25 April, 2012

Cops: Alabama Attack Not a Hate Crime…

Posted by Socrates in 'hate' crimes, black behavior, black crime, black culture, black icons, double standards, General Decline, genocide of White culture, media cases, Socrates, The South at 1:02 am | Permanent Link

…even though a witness says Saint Trayvon was invoked during the attack.


  • 40 Responses to “Cops: Alabama Attack Not a Hate Crime…”

    1. Ray F. Bateson Says:

      Then they can’t bitch if someone drove through nigtown with window-mounted flamethrowers screaming revenge in the victim’s name via megaphone.

    2. M. Kraus Says:

      Well, this was just an “isolated incident”. No racism here, because it was an act committed by African-Americans. You know…400 years of oppression, etc. The group of blacks attacked because of the legacy of White racism, etc. It’s obviously the fault of the White man, etc.

      Asked if the incident was being investigated as a hate crime, Rains replied: “No, it’s not. It’s being investigated as an assault.”

      Well of course it is! We all know black people don’t hate.

      Owens has a criminal record that includes arrests for domestic assault, driving under the influence and public intoxication.

      Bad White man! Bad, bad, bad! Obviously he’s full of hate and bigotry, unlike his assailants, who are law-abiding citizens and the very definition of virtuous. Thank you, Fox News, for pointing this out to us. You are, indeed, “fair and balanced”.

      Emotions ran high as six weeks passed before Zimmerman was charged, leading many African-American community leaders to decry what they perceived as racism in the justice system.

      …and therefore giving “African-Americans” carte blanche to beat the bejesus out of any White person who speaks to them in a non-deferential way. That is moral. That is just. That is the American way. That has NOTHING to do with “hate”, which is an exclusively White emotion.

      Hey, who cares, right? Have another beer, and watch the game! God bless America!

    3. Jürgen Says:

      White Man, White Woman,

      If you choose to be near a nigger,
      you CANNOT, I repeat, CANNOT
      be disarmed. They are fucking
      dangerous animals – how long
      will it take for everyone to
      realize this????

      You must have a gun for self-
      defense, and if you have to
      go near these savages you’d
      better have the safety off
      and that gun on DEFCON 1,
      ready to rock.

    4. Arkan Says:

      Aren’t the cops supposed to be going door to door trying to get some leads as to who did this?.. Where did justice go? It’s come to a point where the cops in this country are scared to death of violating blacks’ civil rights by simply arresting them. The fault is not of individual police officers but their spineless departments. The recent abdication of Sanford’s police chief goes to show us that.

      Jurgen’s above post is spot on. Purchase a handgun if you don’t have one already. Preferably something high capacity like a 5.7 or good 9mm. Use hollowpoint ammo and carry a spare mag if you must.

      Jurgen, good post.

    5. Ray F. Bateson Says:

      The above is somewhat ill-advised. The science is in: The best 9×19 loads are too lacking in bullet-weight for effective penetration considering the bone-density in those shitbeasts. Sorry, the 5.7x28mm is a geek’s plaything, not a combat-round. Get educated on terminal ballistics at http://www.firearmstactical.com/tactical.htm.

      Protip: Every grain counts.

    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      “Asked if the incident was being investigated as a hate crime, Rains replied: “No, it’s not. It’s being investigated as an assault.” Eugene A. Seidel, first assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama, declined to comment on the case when reached by FoxNews.com.”

      Did you notice that name, children?

    7. Sgt. Skull Says:

      Are we not surprised? Charging these niggers with a hate crime would skew the hate crime statistics and departments are under political pressure to only charge whites with such crimes. This way whites will look like haters so as to justify more anti-white legislation. Even if this spooks were charged with hate crimes they would doubtless get dropped as part of a plea agreement as so often happens.

      I love how the media is quick to point out the white man’s criminal record as if he somehow brought this upon himself. The media always blames the victim if the victim is white.

      If the races were reversed, the American Stasi (FBI), DHS and Sharpton’s professional niggers and protesters would have descended on this Alabama town like a swarm of locusts demanding “justice”. Since law enforcement flatly refuses to do their job, and niggers now attack whites in broad daylight with impunity, the only option left is for white men to start forming militias and dispense their own brand of justice.

    8. mrcrouton Says:

      Most whites are getting a good lesson in negro behavior lately.

      But obviously Mr Owens has been remiss.

      For one move out of that neighborhood! If you have more than 20% negroes in your immediate neighborhood it’s time to look for housing elsewhere. However if you are going to get in an argument with a negro, first retreat into your home and have your hand gun handy if not hidden and ready behind your back (which is legal in just about all states except maybe Jew York City) before you mouth off.

      Do not let them surround you. Ever. If you are in a city and find yourself in an area with too many negroes, get moving to a white area, because all it takes is one bad jury verdict and it’s open season on whitey.

      Mr Owens should have returned to his house, retrieved his gun and encountered them with his back to a wall and packing heat. After the first round went off, the niggers would have scattered.

      Once inside your house, you can call them nigger from inside and it’s all legal, although once they know you’re the local racist, you will be constantly attacked threatened and harrassed. After that it’s time to get a pit bull before you move out.

      Either way you can’t win with niggers in this current climate other than moving away from them.

    9. Howdy Doody Says:

      Pit Bulls are not a White man’s dog. You should have insurance to pay for damage done to WHITE children and Fed Ex drivers etc.

      Doberman’s Poodles, Bull Dogs, German Shepherds you name it, no dog is a risky breed for good White people, but the pit bull owner who hurts innocent puppies, and humans should receive the owen’s treatment IMO.

    10. Arkan Says:

      Pitbulls are good with children, very nice dogs. They attack out of defense but they’ll bite you if you mistreat or neglect them. If you raise them from pups and around young children, they’ll be good protectors.

    11. Tim McGreen Says:

      Police dogs don’t like niggers, because the suspects they attack are almost always Blacks. And since Blacks emit an unpleasant odor, the dog wisely puts one and two together. Unpleasant odor + Black running away = police dog attack.

    12. Arkan Says:

      FACT: Police dogs lick their asses alot in order to get the taste of NIGGER out of their mouths.

    13. Howdy Doody Says:

      Arkan Says:
      26 April, 2012 at 6:53 pm

      Pitbulls are good with children, very nice dogs. They attack out of defense but they’ll bite you if you mistreat or neglect them. If you raise them from pups and around young children, they’ll be good protectors.

      Most dog pounds are loaded this misery breed and mixed breeds.

      Have YOU got insurance to Pay.

      Listen up Pilgrim.

      Have personally seen the damage this breed has done to INNOCENT.


      A four year old 77 pound pit bull Trespassed on rural private property.

      Owner and wife who worked for a vet had the dog since it was 8 weeks old.

      Dog trespassed, chased 8 month old puppy and ripped it open going past Three men to get to the puppy.

      I won’t go on about it.

      No other breed off its OWN property rurally would behave this way.

      A four year handsome child was disfigured when a gate was opened, and the owner of the Pit Bull did not want the dog put down.

      Any dog can give a bite or snap.

      The B.S. about Pit Bulls are okay if the owner is okay is all b.s. and based on ignorance.

      I know a FED EX driver does enter any property with any pit pit bull not fully restrained, in 23 years he has seen all types of dogs, and he owns three dogs.


      Any other breed of dog would

    14. Arkan Says:

      Considering the amount of in-breeding going on in these “select” races of dogs, there is a certain advantage to having a mixed race dog. Also, you’re right about the Humane Shelters being full of these, “mutts” and it’s sad to know that people are so picky in their choosing. My friend, I also notice that you really hate pitbull dogs, I think if not for the media demonizing this breed or the dregs of society using it for unlawful and inhumane purposes, we wouldn’t have such a nasty opinion about them. The only thing I said was to emphasize discipline with the breed, and of course.. there will always be that certain dog who’s behavior is incompatible with its surroundings. Agreed.

    15. Howdy Doody Says:


      I personally know about the incidents above.

      In Both Case’s the owner’s treated the dogs well.

      In Both case’s the owner’s stated the Pit just went nutz, I don’t know what happened.

      Heard a Radio ad today by a out of county dog pound begging for people to to adopt pure breed and mixed breed Pit Bulls.

      For the Month of May All Pit bulls and Mixed Pit bulls can be neutered for half price. NO other breeds or mixed breeds are offered this.

      Pit Bulls can not be bonded with as with other breeds nor ever fully trusted.

      I have had dogs till they died of old age and they would have given their life for me, and they were voracious when called for, but never came or hinted to attacking or being aggressive with puppies or “Children”

      CO. and Florida have banned the owner ship of them.

    16. arkan Says:

      Yes, those sound like some horrifying events. However, not all pitbulls are bad – certain breeds are just harder to domesticate. Sounds like Colorado and Florida wants user-friendly dogs.. beagles, chihuahua’s.. etc. Lol.
      I do wonder, what if none of this Trayvon shit would’ve ever happened if Zimmerman just had a dog on a leash.

    17. Leviticus Jackson Says:

      One of the wisest things a parent or guardian can tell White kids from the very beginning is to not challenge a group of negroes if you are alone and without an effective firearm. Negroes are dissed at the mere presence of the White man and having him trying to tell them to do something is the ultimate insult to their being. This coupled with their enormous sense of self-entitlement and their super sensitive egos is like throwing gasoline on a fire! Whites have a brain and they should use it, take time to think and plan. You don’t like negro youth playing basketball in a particular area, don’t try to tell them to do anything, you go out and buy some fish fertilizer or make your own. You go and buy a cheap can of whatever fish you can get and grind it up in a fine liquid and mix it with some cheap cooking oil or grease. Go to the area when it is deserted and spread the lovely smelling concoction around. In the hot Alabama sun the smell will only get stronger. If somebody cleans it up add more and keep on doing this until the negroes go to some other area. Problem solved and you have hardly expended any energy or money and the negroes don’t even know what happened. This is how a White man solves problems with his brain instead of his brawn. Try it.

    18. Ray F. Bateson Says:

      Substitute ‘pitbull’ with “african american” in those sentences, arkan, and realize how sadly full of shit you are.

      Biological-predeterminism is a fact. Treating matters of vital potentiality on a subjective-emotional basis is how kids get maimed and races get extincted.

    19. Ray F. Bateson Says:

      Death to all two-, three- and four-legged niggers.

    20. Tim McGreen Says:

      A few years ago I saw a brief, one time TV report about a teenaged White girl from the South whose family moved to Brooklyn NY, of all places. And not the yuppie part of Brooklyn, either…I think it was Bed-Stuy, arguably the worst neighborhood in NYC.

      Needless to say, all of Mary’s ahem, “classmates”, were Simian Americans. And how did her classmates welcome Mary to W.E.B. Dubois High School? By threatening to kill the “cracka bitch”. Did the Black teachers and Puerto Rican principal put a stop to the abuse she was experiencing? Need you ask? Every day poor Mary had to endure so much vicious, nasty shit from the niggers that her family finally had to move to another borough.

      Now let’s compare the government/media coverage of Mary’s ill treatment to, say, the government/media coverage of those colored students who wanted to attend all White Central HS in Little Rock back in 1957. Actually, those Negroes didn’t care one way of the other about attending Central High, their Jew handlers simply trained them like performing circus animals to make it look as if they wanted to go there.

      So lessee…President Eisenhower sent in Federal troops, the national media provided full coverage, Arkansas Governor Faubus got involved, there were huge NAACP demonstrations…the works…..

      And how did the System deal with Mary’s race-based discrimination in Brooklyn? Did Governor Pataki speak out against the abuse, or the Jew superintendent of NYC schools? Did “Doctor” Duke or any other White activist stand up for her? Were there any White protests in front of Borough Hall, demanding justice for Mary? Did NBC’s Brian Williams cover any of it? How about the Jews from 60 Minutes? They love a good story, don’t they?

      No, Mary was simply ignored by the System and forced to flee for her life, after being humiliated and emotionally mutilated. Just another White casualty on the blessed Road to Equality. No hate crime here, folks. Just keep on consuming and watching your favorite niggerball games. This does not concern you. Now move along or you’ll be arrested for terrorism.

    21. Arkan Says:

      Bateson, you’re wrong if you think that every pitbull dog is a bad dog. If I had ‘witnessed’ any of the attacks that you’ve mentioned, I still wouldn’t be convinced because from personal experience I knew a family with one of these dogs, they picked up a pitbull from the pound and everything was always ok.
      The facts of my understanding are different from yours, I see it’s hard for you to wrap your head around the fact that people have opinions different than your own.. needless, I’m not stopping you from running up and kicking the next pitbull that you see. After that you can thumb your ‘Biological-predeterminism’ health insurance card out of your gnawed-out asshole and hand it to the laughing EMT’s.

    22. Ray F. Bateson Says:

      “Bateson, you’re wrong if you think that every black person is a bad person. If I had ‘witnessed’ any of the attacks that you’ve mentioned, I still wouldn’t be convinced because from personal experience I knew a family with one of these beautiful kids, they adopted a somali orphan through the catholic social services and everything was always ok.
      The facts of my understanding are different from yours, I see it’s hard for you to wrap your head around the fact that other races aren’t different to your own.. needless, I’m not stopping you from running up and kicking the next black person that you see. After that you can thumb your ‘White-supremacism’ health insurance card out…”


    23. Ray F. Bateson Says:

      Thanks for making my point.

    24. Arkan Says:

      Bateson, I can play the quoting game too, except in turn I don’t have to manipulate anything you wrote.

      “Substitute ‘pitbull’ with “african american” in those sentences, arkan, and realize how sadly full of shit you are.”

      “Biological-predeterminism is a fact. Treating matters of vital potentiality on a subjective-emotional basis is how kids get maimed and races get extincted.”

      ‘Extincted’, huh?

    25. Ray F. Bateson Says:

      Arkan is anti-speciesist, but what he really means is he’s anti-german shepherd.

    26. Ray F. Bateson Says:

      Arkan: “Considering the amount of in-breeding going on in these “select” races of dogs, there is a certain advantage to having a mixed race dog.”

      Care for a dash of “hybrid vigor” on your fruit salad?

    27. Ray F. Bateson Says:

      “Breed is a discredited nazi construct, it doesn’t exist, A chihuahua can be a husky. Pitbulls are just like you and me.”

      Have you ever herped so hard that you derped?

    28. Arkan Says:

      Anti-speciecist? .. Only in your case, Bateson, I am pro-thesaurus.

      (A thesaurus is a book and not a dinosaur, you bonehead.)

    29. Susan Says:

      Arkan: You are right my friend about pitbulls. They are good dogs…in the right hands. And that means that only responsible, even tempered, intelligent Whites should have these dogs. No niggers. At all.

      There are a lot of really stupid people on this website who know NOTHING about dog behavior other than what they see in the media or read about on some other stupid website written by other really stupid people who also know nothing about dog behavior.

      Here in the metro Atlanta area, which covers multiple counties with lots of niggers, ALL the pitbull stories about them attacking someone all have ONE thing in common: the pitbulls are almost ALL owned by niggers.

      Pitbulls are loving people oriented dogs who have the ability to do damage if they are owned by the wrong owners, namely all niggers and some rare dumb Whites.

      Good White owners NEVER let their pitbulls roam freely. Only niggers do this (and a few rare Whites), and that is why pitbulls attack people and other animals.

      As someone who was in rescue for decades, I KNOW pitbulls can be excellent pets if intelligent, responsible Whites own them.

      And I do not think, however, that pitbulls should be around children under twelve years of age. The dog may see the child as prey. But stupid people don’t understand this as normal dog behavior and instead try to blame the dog for something that is simply normal behavior.

      Niggers don’t know how to properly care for any kind of animals. In all my years doing animal adoptions, I NEVER adopted ONE single dog to a nigger.

      I sent all non Whites packing. lol

    30. Ray F. Bateson Says:

      Your mothering instinct biases your every word.

      “Good White owners NEVER let their pitbulls roam freely. Only niggers do this (and a few rare Whites), and that is why pitbulls attack people and other animals.”

      If you weren’t born a woman, you’d have automatically refrained from abusing the cause-and-effect principle in that sentence.

      1. The ‘why’ of anything is unknowable, incidentally. But you knew that.

      2. If an animal would attack unprovoked, excluding a history of animal-abuse, then said animal is genetically predisposed to attack unprovoked.

      An open gate is not a provocation.

      Your whole ‘reasoning’ is directly analogous to blaming humans for niggers’ behavior. But you knew that.

      “There are a lot of really stupid people on this website who know NOTHING about dog behavior.”

      Truer words were never blogged.

    31. Ray F. Bateson Says:

      susan: “And I do not think, however, that pitbulls should be around children under twelve years of age. The dog may see the child as prey. But stupid people don’t understand this as normal dog behavior and instead try to blame the dog for something that is simply normal behavior.”

      give a man enough rope…

      just give susie a keyboard

    32. Howdy Doody Says:

      he dog may see the child as prey. But stupid people don’t understand this as normal dog behavior and instead try to blame the dog for something that is simply normal behavior.

      Unquote Susan.

      Ray, I was already to quote, before I read your post.

      I do not want to talk about my dogs, except to say they can be ferocious, and are famous for being 100% Fearless, and giving their lives up for their pack.

      When a six month puppy trespassed these dogs raced to it and licked him till he went home after they played.

      When they see toddlers they race to them, throw them selves down roll over then ump up and lick them. Never jumping up and knocking them down or over.

      I won’t say any more, except I have been around half Wolf/Shepherds that are no where near as Whacked as Pit Bulls.

      As I say Any Dog Can Bite or Snap, and I was bitten with out reason when I was five, but it snap me, and did not try to tear me to pieces.

      I have talked in the past with Two County Dog pound directors an and they are sick of Pit Bulls, and the nuts who breed them.

      I know Vets that own them, but they confine behind Chain Link Gulags too LOL.

      Thank you

    33. Howdy Doody Says:


    34. Susan Says:

      Shut up fuckwads. Every time you nitwits post something, especially about women or animals, you show how truly stupid and/or ignorant you all really are.

      Really. Just go back on VNN forum and bloviate with the rest of the idiots.

      In fact, I think the thread on the murder/suicide by that apparent blowhard/kook/mudfucker/terroristfatass/whatever he was is CALLING ALL OF YOU HERE.

      After five years of posting on VNN and the Phora, and a couple of other websites, I finally belatedly realized that most of you all are complete lunatics/losers/mama’s boys/woman haters/pussy hounds/future murder/suicide assailants yourselves.

      Most of you, almost without exception, seem to exist mostly in your own minds, which appear to be very sick places.

      It’s no wonder that when the truth is known about many of you, you end up being mudfuckers, wife murderers, or some other such sick fucks in real life.

      What I’ve noticed about you all on the Internet is when it comes to dogs and females, you all use your own limited knowledge and experience and extrapolate incorrectly to the rest of the world.

      Now, here a few facts about dog bites.

      According to the CDC, for the time period from 1991 through 1998, pitbulls or pit mixes and rottweilers were involved in at least half of the dog bites reported. Next comes German Shepherds, Malamutes, Husky types, Chows, etc.

      If any of you knew half as much as you think you do, you would know that pits and rotties are the favorite choice of niggers and especially nigger/thug types. These morons know nothing about dog behavior or how to raise a dog, treat a dog, train a dog, etc., and it is not surprising that most of the dogs end up biting someone, usually a child, who they most likely see as prey because they are small and run from them.

      Over the many years I was heavily involved in animal rescuer as a state licensed dog/cat rescuer, I met many good White people who owned pitbulls, rotties, chows, etc., and their dogs NEVER roamed freely OR bit anyone.

      It is a well known joke in animal adoption/rescue that when niggers come up to dogs in crates, they make comments like “dat a peetbool?” or “dat a rockweiler?” These fucks are so stupid they can’t even call the dog by its correct name.

      And speaking of stupid…

      God, some of you here are so fucking stupid it is simply embarrassing and that is why I don’t come here but every so often and try to elucidate you all when your posts clearly scream out for correction.

      But, carry on fuckwads. That is what the Internet is for, after all.

      And, in the process, be absolutely sure to let the whole world know just how much you all hate White women and think you all are so much more evolved than they are.

      And be sure to give this post lots of thumbs down.

      Now excuse me while I go laugh my fucking ass off.

    35. Howdy Doody Says:

      Dear Susan

      Have you had lunch ?

      Any way, all my horror experiences have been with White’s who owned those breeds. As for dealing with savage’s owning Canines I hope I never see one at all.

      My story about Pit Bulls was sadly and horror filled facts.

      In both case’s the owners had raised the dogs from a puppy.

      In the case of the four year old 77 pound P. B. attacking {UNprovoked} by tresspassing and attacking a 8 month old puppy is just a horror fact in front of the puppy owners garage.

      Again the States of CO. and FL have out lawed PB dogs all together.

      I did get a laugh on this blog thread, but sadly there is nothing funny for the victims.

    36. Tim McGreen Says:

      You tell ’em, sister! Those guys with their vicious dogs and their Internet porno …..Don’t like wommens?….Gonna kill their wives and then turn the shotgun on themselves and you’ll be able to see all the gruesome photos on rotten.com. Keep on elucidating.

    37. Ray F. Bateson Says:

      Susan’s and arkan’s examples prove that catastrophic cognitive-dissonance does not stop at the VNN doorstep.

    38. SEAN GRUBER Says:

      “If any of you knew half as much as you think you do, you would know that pits and rotties are the favorite choice of niggers”

      Why are they the favorite choice of niggers? Think really hard, Susan. Really, really hard.

      Might there be something about those breeds – some trait – some characteristic – that niggerthugs like so much that these breeds are “the favorite choice of niggers”? If so, whatever could that be? Might it be the shape of the ears? Or might it be – a behavioral characteristic of some kind?

      Your head is probably overheating and aching at this point, so I suggest you seek relief by calling me a boy and a wife-murderer now. I don’t mind. It makes me chuckle.

      Women can’t help it. They’re women, Gawd love ’em.

    39. Howdy Doody Says:


      Just read about Zimmerman great grand pappy.

      Surprise, surprise.

    40. Howdy Doody Says:

      Sean, the damage that Pit Bulls have done in the US in the last twenty years has been horrible, and for the innocent they will always have the scar’s and change lives to suffer with till their ends for pets or humans.

      I know dog’s, and have back off the most vicious dogs in my life.

      A four year old 77 pound male Pit Bull that runs on to a Rural large property and was a complete stranger to it, chased a 8 month old puppy 800 feet, through a garage and by three men working to attack the puppy at the feet of the owner, who beat it off with a shovel, but the dog had already been severely damaged. An 8 month old puppy is Docile and not able to fight back.

      The puppy threw him self at his owner feet when the pit bull finally jumped him.

      The owner is a POS Whigger who had NO money or insurance and never paid a nickel before fleeing the county.

      CO and Florida have banned these hell spawn breed.