UK Riots: ‘Diversity’ Bites The Hand That Feeds It
Posted by Socrates in "race police", black behavior, black crime, Britain, England, jewed culture, jewed law, jewed media, media, rioting by Blacks/Browns, Socrates at 2:57 pm | 
Blacks riot in England for a 5th straight day after a mulatto drew a gun on police and was shot dead as a result; notice that many of the media photos of the riots show White rioters. A few Whites are, of course, taking advantage of the situation in order to steal and vandalize, and the media is taking advantage of that in order to downplay the fact that race was the cause of the riots. (Nonetheless, after the violence is over, you still won’t be allowed to criticize minorities in England. If you do, you’ll receive a visit from the “race police”) [1].
[1] the “race police” in Britain are euphemistically called “Community Safety Units.” Whose safety are they securing? Certainly not that of Whites
10 August, 2011 at 3:36 pm
The London flash mobs have proven themselves to be a stroke of military genius.There is no way to deal with it but to let the savages take whatever they want. It is not much different when a sudden windstorm hits, there is no defense.
10 August, 2011 at 3:58 pm
More nigger shit:
A nigger acts on impulse, they don’t think before they act.
This is caled the servival of the fitist
In the jungle you don’t have time to think when a 400lb. lion is after you.
Besides a nigger has no logic, they can’t think like this any way.
They don’t understand how to think things through.
If you ever went to school with these beasts you will soon
see they won’t shut there stupid mouths, they talk all the time
about nothing.
Only two things a nigger knows: Fuck and fight, and that’s it.
Are we having fun yet England??
Welcome to the wonderful world of niggers.
10 August, 2011 at 4:54 pm
Whenever there’s a chimp-out in progress, the first thing you have to look for is the hidden hand of the Jew.
10 August, 2011 at 5:09 pm
The rioting is a big shock to the Guardian reading teachers and social workers. They firmly believed the poisoned fruits of multiculturalism would usher in a golden age multi-racial bliss. Well, they overlooked one inconvenient fact, biology. Most negroes in London are not only unemployed but they are unemployable within a technical economy. The jobs they used to do have either disappeared entirely or have been taken by east-European migrants.
Similar economic forces are acting on the Indian and Paki communities, but they have the money and experience to start their own small enterprises and employ only their own racial kin.
The negro is stuck between a rock and a hard place, and they know it. Many of the shops targeted for arson were owned or operated by Asians. Also one of the apartment building burnt down housed mostly east-Europeans.
So the reality of race and life is producing a slow polarization of attitudes. WN is a passive benefactor of this process, if posible we need to develop tactics to increase the rate of racial and cultural polarization.
10 August, 2011 at 5:09 pm
The rioting is a big shock to the Guardian reading teachers and social workers. They firmly believed the poisoned fruits of multiculturalism would usher in a golden age multi-racial bliss. Well, they overlooked one inconvenient fact, biology. Most negroes in London are not only unemployed but they are unemployable within a technical economy. The jobs they used to do have either disappeared entirely or have been taken by east-European migrants.
Similar economic forces are acting on the Indian and Paki communities, but they have the money and experience to start their own small enterprises and employ only their own racial kin.
The negro is stuck between a rock and a hard place, and they know it. Many of the shops targeted for arson were owned or operated by Asians. Also one of the apartment building burnt down housed mostly east-Europeans.
So the reality of race and life is producing a slow polarization of attitudes. WN is a passive benefactor of this process, if posible we need to develop tactics to increase the rate of racial and cultural polarization.
10 August, 2011 at 5:42 pm
I would be intersted to see the insurance claims on some of the looted and burned real estate. How many Jews owned the torched buildings and what level of merchandise loss is being claimed.
10 August, 2011 at 7:23 pm
I am very torn by this. My native England has changed SO much. On one hand, I told people this many years ago, that this would happen. Where has any multiracial society worked out? Whenever you have had the kaffirs take over, when has it gotten better? Name a black success story, when they have come to power. Anywhere. All of the above posts have been sopt on, with the exception of jew-boy morris. You are still a fucking cunt. The kike and the kaffir. Truly a marriage made in hell.
10 August, 2011 at 11:39 pm
The Brits should have listened to Enoch Powell when he gave his “Rivers of Blood” speech. He was truly a great man and a prophetic seer. In a few years London will just be another nigger shit hole like Detroit. WHEN WILL THE WHITE MAN GET HIS BALLS BACK?
11 August, 2011 at 1:59 am
Here in England,media,blogs included is in full denial mode,if one points out that all these areas where rioting has taken place are” heavily enriched”your comments are instantly deleted,so i have to write on my own blog,which incidentally has most visitors from the US and alaska, the-englishman.blogspot .com.But this is exactly what the administration wants,violent division,its worst fear is that the indigenous English people will unite,though there is little prospect of that since the English people are so conditioned if you verbally attack an “enricher” they will physically attack you.
11 August, 2011 at 2:32 am
I have always said it. Hitler and the Germans were not as JEW WISE as we are.
Thats why only 300K jews died in the holohoax and that was due to hunger and disease. So basically the germans killed like 10K jews at the most. Most of them were bolshevik commissars.
Thanks to multiculturalism, we now see the real face of the jew. You know where I am headed. Holocaust II, this time its real. This time its done correctly.
11 August, 2011 at 8:45 am
In a sense you can’t blame the nigger for rioting: it’s what they do. Their simple monkey brains are unable to grasp the concept of delayed gratification, hence why nigger countries have never developed. Being imported to the West is like coming to heaven for the nigger: they are given free housing and welfare. What the nigger can’t understand is why he isn’t given free sail fones and trainers and the other material goods he craves. The nigger can’t understand that something that is valuable has some cost attached. The nigger sees these goods and can’t understand why he just can’t have them now!
Given that we can never change the nigger and that the nigger is incompatible with civilization the only solution is repatriation. We can no longer afford to keep these infernal pets.
11 August, 2011 at 8:57 am
Simple monkey brains?
monkeys have verry complex brains more so than niggers.
Monkeys can reason.
Nigger as a pet?? I don’t think so!!
11 August, 2011 at 9:55 am
“Miller Says:
10 August, 2011 at 5:42 pm
I would be intersted to see the insurance claims on some of the looted and burned real estate. How many Jews owned the torched buildings and what level of merchandise loss is being claimed.”
Now, here is a White man who has his brain fully and totally ENGAGED.
Good analysis, brother Miller. Incidentally, I’ve read that there was an incredible amount of this kind of jewish lightning going on back in the kwa in the 1960’s riots.
11 August, 2011 at 12:27 pm
Miller Says:
10 August, 2011 at 5:42 pm
I would be intersted to see the insurance claims on some of the looted and burned real estate. How many Jews owned the torched buildings and what level of merchandise loss is being claimed.
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: 9 0
Getting those facts as to who recieve’s insurance claims would be difficult likely as finding Hen’s teeth, but its not hard to believe some fires would have been started because the owners wanting it so.
11 August, 2011 at 12:27 pm
Miller Says:
10 August, 2011 at 5:42 pm
I would be intersted to see the insurance claims on some of the looted and burned real estate. How many Jews owned the torched buildings and what level of merchandise loss is being claimed.
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: 9 0
Getting those facts as to who recieve’s insurance claims would be difficult likely as finding Hen’s teeth, but its not hard to believe some fires would have been started because the owners wanting it so.
11 August, 2011 at 12:28 pm
Hoodies are shielded from the cold and wind, but they are also shielded from Facial Recognition Technology(FRT). Banning of the hood will eliminate looters who will easily be identified. It is a small sacrifice to pay for ending the reign of the flash mobsters.
11 August, 2011 at 1:45 pm
bjt, no disrespect to monkeys but the nigger has a simplified version of a monkey brain. I agree with you about ‘pets’, however, I should have typed ‘pests’!
11 August, 2011 at 2:51 pm
Hey Morris? Let the savages take what they want? Let the Palestians have what they want and then shake their hand?
11 August, 2011 at 4:07 pm
Well, for once I sort of agree with the Jew Morris Wise. Whenever some guy wears a hoodie or ball cap pulled down over his face, especially indoors, it usually means trouble. I’m surprised bank tellers and bank security aren’t more attentive to cretins who come into the bank wearing that kind of shit, because they are the ones who are always giving the teller a “stick up” note. (A stick-up note…what a pathetic way to hold up a bank. The stick-up note bank robber won’t get any respect in the joint, nor does he deserve any.)
Also, many landlords understandably don’t want to rent their apartments to anyone with a lot of tattoos, because that almost always means the person is a lowlife and will most likely be a bad tenant.
Hoodies, sideways ball caps, baggy pants, tattoos…..people who wear junk like that are basically telling the world “I don’t want your respect”. White people, especially those who believe in White Power/Pride, should always try to look (and smell) halfway decent when they go out in public. Besides, tattoos make it easier for The Man to identify you. So have some class and some self-respect, White Man.
11 August, 2011 at 9:03 pm
I remember the ’65 (Watts) riots. A friend of the family said the niggers were trying to torch jew owned business- to “get even” for something.
What is there are depressed areas that have heavy jew investment, and jews send the apes to burn selectively? Insurance fraud (Silverstein) is very jewish. . .
Jews do things for more than one reason- revolution, personal gain, and so on.
11 August, 2011 at 11:57 pm
Ireland has also been enriched.It took the Irish quite a while to release this story.
Where are the IRA when you need them?
12 August, 2011 at 12:40 am
Brigantes, the IRA?! Shurely shome mishtake!? I don’t think ‘we’ ever needed them! The IRA are Marxoid scum who welcome mass immigration from the Turd World; so much for the ‘Irish’ independence they fought for by bombing and shooting their racial kinsmen, the White British.
12 August, 2011 at 4:01 pm
Put the Niggers in the Zoo and their White Slavs too !
12 August, 2011 at 4:06 pm
To those saying niggers are harmless. Jews are the problem. FOOLS!
The niggers are your executioners. Why do you think jews are going to the trouble of creating as many niggers as possible? Why are they hiding nigger crimes?
Why does the jew feed the worst of the non-whites? Why do niggers, illegal aliens get more free handouts then lesser violent non-whites? Why does the jew prefer to bring Somalians over less violent non-whites?
The jew breeds the worst non-whites. Thats why American niggers get the most free handouts, not because they’re oppressed but because they’re the most violent. illegal aliens are next in line.
Someone add to what I am saying. The picture has gotten clearer now.
12 August, 2011 at 8:51 pm
I can guarantee you , these wogs in Dublin would not have pulled that shite back in Belfast, or any other place in Ulster. The IRA have become a bunch of corrupt and left-wing pieces of shite. They have been kissing kaffir arses for sometime. The Unionists would have cleaned their clocks.
13 August, 2011 at 6:16 pm
If u put in ‘black riots’ in the search box on Twitter you will find all the multicultists outraged and dismayed at David Starkey’s comments on the BBC that Black culture caused the riot The sanctimonious poser Owen Jones who debated Starkey later on Twitter said that Starkey was “dangerous’ and should be blacklisted from publishing and media. It’s amazing how so many Brits are so ‘shocked’ at Starkey’s comments. Brits are the most brainwashed twits in the West.