and been to many peoples homes as well. I enjoy the real contact with like minded Whites. Even if they go about things differently than I would. I know we are all on the same page. Everyone plays a part and can bring something to the table.
14 June, 2012 at 1:34 am
After May 1945, all White became foreigner’s.
14 June, 2012 at 8:45 am
Oftentimes, when one has done something that is repellent to himself, he cuts off parts of his personality. This is the divisive nature of sin, of maya.
These cut-off parts become the “shadow self.” In some instances, they take on a personality of their own, which requires much psychic energy to suppress. In the Bible, this is symbolized by the parable of the Prodigal Son.
Oftentimes drugs and/or alcohol are used in the suppression process.
What is the solultion to this dilemma? One must enter into a state of meditation (the “watching” of the Father in the parable) and gently but bravely confront the shadow self, with welcoming love. Sometimes this can be done in dreams. With love, because the shadow self is you, your “prodigal son” who, in reality, wants to return home.
A reunion of the fractured self releases a great synapse of energy, a great feast, which can then be used for more constructive endeavors.
14 June, 2012 at 5:43 pm
Namasste, Sri Sriggen!
Listen to him–since he cured me of masturbation, I have felt power grow within me. I have felt events coming towards me before they occur, and have been more focused. I have become more attractive to women, and can feel their yearnings for me.
Materialsim will not do. A supreme spiritual outlook is needed.
15 June, 2012 at 12:16 am
To be re-untied with one’s shadow self, to attain moksha and complete the cycle of samsara, one must endeavor to kick the ass of Suri Hagen Daas, the Magical Yogi Bear of the Kowabunga. To kick his ass is to free one’s self (Pali: kusala kamma)……
The cessation of the origination of worldly activities altogether with the attainment of nibb?na…..Consciousness without feature, without end, luminous all around, the kicking of ass…the highest happiness (Majjhima Nikaya 2-Att. 4.68).
O Indra, lead us on the path of Rta, on the right path over all evils, help us to kick some ass.
—Rig Veda 10.133.6
15 June, 2012 at 4:24 am
I enjoy reading Sri Sreggin’s posts. The Buddhist (?) concept of sinful acts which Sri describes seems to match jewish patterns of behavior. They are constant malcontents without sympathy or joy in their hearts. So mired are they in ‘the wrong path’ that it will inevitably lead them to their own destruction, that’s Karma, but in the process they may destroy us too.
15 June, 2012 at 10:21 am
No, Sri Sreggin says there is no wrong path, only a path of lower energy.
15 June, 2012 at 10:23 am
Your multiple selves will fracture even further, Tim, if you do not get yourself in hand.
15 June, 2012 at 11:00 am
@Tim McG–
Tim i consider HISTORY to be the FOREMOST SUBJECT that all WN’s should strive to learn and know about!
History is the key to who WE ARE and how we should conduct ourselves,and who are Enemies are because they haven’t changed.
When i become Fuhrer(or higher-up Henchman) of the New Reich—–i shall make History and a thorough understanding of IT and the Jewish Problem MANDATORY.
WARGAMING is a great way to teach kids/people about History and interest them in it.
History has been shoved to the side in Jew-Run America because the Jews know the Value of it in that it helps create and sustain IDENTITY!!—The EXACT thing they don’t want White Americans to have is IDENTITY—especially a RACIAL ONE like the minorities.
Thats also WHY the JEWS PROTECT AND PRESERVE their history so well —-they KNOW that doing so keeps them together and strong and focused as a people.
Thats also WHY your seeing it disappear from schools today is they Don’t want the Goyim to share that same UNITY that History provides.
Strip a Nation of its History or “muddy” it and the people lose inspiration from past glorious deeds or all their sense of “self” and who they are as a Nation– The RED SKULL
15 June, 2012 at 11:04 am
@ Sri Sriggin Hagen Daz Mystic Yogi Bear of Yoplait Coconut Creme
Its ok Sri….i am fully comfortable with my INNER NAZI……
15 June, 2012 at 11:34 am
15 June, 2012 at 11:04 am
@ Sri Sriggin Hagen Daz Mystic Yogi Bear of Yoplait Coconut Creme
Its ok Sri….i am fully comfortable with my INNER NAZI……
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Gentleman mind Warriors, important posts for any lurkers to ponder !
In fighting against Japanese who “made” to be our enemy as we fought against our interests to many the enemy aliens stronger and more in control while killing off our selves.
Yet, look how our unified White brothers fought, when they were not even defending blood and soil.
WW 2 was to murder our physical bodies, demoralize our spirit, sexualize every thing there after and after Nov. 22, 1963 really go for depravity full steam.
The only Hollywood studio the FDR regime took over in WW 2 was Walt Disney ! 100% lie rumors spread about Walt and believed by Patriotards could have only have been started by enemy aliens bastards.
Read the other day and posted by JC that Linders p.c. was taken by the regime, not that was news.
15 June, 2012 at 12:05 pm
Thom, are you for real? If anyone has multiple fractured selves it’s you, for you are none other than that Hari Krishna guy Sri Sreggin Das. I notice that you always pop out of the woodwork as soon as he posts something, so that you can give him your unqualified and enthusiastic support. You’re a freak, man, a real freak.
“Get myself in hand” indeed. Exactly what does that mean, anyway?
15 June, 2012 at 1:52 pm
For most regular posters here they could never post as some one else.
As one style of writing is difficult to hide especially if writing with out paying very close attention.
In plain English I know the Forum has had allot of posters with multiple accounts.
If your a paid troll I could understand it, but if not you are just a scurrying rat in garbage.
15 June, 2012 at 2:17 pm
Friend Tim, you are the one who posted as yourself and then accused Dave of doing it. I call that seriously disturbed.
No, Tim, I am not Sri Sreggin Das. The reason I am enthusiastic for him is that he, and he alone, broke my habit of masturbation. And the drug use that resulted from it. I used to be an up and coming disc jockey at a major station, but got fired for masturbating when I was interviewing carrie Fishcher. That baked it in, so to speak. Sri Das cured me. Now I am the husband I father I always wanted to be.
He can cure you also, Tim. And he is not Hare Krishna. If I told you who he really was, you would run screaming in the street.
15 June, 2012 at 7:04 pm
Its very clear who is who here. Will someone please kick these fucking idiots out of here? You, mr multiple personality fuck ass and your sick jew mind are succeeding in your goals because I cant stop laughing long enough to take this site seriously anymore. I’ll get off of here and go focus more energy on my own activism and not that of 60 year old schizoid jews who live on the internet.
I have a family to worry about and a country to resurect (sp) humor is one thing. schizophrenia is another. Constant bickering and in-fighting if that is even the case,is worse yet.
15 June, 2012 at 7:17 pm
Howdy Doody Says:
14 June, 2012 at 1:34 am
After May 1945, all White became foreigner’s.
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Howdy doody the disturbed puppet. View the above comment posted by you and note the error. Now I literally have a 9th grade education. So I make errors, I try to improve everyday. But I believe you meant Whites. Not White.
15 June, 2012 at 7:56 pm
‘Groups of Evangelical Christian Zionists from the U.S. are providing free labor to illegal Jewish settlers in the West Bank of occupied Palestine.
According to National Public Radio, “The Christian volunteers pay for their tickets and cover their own expenses to come. They work for about six weeks at a time, mostly in the wineries. Hundreds take part every year. It’s a kind of a work-stay program with a spiritual purpose.”
“We take the Bible and we look at those things and we see that one of the exciting things for us is that prophecy of scripture is being fulfilled,” says Tommy Waller, founder of HaYovel, a group that brings willing gentile slaves to what his website calls “the mountains of Israel—Where prophecy meets reality.”
“We don’t bring people here that are expecting mud baths and skin treatments and things like that,” says Waller. “We’re kind of rough guys, nice guys, a lot of us are rednecks from the South, wanting to do a good thing and to help people.”
Is that right, Waller? Let’s let Rabbi Ovadia Yosef tell you what his Talmud says you are, and why you’re really there:
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”
“In Israel, death has no dominion over them…With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant…That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”
“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created.”
Read the NPR transcript here and leave a comment.…sh-settlements
Better yet, visit the HaYovel website and give Mr. Waller a piece of your mind.
16 June, 2012 at 4:55 am
I’m coming to the conclusion that many, if not most, contemporary Christians are insane.
16 June, 2012 at 9:36 am
I know this issue has been brought to your attention by more than just myself, but your continued silence about it has been deafening. The issue is, of course, the voting button.
Just what is the problem with it? It may be a trivial matter, but it is also annoying, precisely because you will not address it. Why?
As mentioned before you are, apparently, the sole initiator of threads on this site. I believe it is incumbant upon you to provide a definitive answer concerning this “problem”. If you know, tell us. If not, tell us you don’t know. OK? That’s fair, isn’t it?
I will look forward to a reasoned response to this post at your earliest possible convenience.
Thanking you in advance.
16 June, 2012 at 10:14 am
Dave, it sounds like you are accusing Tim McGreen of being me, Sri Sriggin, and perhaps you also.
I can assure you that he is not me or Sri Sriggen. But he is funny.
16 June, 2012 at 11:44 am
I am quitting posting for a while or maybe completely until Mr. Linder will address his allowing the alphabet trolls to post hundreds of b.s. obstructing post’s all over the place.
Notice that allot of White’s have said good bye to VNNF posting over the last couple of years. With the rip off war economy I would bet some ex VNN er’s can’t afford the p.c. any more too.
. That is the mission goal of Trolls here. Yet, they are defended or ignored.
16 June, 2012 at 4:43 pm
The Faerie Conventions are overwhelmingly White with a handful of Asians. There are zero blacks.
The creativity is awesome.
16 June, 2012 at 5:19 pm
Ha, ha, ha….those weirdos look like the type of people Hank Hill makes fun of!
18 June, 2012 at 12:22 am
Who Will Lead After Ron Paul?
After his retirement, in 1956, President Truman confided in? an interview his knowledge that American Jews were disloyal to the U.S. He stated: “When a Jew born and living in America talks to his Jewish companions about ‘our government,’ he means the government of Israel.
euro944t in reply to dartek14 (Show the comment) 57 minutes ago
The Jews, I find are very selfish… When they have power, physical or political, neither Hitler? nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the underdog.” – President Harry Truman
Personal Diary
(entry dated July 21, 1947)
euro944t in reply to dartek14 (Show the comment) 58 minutes ago
18 June, 2012 at 12:50 am
Published on Jun 16, 2012 by Snordelhans
I have had 43 of my anti-israel video’s deleted from utube… but, they are becoming available here on Vimeo for those that have requested them. (Tight rules, slow to upload and only 500megs a week) To all those that wondered why I was ignoring them, I wasn’t, I have been shut out of the account for two weeks.
18 June, 2012 at 6:45 pm
Here is a “faerie radio” station. Very creative, mellow music:
19 June, 2012 at 12:50 am
He is being polite.
19 June, 2012 at 9:04 am
Antaginistes, fairies, elves, giants, etc. exist in other dimensions. Yogananda and others said so. Why else would the idea of them come into our minds? Such ideas would be impossible if our minds were just blind atoms.
19 June, 2012 at 4:15 pm
Thom,you forgot to mention the Puckwudgie. Why didn’t you mention the Puckwudgie, Thom?
19 June, 2012 at 5:38 pm
Friend Tim, the atoms of your mind are slightly askew, wobbling.
Halloween is coming. Get ready.
20 June, 2012 at 10:38 am
Puckwudgie–that’s funny.
Thom seems to be appealing to Plato and his “forms” argument–we cannot conceive of anything unless its perfect form already exists in the spiritual realm. When you hear the Pachelbel Canon and fall immediately in love with it, it is because it comes very, very close to the perfect music that exists in the spiritual realm.
Tim seems to be saying that someone can make up something like a puckwudgie and claim Platonic reality for it, but I am not sure that it works like that. Human opinion (and this can get into arguments about “higher” and “lower” humans) counts for something.
21 June, 2012 at 9:16 am
Ant, I suspect that the “Puckwudgie” that frightened Tim so bad was a species of deformed dwarf, or a chabad-lubovitch rabbi.
23 June, 2012 at 12:19 pm
Thom, I think it is very possible that Tim, as a young lad, was with his father. Maybe it was on a camping trip; maybe they were just walking in the woods. But Tim’s father saw something . . . something strange and bizarre. It could have been a dwarf, an elf . . . who knows?
But, as I envision it, Tim’s father exclaimed, “Fuck! What the . . . ?”
To young Tim’s ears, this sounded like “Puck! Wha’ ghee . . . ?”
Or, “Puckwudgie.”
24 June, 2012 at 11:21 pm
Think about this, some the worst anti White types of the KGB and STASI operative’s received employment from the regime.
25 June, 2012 at 1:11 am
Reparations for pathologically insane African’s.
When that is put on the table it will be like FDR baiting Japan after the 1940 election.
25 June, 2012 at 2:13 pm
Can this be real?
That is not the Furier!
27 June, 2012 at 7:57 am
Thom, where do you dig up all this weird stuff?
Hitler did not even like for Eva Braun to sunbathe nude, so why would he cavort with these young frauleins?
I suspect that you are Tim McGreen. Your names are very close: Tim McGreen/Thom McQueen.
27 June, 2012 at 3:48 pm
No, Ant, I am not Tim McGreen.
I did change my name though after I got fired from my disc-jockey job for masturbating while i was interviewing Carrie Fischer. A bunch of nut-jobs blamed me for her drugs and weight-gain. I can’t figure it out. I got hate mail.
28 June, 2012 at 7:02 pm
Ps-it was not Carrie Fischer who got me fired. It was a liberal, gentile disc jockey, one who had a number 1 hit about an aquatic birdl who does disco.
Carrie Fischer applauded my action. She said that she had been used as raw meat so many times. how noble of me to not involve her, and to take care of my biological drives on my own without involveing another human being.
28 June, 2012 at 8:50 pm
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Would the numbers be much higher with trolls posting ?
29 June, 2012 at 2:07 am
Would the numbers be much higher with trolls Not posting ?
29 June, 2012 at 11:55 am
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