Hans F. K. Günther, German Anthropologist And Race Scientist
Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', anthropology, Boas, jew frauds, Jewish 'experts', Jewish genetics, Jewish Tyranny, Nazi era, Nazis, race, race science, racial differences, racial hierarchy, racial science, Socrates at 12:40 pm | 
(Above: Hans Günther)
How Jewed is the field of anthropology? Roughly half of American anthropologists now believe that race is a meaningless social construct invented by White males to oppress colored people; and only a tiny fraction of anthropologists know that Jews are more than just a religion – but they’re careful not to mention it aloud, lest someone yell “anti-Semitism!” Unlike the Jewish fraud Franz Boas, Günther was a real anthropologist.
Günther’s book “The Racial Elements of European History.” The book is also online [Here].
28 July, 2011 at 1:18 pm
Alex, great link here. Much appreciated, since I am composing a work on Anthropology…REAL Anthropology, not the phony jewed-over version, which only disporves itself with each passing day and each savage, negro act committed.
Thank you for all the very good work you do for the White Race and White Naionalism, Mr. Linder. You totally rock.
28 July, 2011 at 1:18 pm
Alex, great link here. Much appreciated, since I am composing a work on Anthropology…REAL Anthropology, not the phony jewed-over version, which only disproves itself with each passing day and each savage, negro act committed.
Thank you for all the very good work you do for the White Race and White Naionalism, Mr. Linder. You totally rock.
28 July, 2011 at 2:07 pm
Imagine if this kind of anthropology was taught in Academe today! The Jews would keel over and die on the spot. I enjoyed reading the book, but I think Herr Günther is a little too hard on those poor “Alpine” and “Dinaric” people. Who exactly are “Dinarics”, anyway? I don’t believe I’ve never seen one. Judging from the description, they sound like a race of retards.
Scandanavians, Germanics, Slavs, Celts and Mediterraneans…….Such are the groups that comprise the White Race. One group is not morally or intellectually superior to the others, they are all equally great.
28 July, 2011 at 2:26 pm
Here’s today’s lesson in REAL anthropology. The kind that
academics won’t dare speak about.
28 July, 2011 at 2:31 pm
Profound scholarship and the work of a master at the height of his investigative powers. Absorbing reading, a must for every White Nationalist.
28 July, 2011 at 6:15 pm
Carleton Steven Coon was a racist anthropologist who believed race is the the definging factor in human progress, whereas Boaz and his trained Jewish puppets believed that race plays no part thereof. The Jews insisted that human populations were different because of geography or environment.
So why was Haiti the richest island in the Carribean when it was controlled by the French in the 1700s. The climate in Haiti is the same today as it was then.
28 July, 2011 at 8:15 pm
Bf, the liberals make all kinds of excuses as to why the White Race achieved greatness while the other races did not. They will say it’s because of access to navigable rivers and oceans, the quality of soil for farming, the type of climate, the prevalence of certain diseases, the availability of certain animals, etc, etc….
But, for example, northern Asia has the same kind of forests, climate, etc that northern Europe does, yet the differences between civilized and sophisticated northern Europeans and the primitive nomadic Mongols of northern Asia are vast.
And with all the abundant natural resources that Africa and Latin America have, you’d think that countries like Nigeria and Mexico would be the wealthiest and most advanced in the world. Yet they remain extremely poor, unstable and backward. By contrast, Sweden, Holland and Germany, small countries that have little or nothing in the way of valuable natural resources, are extremely wealthy, strong and prosperous.
The ONLY way all these apparent inconsistencies can be explained is by race. Once you see things from an honest and objective race-based point of view, it ALL makes sense. No other explanation for how and why things are the way they are is possible. Or believable.
28 July, 2011 at 8:28 pm
Hans Gunther was a giant of a thinker and unlike that lying kike, Franz Boas, contributed greatly to our knowledge of Race Science and Anthropology. It is through Eugenics and Racial Science that the Aryan Race will make the transition from Man to SUPERMAN; from being the slaves of the jews to being the MASTERS OF THE WORLD.
28 July, 2011 at 9:52 pm
I’ve come to the conclusion, that anything that comes out of the mouth of a kike is never to be trusted. They are the most paranoid and bigoted race of cunts on the planet. That’s why no one likes them.
29 July, 2011 at 2:48 am
Haha ! What utter nonsense. First of all just because the Nazis were right about some aspects of the Jewish question and were no fools in that regard doesn’t mean that the Nazi nordicist ideology was not completely ludicrous. The idea that the nordic race (as primarily represented by Scandianavians especially Swedes) are a superior race is zany, irrational and ludicrous. For instance Charles Murray in his book Human Accomplishment has shown that most achievement in the arts and sciences have come from Western civilization and in particular mostly from France (not a nordic country), Italy (not a nordic country), Britain (nordic and mediterranean mostly), and Germany (nordic, east baltic, dinaric and alpine mostly). Oh where oh where is Sweden, Norway and Denmark the most nordic of countries ? Lol their contributions to civilization are paltry comparatively speaking..
Hans Gunther was obviously spewing nordicist bullshit as a moronic Nazi. I mean god damn even Madison Grant, who was an American nordicist, was not as blatant as Gunther. For instance compare the passage from Gunther’s book on the mediterranean race with that of Madison’s Grants :
“This raced is painted by all observers as passionate and excitable.It has less depth of mind …..” — Hans Gunther
“The mental characteristics of the Mediterranean race are well known, and this race, while inferior in bodily stamina to both the Nordic and the Alpine, is probably the superior of both, certainly of the Alpines, in intellectual attainments. In the field of art its superiority to both the other European races is unquestioned.” — Madison Grant
Well, well, well what do we have here ? A contradiction. Madison Grant also a nordicist is saying that the mediterranean race is probably superior to the nordic race intellectually but Gunther says the opposite. To be fair though Gunther also mentioned the mediterranean race has a tendency towards admiring and being involved in craft i.e. artwork but Madison Grant being less biased says it in a more laudatory objective fashion : “in the field of Art its superiority to other races is unquestioned”.
“How Jewed is the field of anthropology? Roughly half of American anthropologists now believe that race is a meaningless social construct invented by White males to oppress colored people; and only a tiny fraction of anthropologists know that Jews are more than just a religion – but they’re careful not to mention it aloud, lest someone yell “anti-Semitism!” Unlike the Jewish fraud Franz Boas, Günther was a real anthropologist.”
Uh, who cares ? Both Nazified anthropology and Jewified anthropology are bullshit. I fail to see how Gunther is much better than Boas. I think the only people the social sciences appeal to are the less intellectually gifted of human population since only philosophy and the hard sciences speak the objective truth. Let’s see here. You enter into college and you need to major in something but you don’t have the mental capacity for physics or computer science (you fail calculus) and you can’t seem to get your mind around the profound concepts of philosophy what do you do ? You major in the less intellectually demanding fields of liberal arts or the social sciences. There is a reason why women who graduate college more than men nowadays come out with majors mostly in the liberal arts or social sciences : they are intellectually inferior and cannot compete against men in computer science, physics, mathematics etc.. (Arthur Schopenhauer’s writings on women bespeaks to their intellectual inferiority as well as other writers on the subject)
“There is so much social science in some contemporary novels, and so much fiction in much of sociology that it is hard to keep them apart.” — Mortimer J. Adler
Adler may have been a Jew but sometimes Jews happen to know what they are talking about and they don’t lie all the time. That above statement from him is 100% correct. Let us contrast that quote with two quotes from Goethe :
“Wisdom is found only in truth.”—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“First and last, what is demanded of genius is love of truth. “—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Therefore I postulate anyone in college who does not major in computer science, the natural sciences , mathematics or philosophy is intellectually inferior. Yeah the Jews control the social sciences and liberal arts in colleges and this does have a negative effect on society but when you think about it only the intellectually inferior people of society are impacted by this.
P.S. I majored in Computer Science
29 July, 2011 at 3:06 am
“How Jewed is the field of anthropology? Roughly half of American anthropologists now believe that race is a meaningless social construct invented by White males to oppress colored people; and only a tiny fraction of anthropologists know that Jews are more than just a religion – but they’re careful not to mention it aloud, lest someone yell “anti-Semitism!” Unlike the Jewish fraud Franz Boas, Günther was a real anthropologist.”
Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that what anthropology thinks the existance of race is totally irrelevant to me. I place anthropology in with the social sciences even though it traditionally has a physical scientific component to it. Anyway continuing on in light of my point of the social sciences : what anthropology thinks about race is irrelevant, at least to me, biology and genetics can easily prove the existance of race (sub-speciation with homosapiens proper). Why does one even need anthropology ? One technically doesn’t. I don’t waste my time with any social science as it does not have a high fidelity to truth.
29 July, 2011 at 8:52 am
“bf Says:
28 July, 2011 at 6:15 pm
Carleton Steven Coon was a racist anthropologist who believed race is the the definging factor in human progress, whereas Boaz and his trained Jewish puppets believed that race plays no part thereof. The Jews insisted that human populations were different because of geography or environment.”
BF, my fellow white brother – you have a lot to learn about our jewish enemies.
Boaz, and his fellow jews were then, and still are today, fully aware of the vast differences between the different races on this planet.
That’s why they advocate eugenics for their race and dysgenics (dysgenics – the study of the operation of factors causing degeneration in the type of offspring produced) for all other races, most particularly for White Europeans. It is also why they are so unbelievably obsessed with destroying White Europeans via wars, abortion, genocidal open borders immigration policies, pushing for miscegenation of whites and non-whites, feminism, demonizing motherhood, homosexuality, and keeping taxes on whites so high to prevent them from being able to afford to have white children.
In essence, jews like Boaz and his ilk will go to extraordinary lengths to dream up ridiculously moronic and clearly false ideologies that are designed to be peddled to the people who they fear, who they see as dangerous competition and who they therefore wish to destroy. The whole idea of ‘denying the existence of race’ is merely a jew instigated pile of steaming manure that is part of their tactical battle against White European men and women. But, all this baloney is nothing more than jew pseudo-mumbo-jumbo, or to be more direct – jew bullshit.
I’m convinced that behind closed doors, the jews probably hoot and laugh and slap each other on the backs, howling with hysterical laughter over how many stupid white idiots they’ve managed to talk into swallowing their bullshit lies.
And, whites really are some of the most naive and gullible and downright stupid humans to ever walk upright on two legs.
Our enemy, the jew – in addition to their endless list of evil characteristics, is a long term, long range thinker – and that’s why they seem to always be one step ahead of the white man, whose naivete and suicidal streak of deeply implanted ‘Christian morality’ fails to give him the ability to wage a proper battle against an opponent who is too diabolically evil and demonically cunning for the white man to comprehend.
Which is why whites absolutely must shed this Christ-insanity.
29 July, 2011 at 11:16 am
Excellent ponderous posts for lurkers to read.
I had experienced 100% jooo anthropology departments that fully assaulting whites/history and getting Paid for it.
Arrogant criminal liar bastards.
29 July, 2011 at 11:22 am
Luke, I wish most Whites knew what you said in these few words.We have a long way to go before that happens.
For the record: it was another Jew who started this whole “races don’t exist”-business: Ashley Montague (real name: Israel Ehrenberg) with his influential book: “Man’s Most Dagerous Myth: the Fallacy of Race”(1942),in which he not only “proved” that races don’t exist but also suggested to use the term “ethnic group”(a cultural concept) instead of the word race.
Franz Boas (not:Boaz) was a German-Jewish Marxist who wanted to play down the importance of race,stressing “culture” instead,while at the same time asserting that Western culture was not superior to any other one,even the most primitive.His main “shabbos Goyim” were Ruth Benedict and the notorious Margared Mead,both lesbians. Boas succeeded to dominate the study of Anthropology by strategically placing his (mostly Jewish) pupils in main universities.His ideas became mainstream in America.
Jews understand very well how to dominate a society: occupy key positions in finance,politics,media and education.Thus a small minority can control a great society and- in the case of the Jews – destroy it,which they see as the highest assignment in their life (“tikkun olam”).
They are a species from Hell who have no right to exist among us humans.
29 July, 2011 at 12:04 pm
you summed it up. The strategy of the Jew can be recognized by stepping back and trying to see the overall picture of what is happening, when it started and what the instigators’ names are. That we whites are to be destroyed is obvious if one can separate oneself from the propaganda machine. Movies, network news, recommended books, newspapers, approved opinions, commentaries, calls for reforms, equal rights, etc. must be viewed always as a means of manipulation and their true meaning identified. Also important is the substitution of meaning in words. Words which are supposed to be out should still be used, because if used in the correct context no one can make a non-hysterical objection. So, say “race” or “negro” when the notion comes up.
29 July, 2011 at 5:24 pm
I consider myself an amateur racial anthropologist, persona non grata. However, since the only person I have to please is me, I must say that in my observations Whites aren’t doing too well in arena of keeping the homeland safe and strong. I suspect it has something to do with what Luke said: Which is why whites absolutely must shed this Christ-insanity. Now, I really don’t know if that is the solution or maybe they should kick the Jews out of buy off the so called evangelical preachers, especially the one on TV. When I was growing up there was no such thing as Judeo-Christianity, whatever the hell that means. I really don’t want to stray too far into religion because it is not an area that I am an expert in; I just know that Jews weren’t worshiped like they are today when I was coming up. Anyway, the point I want to make is, I think what America needs is to become a beacon to the world with invention and morality, something that is lacking today. There is nothing wrong with helping others with charity, but as a White race we don’t need to adopt them or assist them in changing their nature or culture. Whites should never mix with any other race and should help each other to raise the bar on White achievement and culture. We already see the damage our leaders have done with the black race in subsidizing black babies to the lowest IQ parents. This is a mess that will have to be cleaned up, and do the Christians among us have the stones to help. If the answer is no then we need to look at South Africa to foretell our future.
29 July, 2011 at 8:40 pm
See the brainwashing at work-Cocky Jew Tim Wise and Angela Davis talk about ‘White Privilege : A powerful educational tool for high schools, colleges and communities nationwide.’ google Tim Wise and see
30 July, 2011 at 4:41 am
The CHUTZPAH of all this talk about socalled ” White Privilege” is that IT IS THE JEWS who lead this campaign while they themselves are the MOST PRIVILEGED GROUP OF AMERICA.Their trick is to incite rancorous underachieving groups (underprivileged BY NATURE with a lower intelligence) against Whites in order to weaken them and then appropriate even more privileges for themselves.The hypocrisy is stunning.It is about time for a conference about JEWISH PRIVILEGE.
30 July, 2011 at 5:34 am
Many anthropologist have noted the religious divisions within Europe roughly parallel the home regions of the three racial groups, namely Nordics, Meds and Alpines. The Nordic regions with their independent minded people choose Protestantism to satisfy their spiritual needs, while people of Med ancestory with their greater needs of the imagination remained faithful to Catholicism. The Alpines appear to have less interest in either the questioning or imaginative aspects of religion, they go with whatever is convenient or provides results.
In our questioning of the historical and future place of Christianity within the White world we run the risk of irritating and alienating our potential supporters. This problem was addressed by a Southern lady’s prize letter in the October 1977 issue of Instauration, (page 10).
“I speak thus candidly for fear that a majority of the Majority, in subservience to the Christisan religion, will continue to be our Achilles Heel, blindly acquiescing in anything sanctioned by the ‘Book’. They gave complacent, even enthuiastic, assent to the actual physical dispossession of the pathetic Palestinians. Surely there is a sort of poetic justice in that they, all unconscious of it yet, have also become the dispossessed.”
30 July, 2011 at 6:08 am
CW-2, the late William F. Buckley, Jr. was very Anglo-Saxon, yet he was also an ardent Catholic. So is the paleo-conservative commentator, Scots-Irish and occasional presidential candidate Pat Buchanan. His friend and fellow Jesuit educated conservative Scots-Irish Catholic is none other than John McGlaughlin, host of The McGlaughlin Group. I would hardly classify any of those guys as colorful Mediterranean types in need of Catholic pageantry and imagery.
But then again I suppose the exceptions prove the rule?
30 July, 2011 at 6:49 am
Tim, that s a very interesting observation. In defense I can only say according to Gunther there is a strong Med strain within the Scots and Irish.
30 July, 2011 at 11:49 am
“. . .Jews understand very well how to dominate a society: occupy key positions in finance,politics,media and education. . .”
True- but how do they get those positions?
30 July, 2011 at 12:06 pm
Jews get those positions because they are the MASTERS OF BULLSHIT.
30 July, 2011 at 2:16 pm
That was a great post Socrates!We could all use some edjumacation on just WHY we ARE SUPERIOR—-however i don’t need an anthropologist to tell me i am Superior to all these Gooks ,Wogs,Beaners,and assorted kink-haired Shitskins,i just feel it.I also feel ardently that we must be separate from them and not even interact with them except when absolutely neccessary,in a business environment,and don’t even like looking at their ugly,primitive asses.They are a competing ,invading Humanoid who holds hatred and envy in their sub-human hearts for all we have built,and have.
The Natural Science of Race Differences,must be a foundation for our future Aryan State.Gunther obviously didn’t shy away from scientific reality but embraced it.It shows the cowardice of this arm of science that they can be so easily silienced by the PC Machine.However,they work under a system that is Orwellian and Rabidly Marxist in its forcing the false doctrine of”racial equality” on all Whites.–The very term is an oxymoron and all history and examples of common sense fly against it.So ardent are the Multi-Culti Lemmings to embrace that concept and FORCE that belief on everyone else,they have become the New High Preists of White Genocide–also known as the Communist Idea—Multi-culturalism.
Some day–the War of Darwinian Selection will hopefully correct all this.
We must ever be on our Guard against the poison of the Jew.
30 July, 2011 at 4:36 pm
Not every Jew is smart most have severe mental limitations, but among them there are at least one hundred thousand talented manipulators. They can put the spin on anything and have turned the name of horse shit into fertilizer. Reality is a social construct and those one hundred thousand Jews shape it best.
31 July, 2011 at 7:31 am
Tim McGreen said: “CW-2, the late William F. Buckley, Jr. was very Anglo-Saxon, yet he was also an ardent Catholic.”
You evidently haven’t read this outstanding exposure of Buckley by Joe Sobran:
In short, William F. Buckley Jr. was a race traitorous slab of jew testicle licking hyena shit. Thanks to this despicable chunk of white human filth – who worked to fire and remove from the ‘conservative’ movement every one of the traditional, and far more racial realistic minded, white conservatives who once dominated the National Review and who helped keep the GOP in line as an America First, non-interventionist, non-globalist, less militaristic counter-weight to the war mongering, interventionist minded, big-government Democrats.
Buckley ruined not only the brilliant career of Joe Sobran, but due to his influence and purging of the old WASP conservatives from his National Review publication – he cleared the way for these greasy, vile, despicably evil, virulently anti-white, war-mongering without end for the sake of Israel and mostly jewish Trotskyite neo-cons to take over the entire Republican Party.
Bill Buckley Jr’s grave deserves to be pissed upon, Mr. McGreen. This piece of shit did NOTHING to benefit his own race and instead worked like a modern day Benedict Arnold to shove a knife in our backs.
31 July, 2011 at 1:56 pm
Luke Says:
31 July, 2011 at 7:31 am
Tim McGreen said: “CW-2, the late William F. Buckley, Jr. was very Anglo-Saxon, yet he was also an ardent Catholic.”
You evidently haven’t read this outstanding exposure of Buckley by Joe Sobran:
In short, William F. Buckley Jr. was a race traitorous slab of jew testicle licking hyena shit. Thanks to this despicable chunk of white human filth – who worked to fire and remove from the ‘conservative’ movement every one of the traditional, and far more racial realistic minded, white conservatives who once dominated the National Review and who helped keep the GOP in line as an America First, non-interventionist, non-globalist, less militaristic counter-weight to the war mongering, interventionist minded, big-government Democrats.
Buckley ruined not only the brilliant career of Joe Sobran, but due to his influence and purging of the old WASP conservatives from his National Review publication – he cleared the way for these greasy, vile, despicably evil, virulently anti-white, war-mongering without end for the sake of Israel and mostly jewish Trotskyite neo-cons to take over the entire Republican Party.
Bill Buckley Jr’s grave deserves to be pissed upon, Mr. McGreen. This piece of shit did NOTHING to benefit his own race and instead worked like a modern day Benedict Arnold to shove a knife in our backs.
2 0
Buckley was either insane, or the joo’s had photo’s of him compromished in something weird and so that is why he did their bidding, as I believe Teddy Kennedy was either insane or compromised severely, along with Three of his brothers and nephew Murdered IMO.
31 July, 2011 at 3:38 pm
In 1952 Buckley wrote a very telling article for the Catholic Weekly, The Commonweal, where he stated,
…we have to accept Big Government for the duration – for neither an offensive nor defensive war can be waged given our present government skills, except through the instrument of a totalitarian bureaucracy within our shores…
He was a Bonesman, like Bush and Bush.
31 July, 2011 at 5:40 pm
I wasn’t defending Bill Buckley’s neo-conservatism, I just pointed out that he was a Catholic. And yes, also a Bonesman. And a Knight of Malta, as well.
31 July, 2011 at 6:50 pm
I’ve got the ghost of Mr. Buckley on the line here, calling from Limbo. I’ll put him on the speaker.
Ethereal chorus singing in the background, accompanied by Mr. Buckley on harpsichord.. Well, I should like to take issue, if I may, with Luke’s characterization of me as quote, “a race traitorous slab of jew (sic)testicle licking hyena shit”, and, again I’m quoting here, “a despicable chunk of white human filth”.
Your unkind ad hominem remarks remind me of the at times rancorous televised debates I had with Gore Vidal during the 1968 Democratic National Convention. Read my essay on him in the August 1969 issue of Esquire for further elucidation.
It may be of some interest to you, Luke, to know that I opposed the Iraq War and that I was a supporter of the late Senator Joe McCarthy’s crusade against Communism.
Furthermore, you might want to qualify your enthusiastic support for Sobran, for he was a Fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute. Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito. And now that I’m a member of the Great Majority, I can admit that yes, I did in fact warn Sobran not to “antagonize the Zionist crowd.” But what of it? I still maintain that his series of 1993 articles for The National Review were of a contextually anti-Semitic nature. However, let the record state that did defend Sobran from the tirades of Norman Podhoretz. Mr. McGreen will attest to the veracity of that assertion.
I’m afraid I must depart now. There’s a long line waiting to use this Limbo-phone. Yes, yes, Mr. Aquinas, I’m getting off the line right now.
Vos vestros servate, meos mihi linquite mores.
Mr. Buckley? Mr. Buckley? I guess he’s gone. Well, Luke, what do you think of him now?
31 July, 2011 at 9:26 pm
During that 1968 debate Buckley called Vidal “Mr. Eleanor Roosevelt.”
1 August, 2011 at 10:38 pm
Gore was a trillion times more of patriot than Buckley and family could ever have been, he was a enemy alien front and enabler.
Rest in Hell you bastard.
1 August, 2011 at 11:02 pm
I didn’t realize that Buckley and Thomas Aquinas were both in Limbo. I should have thought they were in Catholic Heaven. Maybe it takes a few centuries before a seat becomes available.
3 August, 2011 at 10:53 am
Money smart Jews can never compete on the Chinese mainland. The Chinks know their hedge funds,bond markets, and money changing better then those wearing skull caps. Blacks would make some inroads as athletes, the Chinks are not tall enough to play basketball or fast enough to run in a hundred yard dash.