4 October, 2012

Chimpbabwe: Whites Told to Give Their Land to Blacks

Posted by Socrates in Cultural Marxism, egalitarianism, Jew World Order, jewed foreign policy, Kissinger, New World Order, Rhodesia, Socrates, Zimbabwe at 3:19 pm | Permanent Link

Little Johnny: “Why did they have to destroy Rhodesia?”

Teacher: “Because it was ruled by White people.”

Little Johnny: “What’s wrong with that?”

Teacher: “White rule is evil, Johnny, and it must be abolished from the earth.”

At one time, Rhodesia (now called Zimbabwe) was known as “the bread basket of Africa” since so many farms were located there. Now, with high crime, incompetence, corruption and starvation, many Blacks want a return to White rule since life was so much better under it. But that won’t happen. Trivia: Jewish diplomat Henry Kissinger played a key role in the transformation of Rhodesia into Zimbabwe. More trivia: the first president of Zimbabwe was named Canaan Banana – you can’t make this stuff up!


  • 22 Responses to “Chimpbabwe: Whites Told to Give Their Land to Blacks”

    1. CW-2 Says:

      Big Jew: “Congratulations Henry, your masterful diplomacy has destroyed another prosperous outpost of the goyim, soon we can really get to work on the goy homelands. But won’t the resulting chaos cause the swartze population to drop?”

      Henry Kissinger: “You’re right Ira, but we couldn’t give two shits about the dumb swartzes. When the chaos gets really bad we intend giving China the green light to come and aid Southern Africa. With China using the mineral resources and agricultural potential of the region we can really put the squeeze on Europe and North America.”

    2. CW-2 Says:

      Big Jew: “Congratulations Henry, your masterful diplomacy has destroyed another prosperous outpost of the goyim, soon we can really get to work on the goy homelands. But won’t the resulting chaos cause the swartze population to drop?”

      Henry Kissinger: “You’re right Ira, but we couldn’t give two shits about the dumb swartzes. When the chaos gets really bad we intend giving China the green light to come and aid Southern Africa. With China using the mineral resources and agricultural potential of the region we can really put the squeeze on Europe and North America.”

    3. fd Says:

      History repeats itself. When Haiti was ruled by the French, it was the most prosperous island in the Caribbean. Today it’s a dead zone of horrors.

    4. bangkav Says:

      Malcolm Frazer, the Australian Prime Minister at the time also played a significant part in the dispossession of Whites in Rhodesia.

      He was a (supposedly) Liberal (conservative) politician then.

      Since his retirement from politics he has become best friends with George Soros et.al. and supports all leftist causes that are detrimental to White Australians…just another race traiter as it turns out.

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      Jews and liberals are children of the Devil.

    6. CW-2 Says:

      In a subtle way White farmers are being deprived of their land even in Europe. With jews pulling the strings of the eco movement farmers in the jewK are being encouraged, ie. forced to allow good productive land into revert to scrub and marsh, all to protect the ‘blue-spotted moth’ or some such crap.
      Looks like they are planning food shortages. Jews did the same in ancient Egypt, they don’t change.

    7. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Looks like they are planning food shortages. Jews did the same in ancient Egypt, they don’t change.
      Yeah, we can see that here in the Jew ass ohvey, but it looks like jews want to make a profit at the same time, what with kosher food laws, and foods that fatten up the goyim. Its pure D fatsoland here in the Byebull belt, you have to look high and low to see anything looking healthy. You don’t see many young whites, in fact the statistics are showing that White males, and Females are dying earlier.
      Jews need to be charged with crimes of genocide against the Goyim, and specifically the White race.

    8. mrcrouton Says:

      I’m not too worried about the whites in Africa starving to death since most will be able (and are) emmigrating to Australia and back to Europe.

      And another thing to consider. Why is a good thing that these white farmers grew food to feed niggers?

      I personally will enjoy knowing the karmic revenge these niggers are going to get.

      Whites should always avoid niggers and do their best to live among their own.

    9. Genghis Khan Says:

      The jew exists as the negative pole of manifestation. He is the universal Tester. He would have no power whatsoever over the White Race, except that weaknesses already inherent in our Race create an avenue into which the jew spews forth his poison. Unless we come to our collective senses soon. the jew poison will destroy us and the jew will be looking for another host he can attach himself himself to. Watch out Chinamen. You may be next.

    10. Arminius Says:

      The Jew would have no power whatsover, as soon he is deprived of the control of money supply and the media.

    11. bangkav Says:

      @ mrcrouton: “I’m not too worried about the whites in Africa starving to death since most will be able (and are) emmigrating to Australia….”

      If only it were so.

      It is very difficult for White Soth Africans (or other White Europeans for that matter) to emmigrate to Australia due to the anti-white government & bureaucracy now in place.

      However South African jews & blacks from any African country bo not face the same obstacles here.

    12. CW-2 Says:

      mrcrouton, the karmic revenge coming down the pipeline is directed staight at us, for being too ‘nice’. All the do-gooder churchy Whites have been more concerned with mud welfare and ‘saving the world’ than caring for their own volk. Breaking Nature’s eternal and primary laws is a serious crime.
      The nigs in Nigeria and Zimbabwe will escape any serious famine thanks to the ‘Kwan taxpayer and the agricultural surpluses generated by the hard working American and Australian farmers. The whole purpose of black rule in Southern Africa is to deprive Whites of resources and geopolitical room. The noose is being slowly tightened around Europe, we are firmly boxed-in, and as Bangkav says European Whites can’t easily migrate to North America or Australia as the quotas and points system are deliberately stacked against them.
      Some years ago Qantas, the Australian airline, gave me the option of a stop-over in Johannesburg South Africa, which even then was a crime infested hellhole. I took a taxi to visit the federal capital Pretoria. That was quite an eye-opener! The beautiful main square with a large momument to the Dutch colonists, the Voretrekkers, was swarming with nigs. There were a few bewildered and dejected Whites on the streets, lost souls, ready for the executioner. It was then I became a totally uncompromising WN, as it became obvious to me that Big jew and their criminal globalist fiends intend doing to the whole White world what they succeeded in doing to South Africa.

    13. Nom de Guerre Says:

      “weaknesses already inherent in our Race create an avenue into which the jew spews forth his poison” Thats correct, Whites have lost contact with the more primitive aspects of the human psyche, no doubt xianity was the fools brew that turned Whites away from exploring their own inner darkness.

    14. fd Says:

      The eternal laws of nature are working night and day employing disease and starvation to reduce the Negro population across the world by 80%, but White technolgy is staving it off with food and medicine. You can only trump Mother Nature for so long. Their demise is coming.

      There is an old saying in the South: Send all the niggers back to Africa with a Mexican under each arm. We can add jews to that.

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      Well said, fd, very well said. If it were not for White liberal/UNICEF/Sally Struthers/New World Order meddling the Negro population of Africa would be reduced by at least two thirds. Think of all the tigers, elephants and gorillas (the non-Negro gorillas, I mean) who could be saved if the population of burr-heads, fliver-lips and tar-babies was drastically reduced. All that would be necessary is to step back and let Nature take her rightful course.

      Every time I see a White doctor, Peace Corps volunteer or Christian type in those Third World hellholes, building a village well, church or hospital for those lazy, ungrateful niggers I pray to the Gods that those Whites get eaten alive by cannibals or cut to ribbons by machetes and machine gun fire. Sometimes the Gods answer my prayers.

    16. CW-2 Says:

      Recently the local jewtube aired a film about Operation Orbis, the program to save sight in third world countries. The film showed a dedicated band of European and American (there was one token Hindoo) retired surgeons, engineers, and pilots preparing to fly to India in an old DC-10 fully equiped as a flying hospital.
      Now, to save someone’s sight is a truly noble thing and I salute those honorable men and women of our race who do this work, BUT do we see any other race giving a shit about human suffering? Are the mega rich Saudis sending a flying hospital to poor Islamic countries, or rich Brazilian businessmen doing similar things in Latin America? Well, we know the answer to that one.
      And after we have done this noble work what thanks do we get? None, only hate and hostility. There is an old saying, ‘charity begins at home’, let’s keep it that way and build our people to be strong and confident, not cowering in a corner whenever some ungrateful mud accuses us of being a racist.

    17. Sgt. Skull Says:

      Zimbabwe is always on the brink of famine but the decadent, judaized white countries always always come to the rescue. After all, the brainless Christians need a cause and what better way to endear yourself to the white bearded man floating high in the sky than to shower affection on the most useless form of life on the planet: The African nigger (the American version, too).

      It’s time to leave Zimbabwe and the entire dark continent to its own devices and let nature be the judge of those wretched beings that are called black Africans.

    18. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Niggers are a disease, anything that gets rid of niggers is a cure. The only cure for dumbass bleeding heart nigger luvin’ xians would be to pen them up with the beloved , perhaps we can devise some sort of reality tv/how where xians get locked up with sambos

    19. Tim McGreen Says:

      What happened to fd’s response to my comment? Did someone steal it and take it home? Is it in Nom’s sock-drawer? Or on top of CW’s refrigerator?? Put it back where it belongs, I tell you!

    20. CW-2 Says:

      Tim, I’ve checked my fridge, under the post-it notes and stuff, and it’s not there! Perhaps Socrates is examining it?

    21. fd Says:

      I have not been online for a couple of days. Sometimes my response to the subject disappears or never shows up to begin with. I agree with your text 100%, Tim.

    22. Howdy Doody Says:

      Albert Schweitzerde.wikipedia.orgde.wikipedia.orgAlbert Schweitzer, OM was a German and then French theologian, organist, philosopher, physician, and medical missionary. He was born in Kaysersberg in the province of Alsace-Lorraine, at that time part of the German Empire. WikipediaBorn: January 14, 1875, Kaysersberg
      Died: September 4, 1965, Lambaréné
      Education: University of Strasbourg (1893–1899)

      A do gooder who warned White’s never to fraternize with the Congoids.