Quick Movie Review
Posted by Socrates in movie reviews, movies, Socrates, war, war as a racket at 5:22 pm | 
Gallipoli (1981, starring Mel Gibson and Mark Lee).
This is a war movie set in 1915. Two friends join the Australian army and end up fighting in Turkey for no good reason. To me, this movie highlighted the senselessness and stupidity of global war, especially since (spoiler alert here) one of the friends dies needlessly in combat due to the orders of a callous, by-the-book senior officer.
Gallipoli is a pretty good movie. I give it 8 points on a 10 scale.
15 November, 2012 at 7:00 pm
This is an excellent film and without doubt one of Peter Weir’s best.
It memorably captures the bravery and sacrifice of the allied troops, especially the Australians, in what was a brutal campaign against the swarthy Turk.
As the poet John Masefield wrote of the Australians he saw at Gallipoli, ”They walked and looked like the kings in old poems’.
16 November, 2012 at 5:56 am
It is an excellent thought provoking film, well worth watching.
The Gallipoli campaign was Churchill’s brain child to knock Turkey out of the war and open up a supply route to Russia via the Black Sea. The plan looked good on paper and had the element of surprise been there the plan could have succeeded. However, for some weeks prior to the landings at Gallipoli, naval forces were engaging in weak and ineffective bombardment of strategic forts along the Bosphorus waterway, this action alerted the Turks to the likely intentions of the Allies.
Who was in charge of British naval forces in 1915? Churchill was. We must conclude that Churchill actually intended the bold plan to fail. Historical hindsight is a wonderful and I am perhaps reading too much into subsequent history, but we now know what were the policy and military objectives of big jew during WW1. These were to get their Bolshevik revolution started in Russia and to detach Palestine from the Ottoman Empire. Both of these aims were achieved in 1917. If Russia had been resupplied and Turkey negotiated an armistice it is doubtful jewish ambitions would have succeeded.
Of course the killing of thousands of fine young White men was the icing on the cake for big jew.
PS Sydney Australia is now home to thousands of Turks. Will White men EVER wake up!
16 November, 2012 at 9:24 am
Looks like our favorite turrorists in the holy hoax land are fixin to open a new and jew improved front, taken on the big bad Gaza strip. Where or where is the condemnation from our State department, or yet that Jewnited nations, over the murderous bombardment guaranteed to cause the maximum of casualties to a population deprived of all humanitarian aid by an embargo? The turks , the jews whats the diff? The main aim of all the embroglio in the middle east, since the days of pompey have been that shitty religions and its adherents who need to be wiped off the map. I can’t get over the hypocricy of these chrislings, or rag heads who simply ignore the blight of the Palestinians
16 November, 2012 at 9:48 am
The Turks victory at Gallipoli was almost as damaging to the White mans invincibility as the defeat of the Russian Navy in 1905 by the Nips. Of course the stupid Limeys along with Frog allies at done damage to Russia in 1850’s with the Crimean War, preventing Russia from taking Constantinople
16 November, 2012 at 10:01 am
The resulting Treaty of Paris, signed on March 30, 1856, guaranteed the integrity of Ottoman Turkey and obliged Russia to surrender southern Bessarabia, at the mouth of the Danube. The Black Sea was neutralized, and the Danube River was opened to the shipping of all nations. The Crimean War was managed and commanded very poorly on both sides. Disease accounted for a disproportionate number of the approximately 250,000 men lost by each side.
half a million White men, and 10 years later about 3/4 million Whites slaughtered to free niggers.
16 November, 2012 at 10:29 am
The Crimean War wasn’t the last attempt by Russia to give Turkey an overdue knock-out blow. They tried again in 1877 and would have succeeded except for British interference. Big jew at work again against White nations.
At the Berlin peace conference of 1878 Bismarck told the delegates to keep a watchful eye on jew Disraeli, “Der alte Jude, das ist der Man”.
16 November, 2012 at 2:09 pm
Another great Aussie film is “Breaker Morant”. That 1980 movie takes place during the fratricidal Boer War. Lord Kitchener wants to make an example of Lt. Morant, in an attempt to bring the Boer War to a diplomatic end.
Without consulting Wikipedia, I believe that Churchill was relieved of his post as First Lord of the Admiralty as a result of the Gallipoli fiasco that he was responsible for. So for a number of years he was forced to live a marginal existence, as he struggled to regain favor with the Jews.
Btw, The Turks thought the name of the British god was “Bastard”, because the British troops kept yelling it in battle.
16 November, 2012 at 2:30 pm
Nom, it is most strange that the British and French, two long-time enemies, would ally themselves with a mutual enemy,the Ottoman Empire, against the Aryan Russian Empire. And to think the British and Russian monarchies were both German!
Would it really have been such a bad thing if the Russians had access to a warm-water port near the Mediterranean??? That’s basically all Czar Alexander II wanted. The Russian defeat in the Crimean War seriously weakened Russia, something that would soon lead to instability, anarchy and revolution. Indeed, Alexander was murdered by a Jewish terrorist group in 1881; that murder in turn led to the execution of Alexander Ulyanov…..the older brother of Vladimir Lenin.
16 November, 2012 at 3:48 pm
Russo-Japanese War
The Japanese navy, built with White British technology, was far superior to the Russian Navy. That advantage gave Japan the victory.
Catherine the Great complained that Russia is too Asiatic.
Big empires exist at the sufferance of income tax slaves.
16 November, 2012 at 6:13 pm
Nom, it is most strange that the British and French, two long-time enemies, would ally themselves with a mutual enemy,the Ottoman Empire, against the Aryan Russian Empire. And to think the British and Russian monarchies were both German!
Strange or insane? Christ insanity makes strange bedfellows
16 November, 2012 at 6:28 pm
The Trojan war made more sense it was fought over a woman, in the same vicinity as Gallipoli, Who is going to remember Gallipoli in 3 thousand years?
16 November, 2012 at 6:36 pm
Australia has never recovered fully from the damage inflicted on our White gene pool by WWI. We were a small nation and they took the cream. All recruits, at least at the start had to be ‘perfect specimins’. Many were country boys of pioneering stock.56,000 were killed and i don’t know how many wounded.
WWII was another mistake. We fought the japs to a standstill in New Guinea and then started selling off Australian real estate to all comers including Japanese shortly after the end of the war. Go figure.
Australia was self sufficient in 1945; after years if immigration and traiterous politicians off all stamps we can’t even make a light bulb here.
I’m so angry I can’t say with these fawning polticians & mealy mouthed commentators saying how our brave Diggers died for our freedom. Bullshit…Australia was not threatened in WWI…We went to the aid of Britain to fight forthe jew…how sad.
16 November, 2012 at 6:46 pm
fd, Japan’s naval advantages over the Czar’s fleet came courtesy of JEWISH financing.
The Jews almost knocked Nicholas II off the throne in 1905, but not quite. They would have to wait another 12 years to strike again. Unfortunately Nicholas didn’t understand the danger that the Jews posed to him and to his Aryan family.
16 November, 2012 at 8:02 pm
Another good film in this vein is Lighthorsemen, about the Australian light horse units in Palestine. It’s a really strong action story with good characters and although not as deep as the above films, it’s a lot of fun, and you actually see a cavalry charge break the Turks.
There are German advisors, and they come out pretty okay.
16 November, 2012 at 11:52 pm
bangkav Says:
16 November, 2012 at 6:36 pm
Australia has never recovered fully from the damage inflicted on our White gene pool by WWI. We were a small nation and they took the cream. All recruits, at least at the start had to be ‘perfect specimins’. Many were country boys of pioneering stock.56,000 were killed and i don’t know how many wounded.
WWII was another mistake. We fought the japs to a standstill in New Guinea and then started selling off Australian real estate to all comers including Japanese shortly after the end of the war. Go figure.
Australia was self sufficient in 1945; after years if immigration and traiterous politicians off all stamps we can’t even make a light bulb here.
I’m so angry I can’t say with these fawning polticians & mealy mouthed commentators saying how our brave Diggers died for our freedom. Bullshit…Australia was not threatened in WWI…We went to the aid of Britain to fight forthe jew…how sad.
Same for New Zealand and Canada.
Joo blood feasts, as their enemies murder themselves and make the jooos rich, at the end of WW 1 they had made Billions when ten dollars was allot of money.
17 November, 2012 at 5:53 am
‘Wars are the jews’ harvest’. Judaism is nothing but a murder machine dressed up as a religion.
If Christians had half a brain to actually look inside the jews’ ‘holy’ book they would soon figure that out.
17 November, 2012 at 9:01 am
‘Wars are the jews’ harvest’. Judaism is nothing but a murder machine dressed up as a religion.
If Christians had half a brain to actually look inside the jews’ ‘holy’ book they would soon figure that out.
That’s the whole perspective in a nutshell.. We could say Xtians are insane, that would be much too kind, they are deliberate accomplices mesmerized willingly to do the bidding of the jews… Why is that? What madness!
17 November, 2012 at 11:43 am
To the jooo who gave me a red cherry, thank you for reading here when your not doing your sister or brother.
joo’s buying up and controlling the media was far sighted of them indeed, along with understanding the vanity of White’s and compromising them with money, whores, drugs, and worse.
By the way, since we have STASI state now because of that crime of mass murder and insurance fraud over a decade ago in NYC what purpose is now served by the scum called representatives ?
17 November, 2012 at 2:23 pm
Yeah, what do these stooges represent? We know who, the joo!
I like the convulsions the jew media is going into over Petraeus’ fling with , today they had a nigger army chaplain sermonizing about infidelity? How low can we go.
17 November, 2012 at 4:55 pm
I just saw another good Mel Gibson movie: “Get the Gringo” (2012). In it, he kicks a lot of Mestizo ass. Highly recommended.
18 November, 2012 at 3:16 am
Nom de Guerre Says:
17 November, 2012 at 2:23 pm
Yeah, what do these stooges represent? We know who, the joo!
I like the convulsions the jew media is going into over Petraeus’ fling with , today they had a nigger army chaplain sermonizing about infidelity? How low can we go.
Only one thumbs up allowed now, okay.
25 thumbs up.
18 November, 2012 at 9:37 am
“Gallipoli is a pretty good movie. I give it 8 points on a 10 scale.”
‘VNN used to be a semi-worthy, useful forum. I now give it 4 points on a 10 scale.’
18 November, 2012 at 2:51 pm
And lets not forget who set the fuse with the murder of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife Sofia in Sarajevo in 1914 and the government that was behind it.
18 November, 2012 at 3:31 pm
OK, Torrence, the present quite time here at VNN is your golden opportunity to contribute some heavy-weight stuff. You have our full attention.
Joking aside, we are probably losing some readership to The Occidental Observer, there are some interesting posters on that site, but also a few misleading trolls.
18 November, 2012 at 6:19 pm
Linder allows trolls that have and do drive off Whites IMO.
He has heard the complaints an howls, he does not want to hear it.
As for real trolls they are on Every site that is White.
NNNF has one now for this past year, yet because of Troll control I would guess NNNF reader numbers have surpassed VNNF because of it.