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29 February, 2012 at 8:36 pm
Tim McGreen I agree with you on the newer for more humor and my comment was in that vein. But the best jokes are short and sweet. Keep it simply guys.
29 February, 2012 at 8:40 pm
Awe shoot my comment got off before I could preview it.
29 February, 2012 at 8:40 pm
Awe shoot my comment got off before I could preview it.
1 March, 2012 at 10:50 am
Bigduke, I try to give the FBI and ADL agents who monitor this site something to laugh about now and then. I wouldn’t want them to think all of us Nazi bad-guys are constantly angry.
By the by, anyone here watch that show on A&E called Storage Wars? What do you think of that old Jewish guy Barry Weiss?
1 March, 2012 at 6:02 pm
Sri Sreggin Das, my spiritual adviser:
Isn’t there something in the Bible about this being the last days when women start wee-weeing like men, standing up?
At any rate, this is surely Sodom and Gommarrah.
Holy ONe, your program for me is working splendidly!
I understand why yo9u do not always answer me on your special e-mail hotline–the guru within and all that! ha!
I trust that you are reading this.
3 March, 2012 at 9:31 pm
Though the late actor Albert Dekker was no Jew, he was a kinky-switch hitter like many Jews & Hollywood Jews as well as some Gentiles. To old sci-fi movie fans, Dekker was Dr Cyclops in the 1940 movie…
Dearly Departed: Vol. 1 – Albert Dekker – YouTube
Jan 17, 2007 … A segment from the film “Dearly Departed: Vol. 1” about the death of character actor Albert Dekker. Host Scott Michaels gains access to the … – 144k –
3 March, 2012 at 11:56 pm
Andrei, I wasn’t aware of the Dekker case, but it reminds me a little of the death of another homosexual celebrity in Hollywood later that year:
4 March, 2012 at 2:05 pm
It looks the now monkey see-monkey do White House boy-chimp is trying to compete with Gingrich, Romney & Santorum, plus it looks like the Jews have gotten to him…
Obama: Not hesitant on force to defend interests
By BEN FELLER AP White House Correspondent The Associated Press
Sunday, March 4, 2012 11:25 AM EST
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama said Sunday the United States will not hesitate to attack Iran with military force to prevent it from acquiring a nuclear weapon, but he cautioned that “too much loose talk of war” recently has only helped Tehran and driven up the price of oil.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, standing his ground against what his country perceives as a threat to its existence, said that he perhaps most appreciated hearing Obama say that “Israel must be able to defend itself, by itself, against any threat.”
Speaking to a powerful pro-Israel lobby, Obama appealed to Israel for more time to let sanctions further isolate Iran. He sought to halt a drumbeat to war with Iran and hold off a unilateral Israeli strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities.
“For the sake of Israel’s security, America’s security and the peace and security of the world, now is not the time for bluster,” Obama told thousands at the annual American-Israel Public Affairs Committee’s policy conference. “Now is the time to let our increased pressure sink in, and to sustain the broad international coalition that we have built.”
Quoting Theodore Roosevelt, Obama said he would “speak softly, but carry a big stick” — and warned Iran not to test U.S. resolve.
Obama’s widely anticipated speech came one day before he meets at the White House with Netanyahu, who planned to address AIPAC late Monday. Three GOP presidential candidates — Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich — were scheduled to speak to the conference via satellite on Tuesday, a critical day in the campaign when 10 states vote.
To Israel and to Jewish voters in this country, Obama promoted his administration’s commitment to the Mideast ally.
“You don’t have to count on my words. You can look at my deeds,” Obama said. He defended his record of rallying to Israel’s security and political sovereignty, saying: “We have been there for Israel. Every single time.”
Obama’s comments were heavily laced with the politics of the campaign. He blamed distortions of his record on partisan politics.
Netanyahu, in brief comments to reporters before attending a conference of Jewish leaders in Canada, made no reference to the sanctions and diplomatic avenues that Obama wants to give time to work.
The Israeli president, Shimon Peres, spoke before Obama and said that a nuclear Iran would be a menace to the world, not just to Israel’s security.
“Iran is an evil, cruel, morally corrupt regime. It is based on destruction and is an affront to human dignity,” Peres said. He said Israel knows the horrors of war and does not seek one with Iran, “but if we are forced to fight, trust me. We shall prevail.”
Iran insists its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. U.S, Israel and many allies see no sign of that, and Israeli leaders openly have discussed the possibility of a military strike.
“Let’s begin with the truth that you all understand: No Israeli government can tolerate a nuclear weapon in the hands of a regime that denies that Holocaust, threatens to wipe Israel off the map and sponsors terrorist groups committed to Israel’s destruction,” Obama said.
Obama said he would use all sources of American power, but that only true resolution would come from diplomacy.
U.S. officials worry that an Israeli attack on oil-power Iran could drive up pump prices and entangle the U.S. in a new Mideast confrontation during this year’s presidential election season. They want to give diplomacy and economic penalties more time to work.
The United States and Europe have pursued more severe banking and other economic penalties separately. The toughest take effect this summer and target Iran’s oil business and powerful central bank.
“I firmly believe that an opportunity remains for diplomacy — backed by pressure — to succeed,” Obama insisted.
And in his greatest detail to date, Obama spelled out the consequences of a military campaign against Iran.
“I would ask that we all remember the weightiness of these issues,” Obama said. “Already, there is too much loose talk of war.”
The economic implications were on Obama’s mind, too, as gas prices soar to the forefront of American concern ahead of the election.
In Israel, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said American pressure would not affect Israeli thinking on how to cope with the threat.
“We are an independent sovereign state, and at the end of the day, the state of Israel will make the most correct decisions as we understand them.”
Many analysts believe an Israeli attack would result in a region-wide conflict, including Iranian attacks on American troops in the Persian Gulf, and could damage the world economy by causing oil prices to skyrocket. It also remains unclear how much damage a military strike would do to Iran’s nuclear program. Many of the country’s nuclear facilities are buried deep underground.
The Republican presidential candidates have accused Obama of failing to slow down Iran’s nuclear pursuit. But Obama says world is more united than ever against Iran, and he blames Republicans for trying to drive a wedge between him and Jewish voters.
“You’ve had no evidence that the president is prepared to take steps to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. They talk and the Iranians build. They talk and the Iranians build,” said GOP candidate Newt Gingrich said before Obama’s speech. “We’re being played for fools.”
The Iranian threat all but shoved aside the quest for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, the dominant theme of Obama’s speech to AIPAC last year, and the thrust of his Israeli policy focus to date. Peace talks between the two sides have stalled. On Sunday, Obama offered no new path, calling for the two sides to work toward separate states in peace.
Associated Press writer Amy Teibel in Ottawa, Ontario, contributed to this report.
Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
4 March, 2012 at 10:00 pm
Jews spraying skunk liquid on Palestinian mourners as well as the dead…
5 March, 2012 at 6:45 am
Listen to this!
Greater Israel NOW?
Mark Glenn and Mark Dankof discuss kikejew progress toward Eretz Yisrael (Greater Israel) — Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates. Dankof spent some of his youth in Iran. Attached is an abridged MP3 file.
Audio source:
TUT Podcast Feb 27, 2012
Referenced article by Mark Glenn:
“The Jewish State” — What It Really Means and Why the Rest of the World Should be Terrified at the mere mention of it
5 March, 2012 at 9:27 pm
I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. President Obama has finally got two new White House “tight” security personal employees. Meet Spike Bikechain & Buddy the Bear, Jr. in their Jan 17th “try-out” audition top secret security video, complete with man-sized stogies..
8 March, 2012 at 2:07 pm
9 March, 2012 at 7:28 pm
This is really funny ass shit….I remember when this happened…Dr Sullivan was making Jews look human…..
No Remorse
Published: September 05, 1993
DR. MARTIN SULLIVAN had “good hands,” his colleagues said, supple and efficient, and at 68, he was still steady with the knife. He loved his work as a plastic surgeon, just as he loved his family and his vintage cars. He showed no sign of giving any of it up.
At a time of life when most men have retired, Dr. Sullivan still rose early each morning in his Chicago home, made rounds at several hospitals and was scrubbed and in the operating room by 7:30 A.M. After surgery, he would drive to one of his two offices and see patients until late afternoon. That is what Dr. Sullivan was doing the day a man he had never met showed up for an appointment, filled out several forms, followed him into an examination room and shot him four times in the chest.
Within days of the fatal shooting on Aug. 6, police arrested Jonathan Preston Haynes, a wiry, bespectacled, 34-year-old chemist, who confessed to the crime. He told the police he had also killed a San Francisco hairdresser in 1987, and planned to kill other people.
When asked for his reasons, Mr. Haynes said that Aryan beauty — the blond Nordic look as idealized by the Nazis — is endangered. For Americans, who defeated the Nazis, to now try to imitate that beauty is hypocrisy, he said, and warrants death.
“I condemn bleached-blond hair, tinted blue eyes and fake facial features brought by plastic surgery,” Mr. Haynes said at a hearing. “It’s time we faced up to it and stopped feeding off Aryans like a horde of locusts in a field of wheat.”
WHEREVER Jonathan Haynes learned to hate, his father said, it was not at home. A banker with a passion for English literature, Edward Haynes provided his wife and four children with a life of comfort, education and travel. At various times the family lived in New York City, Southern California, the Virgin Islands and the San Francisco Bay area. Edward Haynes and his wife, Custis, considered themselves to be liberal, open to people of any race or religion. At home, the family closely followed the civil rights movement of the 1960’s and 1970’s.
“All the people around him were taking it in like the air that we breathe,” the elder Mr. Haynes said, speaking about civil rights, in a telephone interview from Nevada City, Calif. “I think we used to cheer on the Warren Court at the dinner table when one of the big decisions came down.”
If his son was harboring racist thoughts, the father said, no one knew it. “They would have been very unpopular,” he added.
But in a telephone interview from the Cook County Jail in Illinois, Jonathan Haynes said his admiration of the Nazis began one day when he was 12, when he was leafing through a history book.
“I thought they were very good-looking people, and for some reason I felt more sympathy for them,” he said. “I know I was supposed to hate. But I felt I had been born on the wrong side of the battle lines.”
He added: “I never talked to my parents about it. I kind of knew instinctively it was a deep dark secret.”
Jonathan Haynes was never popular, preferring books to people, even as a child. He secretly read Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” in high school, when what his father described as “his troubles” began. The boy became aggressive, had difficulty studying and isolated himself from his family.
He graduated from the Cate School, a private boarding school in Carpinteria, Calif., in 1977, but did not immediately pursue college, as his family hoped. Instead, he spent the next few years working odd jobs and avoiding his parents, who tried unsuccessfully to persuade him to see a psychiatrist.
“He was resolutely opposed to any form of professional help,” Edward Haynes said.
Then, suddenly, everything seemed all right. The young man got a job as a laboratory technician, enrolled in a community college, transferred to one California state university and then to another for its chemistry department. He seemed purposeful and confident, his father said. He warmed to his family.
“We were very proud of him,” Edward Haynes said. “We were always concerned about the lack of friends but, there was absolutely no indication of radical political views.”
But it was during this time of apparent grace that Jonathan Haynes first acted on his growing hatred.
Frank Ringi was a San Francisco hairdresser who ran a successful salon with his partner, Tom Trulli, and performed beauty makeovers on a local morning television program called “People Are Talking.”
On the afternoon of May 27, 1987, a man who identified himself as John Rockman entered Mr. Ringi’s salon and said he had an appointment. The man was shown to a room where he had a brief conversation with Mr. Ringi before pulling out a gun and shooting him three times in the head, said Jeff Brosch, an inspector with the San Francisco police. When Mr. Trulli ran into the room, he was shot once in the stomach. The man fled.
The San Francisco police never linked Mr. Haynes to the murder and had all but given up on the case when Mr. Haynes confessed in Chicago. “He said he didn’t like phony Aryan beauty and felt that the Aryan race was going the way of the redwood forest,” said Inspector Brosch, who interviewed Mr. Haynes in Chicago after his arrest.
After the shooting of Mr. Ringi, Mr. Haynes apparently resumed his life in San Francisco, working for several laboratories in Silicon Valley. In 1990, he received a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from San Francisco State University. The following year, he told his family he wanted a job with the Federal Government and headed to Washington.
What he really wanted, he said in the interview, was access to the Library of Congress. “I wanted to study up on subjects that interested me, like the Zionists and Israel,” he said.
In November 1991, he got a job with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms as a chemist and found an apartment in Rockville, Md. His parents visited in June 1992, and his mother saw him again when Mr. Haynes attended a family funeral in February. Both times, he seemed affectionate and content, his father said. “He was very upbeat about his job,” Edward Haynes said. “He seemed more happy and better adjusted than he had been since he was a little boy.”
But Jonathan Haynes resigned from the Government job in March. Two months later, he packed his belongings and journeyed across the Northeast, camping out in his battered gray 25-year-old Volkswagen Beetle with most of the inside seating ripped out, according to statements made at his bond hearing early in August.
In July, Mr. Haynes headed for Chicago with a hit list. First on the list was the president of a company that makes contact lenses. Mr. Haynes found the executive’s home address in the phone book, he said.
He sublet a room in Evanston, Ill., a few blocks from the campus of Northwestern University, and blended in among the students. He lived on the first floor of a weathered gray Victorian house. Few neighbors even noticed him. Those who did gave Mr. Haynes little thought. “I can recall seeing him on the front porch, just sitting there, when I came home at night,” said O. J. Mabwa. “He was usually by himself.”
Mr. Haynes said he staked out the contact-lens manufacturer’s home, but abandoned his plan after the man proved difficult to stalk because of his irregular schedule.
“One time I started riding toward him on my bike with my gun in a paper sack,” he said. “He saw me coming and he ducked back inside. His instincts were good for him but bad for me.”
Frustrated, Mr. Haynes went to the public library in Skokie, Ill., a Chicago suburb, and looked in the phone book. There, under the listing for plastic surgeons, was an advertisement for Dr. Martin Sullivan.
“He had the biggest ad in the phone book,” Mr. Haynes said.
On page 15 of the summer 1992 issue of WAR, a white supremacist newsletter, is a children’s pen-pal column where budding young racists can seek like-minded friends. “I am 9 years old and would like for someone to write to me,” wrote Steve of North Carolina. “I need some solid white friends because people here don’t understand me.”
In the singles pen-pal section, Mr. Haynes sought a bride: “I have a dream . . . that 1,000 years from now, there will still be some good-looking people on the planet. I seek out a beautiful wife for the propagation of our kind. My dream girl is Aryan, but leans more towards the fertility goddess than the anorexic. I am booky, brainy and willing to put my life on the line.”
Mr. Haynes (who would not discuss his romantic life or history) ran the same ad in a newsletter called White Sisters, a publication for white supremacist women. Both it and WAR are published by White Aryan Resistance, an organization headed by Tom Metzger, a former Ku Klux Klan leader.
Preserving Aryan purity is the first commandment of most white supremacy organizations. Miscegenation is seen as part of a conspiracy by Jews to weaken and eventually dominate whites, and believers are warned to be on the lookout for those masquerading as white.
But researchers at Klanwatch, a division of the Southern Poverty Law Center, a nonprofit legal and educational foundation in Montgomery, Ala., said none of the more than 100 white supremacist publications they monitor have specifically advocated violence against plastic surgeons or hairdressers. David Duke, the former Klan leader and Louisiana politician, even wrote a book extolling the virtues of the plastic surgery that helped create his perfectly chiseled Aryan face.
Although Mr. Haynes has emphatically denied affiliation with any white supremacy organization, the Anti-Defamation League in Chicago has evidence of two contacts he made with such groups. In 1987, he apparently traveled to Southern California to meet with David McCalden, a leader at the time in the movement to deny that the Holocaust took place, said Michael Sandberg, Midwest civil rights director of the league. Mr. McCalden has since died. And in 1991, Mr. Haynes tried to sell his neo-Nazi artwork using a mailing list he said he obtained from Joseph Dilys, a Chicago distributor of white supremacist writings. Mr. Dilys has said he does not know Mr. Haynes.
Regardless of whether Mr. Haynes acted on his own, said Lawrence Jeffries of the Center for Democratic Renewal, a nonprofit organization in Atlanta that monitors hate groups, “there would be a lot of widespread support within the white supremacy movement for this man.”
Wilmette, Ill., is a conspicuously wealthy Chicago suburb where finding a pay phone on the street is an arduous task. Here Dr. Sullivan operated his Center for Plastic Surgery in a modern two-story office building. Here Mr. Haynes drove on Aug. 6 in his battered old car.
Mr. Haynes arrived on time for a 2:45 P.M. consultation, Bruce Paynter, an assistant state’s attorney for Cook County, said during Mr. Haynes’s bond hearing. Mr. Haynes gave his name as John Rothman, then sat patiently in the bright white-tiled waiting room of the second-floor clinic, filling out insurance forms with false information.
After about 15 minutes, he was ushered into an examination room. When Dr. Sullivan entered the room, Mr. Haynes pulled out a .38-caliber Colt revolver and opened fire, the prosecutor said.
“There was no conversation,” Mr. Paynter said. “No confrontation. This was an execution.”
Dr. Sullivan managed to stagger to the door before collapsing on the floor outside the examination room, the police said. While the frantic staff and patients tried to save the physician, Mr. Haynes fled to the street and drove away. He was arrested the following day in Skokie.
“I wasn’t all that much concerned with getting caught,” he said. “I figured that was a hazard I was willing to take.”
Dr. Sullivan was on the staff of six hospitals in the Chicago area and was an assistant professor at Northwestern University School of Medicine. He dedicated only about 15 percent of his practice to cosmetic surgery, said his partner, Dr. John Smith. His speciality was reconstructive surgery, repairing the torn faces of accident victims and rebuilding breasts lost to cancer. For 30 years, he spent one day a week working in a cleft-lip and palate program he helped create at Shriners’ Hospital for Crippled Children.
“That’s what I find so . . . I don’t know what the word is,” said an anguished Dr. Smith. “If this fellow had researched Martin, he would have known he was not the plastic surgeon he envisioned.”
But when this fact was pointed out to Mr. Haynes, he said it did not matter.
“That’s outside the area of my expertise,” he said. “The fact that he was listed as a plastic surgeon is enough for me. I’m prepared to get real cold about it.”
Dr. Sullivan was a favorite among the nurses with whom he worked. With his closely cut blond hair and trademark bow ties, he loved limericks and jokes, was calm and easygoing in the operating room, drank loads of Pepsi and always seemed to know where to find it on sale. He had eight children and 21 grandchildren. But Mr. Haynes said that he didn’t care how beloved his victim had been.
“That’s not my problem,” he said. “He was listed in the phone book.”
Dr. Smith is hurting from the death of his close friend and mentor, he said. He is also very afraid.
“Of course, I feel vulnerable,” he said. “I’ve talked to many other plastic surgeons who feel vulnerable. I know many of them are putting on locks, TV cameras are going up. But I don’t think there is any way to defend against this kind of thing.”
Anyone who wants to see Dr. Elysa Fisher, another colleague of Dr. Sullivan’s, must now be referred by a physician.
“This week I had a patient who was a Yellow Pages referral, and I had my hand on the knob and I had to steel myself to open the door,” Dr. Fisher said. “When I did, I saw this 96-pound girl and felt silly. But I am frightened now.”
For his part, Mr. Haynes has refused a public defender and has rebuffed his parents’ attempt to hire a lawyer for him. He has granted several interviews to journalists and seems glad of the attention. He is completely unrepentant. “I don’t have any remorse,” he said. “I do regret that I didn’t get the manufacturer of the blue contact lenses.”
He pointed out that because Dr. Sullivan was not Jewish and was targeted for death because of his profession, not his race or religion, the hate-crime laws of Illinois, which allow for greater punishment of bias crimes, cannot be applied to his case.
By his own account, he does not qualify as an Aryan superman: “I have bad eyes and bad ears.” Nor does he see himself as a “stereotypical racist.”
“Why go overboard with it?” he said. “I’m a Nazi. Can I say Jimi Hendrix was a great guitarist? I say give people credit for their attributes.”
On Tuesday, Mr. Haynes was indicted on a murder charge and, after a psychiatric evaluation, found fit to stand trial. He is scheduled to enter a plea on Sept. 14. The fact that prosecutors may seek the death penalty does not bother him, he said.
“It lends dignity to my cause,” he said.
Custis Haynes and one of her other sons have visited Jonathan in jail. But Edward Haynes, weakened by recent surgery, has not been able to go to Chicago to see his son.
“Please convey the grief we feel for the killings and give our deepest sympathies to the families of the men involved,” he said.
“We’re horrified,” he said, “but he is our son and we also love him. We believe he is sick. I view ethnic hatred maybe as the worst mental illness of all, because it affects so many people. Somehow, this virus has attacked our son.”