Fast-Buck Schemers Push Gas Prices Up
Posted by Socrates in capitalism, easy money, financial speculation, gas, globalization, internationalism, jewish speculation, money, oil, Socrates, Wall Street at 4:26 pm | 
It’s time for Congress to ban financial speculation in important goods (food, fuel, building materials, etc.). These goods must remain affordable and available. Stop oil specjewlation.
23 February, 2012 at 4:56 pm
The Jews’ pushing for war against Iran is doing a lot to drive up the cost of gas. But do they care about making life harder for millions of gentile motorists? Hell no.
After the Revolution, I’m afraid that the petroleum, banking and healthcare industries will have to nationalized. Eventually they will be returned to private ownership but with the understanding that they will forevermore serve White Nationalist interests only. All Jewish and capitalist elements WILL be purged from our midst, no matter who has a problem with that.
23 February, 2012 at 5:00 pm
The funny thing is we don’t get any oil Iran, so why should the price go up at the pump? Because the Jews and capitalists are always looking for ways to gouge the goy cattle. Big Oil is not under Jew control but it might as well be, since it’s run by greedy capitalist muthafukkas who think and act like Jews.
23 February, 2012 at 7:37 pm
I remember gas dropping, briefly, to less than a dollar a gallon at some stations right after 9-11. All the zhids scared away from wall street, perhaps?
23 February, 2012 at 10:36 pm
Speaking of gas, is Santorum a mexican or italiano?
24 February, 2012 at 12:42 am
Meanwhile, Whitney Houston has been sober for 7 days! You go girl!!!
24 February, 2012 at 1:05 am
I see Alex Linder is once again pushing his pro Wall Street bullshit. Alex really is a shill for the parasitical Jewish banking and financial class. And what’s even worse is the fact that he’s too stupid to realize it.
24 February, 2012 at 1:09 am
Most people have no clue about how the price of oil is determined. The oil corporations and the OPEC nations have almost nothing to do with it.
The international price of oil is determined by the trading of oil commodity futures on the London IPE and the NYMEX. The primary players in the commodities futures markets are(and have always been) commercial banks, investment banks, mutual funds, and hedge funds.
It is Wall Street that controls the international price of oil, not the oil corporations and the OPEC nations.
24 February, 2012 at 1:11 am
So if you want to know who is to blame for rising oil and gasoline prices, you need to look at Goldman Sachs rather than Exxon Mobil and Saudi Arabia.
24 February, 2012 at 2:19 pm
Wow, wtf is wrong with Linder?
24 February, 2012 at 5:41 pm
I think it is important to realize that the Joows of today are not biblical joows…
Also how and why would bringing oil up from the Gulf into the East U.S. be so hard ??? Probably hard Like bringing oil down from Canada, right. Oh puppet of American Israel Public Affairs Committee AIPAC tells American presidents what is good for the American people, that’s how that works…
24 February, 2012 at 6:01 pm
“President Obama (Barry Sotero) took up the nation’s soaring gas prices on Thursday in a speech devoted to touting his administration’s energy policy. Obama said the White House is working diligently to find ways to reduce the cost of gas………….During his remarks, Obama made brief mention of “speculative trading,” which some analysts say is playing an overlooked role in driving up the price of gas. In an interview with ABC News, Bart Chilton, a commissioner at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, cited figures from Goldman Sachs showing large amounts of car owners’ gas expenditures are going directly to Wall Street speculators who bet on oil prices. According to Chilton, drivers of a popular Ford pick-up truck are paying an extra $14.56 per fill-up to speculators, or around $750 per year. According to widely cited estimates, gas is now costing an extra $10 per barrel because of financial market speculation.”
Hey, blight-wingers! You like spending an extra $15 for gas every time you fill up because of speculation? So much for your “free” market, you capitalist shitforbrains.
24 February, 2012 at 6:04 pm
As far as Kommandant Linder is concerned those remarks of his were written over 8 years ago. I imagine he has learned quite a bit since then, as presumably we all have.
24 February, 2012 at 8:25 pm
Santorum is Italian, at one time a Catholic but now of Pentecostal-Rapture Bunny material…
24 February, 2012 at 9:04 pm
All the candidates are puppets for the Jew, it doesn’t matter for shit who you vote for. The jackass and the elephant are the exact same fucking party. Every candidate available to you is consistent to the party line of one particular Jewish interest: war with Iran, standing with Israel, letting more muds in.. etc
The reason for the specific value-per-candidate scheme is so they can gauge from the general public what society is most interested in.
24 February, 2012 at 9:41 pm
Prices for vital commodities such as oil should not be at the mercy of speculators. This only happens in totally jewed economies like the kwa’s. This is just another example that in our “free enterprise” economy only about 2% have the means to buy oil in the futures market and thus “game the system”. The vast majority of buyers aren’t taking delivery of the oil and sell it once they make sufficient profit. This should be illegal but this is the kwa.
Of course, conservatards lecture the working stiffs that oppose the rich getting richer by hook and by crook would be tantamount to communism.
24 February, 2012 at 11:50 pm
Ill-educated swine.
25 February, 2012 at 1:58 am
What the hell are you talking about? Linder wrote that post in a thread one day ago.
25 February, 2012 at 6:19 am
You’re right, Linder’s remarks were posted less than 72 hours ago, not in 2003. It must have been very late when I read his post and I obviously mistook his sign-up date as the date of his post.
I have nothing but the highest esteem for Obersturmbannfuhrer Linder, but he is seriously/dangerously mistaken about the role that Jew speculation plays in driving up the cost of fuel and other commodities. It’s obvious that there are still vestiges of right-wingerism that keep the White Struggle from moving forward. Death to the central banks, the speculators, de-regulators, “free” marketeers and “free” traders. It’s all a Jewish/capitalist swindle.
25 February, 2012 at 11:48 am
Tough to win sitting at a rigged table.
25 February, 2012 at 1:26 pm
Time for us to cut to a commercial break, here’s a few words from our sponsor:
25 February, 2012 at 1:26 pm
Time for us to cut to a commercial break, here’s a few words from our sponsor:
26 February, 2012 at 10:49 am
“It’s time for Congress to ban financial speculation in important goods”
Socrates…..It’s time to ban the entire Amerikwan-inspired liberal Democratic capitalist model. It’s Kaput.
It’s impossible to ban financial speculation because that’s the very foundation anymore of American economic life.
To Hell with it.
11 March, 2012 at 11:36 am
The thing is how can anyone betting on the price to go up shed any tears when the strait is blocked and world war starts.